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Quantitative economic history, Economic History Working Papers, London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Economic History
Dhumale, Rahul,
Capital Adequacy Standards: Are They Sufficient?, Working Papers, Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge
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The importance of banks, the quality of credit and the international financial order: reflections on the present crisis in South East Asia, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, 51, (207), 371-386
Hamdaoui, Mekki; Saif Eddine Ayouni and Samir Maktouf,
Capital Account Liberalization, Political Stability, and Economic Growth, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 13, (1), 723-772
Herz, Christian; Daniela Neunert; Sebastian Will; Niko J. Wolf and Tobias Zwick,
Portfolioallokation: Einbezug verschiedener Assetklassen, No 2012-01, Bayreuth Working Papers on Finance, Accounting and Taxation (FAcT-Papers), University of Bayreuth, Chair of Finance and Banking
Hilbers, Paul; Lisbeth Zacho and Qin Lei,
Real Estate Market Developments and Financal Sector Soundness, No 2001/129, IMF Working Papers, International Monetary Fund
Huff, Gregg; Gerda Dewit and Christine Oughton,
Credibility and Reputation Building in the Developmental State: A Model with East Asian Applications, World Development, 29, (4), 711-724
Nissanke, Machiko and Howard Stein,
Financial Globalization and Economic Development: Toward an Institutional Foundation, Eastern Economic Journal, 29, (2), 287-308
Shih, Michael S. H.,
An investigation into the use of mergers as a solution for the Asian banking sector crisis, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 43, (1), 31-49
Su, Xiaojian; Cheng Peng; Zhike Lv and Chao Deng,
Do the Renminbi and Hong Kong dollar bubbles interact?, International Journal of Finance & Economics, 27, (1), 312-319
Toporowski, Jan and Giovanni Cozzi,
The Balance Sheet Approach to Financial Crises in Emerging Markets, Economics Working Paper Archive, Levy Economics Institute
Yücel, Mustafa,
A Review and Bibliography of Early Warning Models, MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany
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