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Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World

Department of Economics

Princeton University

Location: Princeton, New Jersey (United States)
Homepage: https://economics.princeton.edu/

Phone: (609) 258-4000
Fax: (609) 258-6419
Postal: 001 Fisher Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544-1021
Handle: RePEc:edi:deprius
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Registered alumni from this institution

Their publications
Find all publications of all alumni listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.

Their author profiles
People who have registered with RePEc and have received their terminal degree from this institution according to the RePEc genealogy. Alumni with publications are listed below with .

  1. Abe, Yukiko (1994)
  2. Adnan, Wifag
  3. Altonji, Joseph G. (1981)
  4. Andrikogiannopoulou, Angie (2010)
  5. Angrist, Joshua D (1989)
  6. Aoki, Kosuke
  7. Ashenfelter, Orley (1970)
  8. Atkin, David Guy (2009)
  9. Baccara, Mariagiovanna (2003)
  10. Bailey, Elizabeth Ellery (1972)
  11. Baron, Matthew D. (2015)
  12. Barrow, Lisa (1999)
  13. Beaudry, Paul (1989)
  14. Benigno, Pierpaolo (2000)
  15. Benjamin, Dwayne (1989)
  16. Berrebi, Claude (2004)
  17. Bhattarai, Saroj (2010)
  18. Blomquist, Soren (1976)
  19. Bloom, David (1981)
  20. Boivin, Jean (2000)
  21. Bonomo, Marco Antonio (1992)
  22. Brambilla, Irene (2004)
  23. Bresnahan, Timothy (1980)
  24. Budd, John (1991)
  25. Cadot, Olivier (1991)
  26. Cameron, Trudy Ann (1982)
  27. Capelle, Damien (2020)
  28. Card, David E. (1983)
  29. Carraro, Carlo (1985)
  30. Carvalho, Carlos Viana de (2008)
  31. Case, Anne (1988)
  32. Chatterjee, Arpita (2010)
  33. Chatterjee, Shoumitro (2018)
  34. Chay, Kenneth (1996)
  35. Cho, Inkoo (1986)
  36. Choi, Dong Beom (2012)
  37. Coles, Melvyn Glyn (1989)
  38. Connolly, Marie (2007)
  39. Cui, Wei (2013)
  40. Currie, Janet (1988)
  41. Dahl, Gordon B. (1998)
  42. de Paula, Aureo (2006)
  43. Depetris Chauvin, Nicolas (2009)
  44. Deschenes, Olivier (2001)
  45. DiNardo, John Enrico (1990)
  46. Dix-Carneiro, Rafael (2011)
  47. Doran, Kirk B. (2008)
  48. Dow, James (1987)
  49. Duca, John V. (1986)
  50. Dziuda, Wioletta
  51. Edge, Rochelle
  52. Eggertsson, Gauti B. (2004)
  53. Eisenbach, Thomas M. (2011)
  54. Ekmekci, Mehmet (2006)
  55. Encarnacion, Jose Jr.
  56. Epple, Dennis (1975)
  57. Evans, Martin (1987)
  58. Ferdowsian, Andrew (2023)
  59. Fulford, Scott Lansing (2009)
  60. Gale, Ian (1986)
  61. Garcia, Rene
  62. Genesove, David (1991)
  63. Gentry, William M. (1991)
  64. Giannoni, Marc P.
  65. Goldberg, Linda S. (1988)
  66. Gonzalez-Navarro, Marco (2009)
  67. Gopinath, Gita (2001)
  68. Gorno, Leandro (2013)
  69. Greenstone, Michael (1998)
  70. Grenier, Gilles (1982)
  71. Grillo, Edoardo (2012)
  72. Gul, Faruk (1986)
  73. Gurkaynak, Refet S. (2004)
  74. Gylfason, Thorvaldur (1977)
  75. Halliday, Timothy J. (2004)
  76. Hallock, Kevin F. (1995)
  77. Ham, John Christopher (1980)
  78. Harrison, Ann E. (1991)
  79. Hart, Oliver D. (1974)
  80. Hau, Harald (1996)
  81. Heckman, James J. (1971)
  82. Helsley, Robert W. (1985)
  83. Herbst, Daniel (2018)
  84. Ho, Paul (2019)
  85. Hoff, Karla (1989)
  86. Hsiaw, Alice (2010)
  87. Hu, Luojia (2000)
  88. Hyslop, Dean Robert (1994)
  89. Igan, Deniz (2008)
  90. Jain, Sanjay (1995)
  91. Jinnai, Ryo (2009)
  92. Jolliffe, Dean
  93. Julliard, Christian (2005)
  94. Justiniano, Alejandro (2004)
  95. Khor, Hoe Ee (1982)
  96. Kiefer, Nicholas M. (1976)
  97. Kirman, Alan (1971)
  98. Krishna, Kala (1984)
  99. Krishna, Vijay (1983)
  100. Kubota, So (2017)
  101. LaLonde, Robert John (1985)
  102. Lawson, Nicholas (2013)
  103. Leahy, John (1990)
  104. Lee, Jae Won (2008)
  105. Leeds, Michael A. (1983)
  106. Lemieux, Thomas (1989)
  107. Leppel, Karen (1980)
  108. Lettau, Martin (1994)
  109. Levine, Phillip B. (1990)
  110. Levinsohn, James (1988)
  111. Levy, Gilat (1999)
  112. Levy, Helen (1998)
  113. Lieberman, Carl Adam (2021)
  114. Liu, Elaine M. (2009)
  115. Lu, Jay (2014)
  116. Ludvigson, Sydney C. (1996)
  117. Luo, Yulei (2005)
  118. Luong, Tuan Anh (2011)
  119. Lusardi, Annamaria (1992)
  120. Lyon, Andrew B (1986)
  121. MacKinnon, James (1975)
  122. Mahajan, Aprajit (2004)
  123. Mailath, George J. (1985)
  124. Mas, Alexandre (2004)
  125. Mastrobuoni, Giovanni (2006)
  126. Matejka, Filip (2010)
  127. McCall, Brian (1988)
  128. McKay, Alisdair
  129. McKenzie, Lionel W. (1956)
  130. McLaren, John Edward (1992)
  131. McLennan, Andrew (1982)
  132. Mei, Jianping (1990)
  133. Mester, Loretta J. (1985)
  134. Michaelides, Alexander (1997)
  135. Mihov, Ilian (1996)
  136. Milani, Fabio (2006)
  137. Miller, Ashley Ruth
  138. Miller, Douglas Lee (2000)
  139. Mondria, Jordi (2006)
  140. Moser, Christian (2016)
  141. Nakajima, Daisuke (2006)
  142. Nakamura, Leonard Isamu (1986)
  143. Natenzon, Paulo Esteban (2011)
  144. Nechio, Fernanda (2010)
  145. Nelson, Robert H.
  146. Ng, Serena (1993)
  147. Oaxaca, Ronald L. (1971)
  148. Olszewski, Wojciech (2001)
  149. Ortner, Juan Matias (2012)
  150. Ostrizek, Franz (2020)
  151. Oyer, Paul (1996)
  152. Panagariya, Arvind (1978)
  153. Pavcnik, Nina (1999)
  154. Payne, A. Abigail (1995)
  155. Pei, Zhuan (2012)
  156. Peracchi, Franco (1987)
  157. Perry, Motty (1983)
  158. Pfau, Wade Donald (2003)
  159. Pinheiro, Marcelo
  160. Pischke, Jorn-Steffen (1992)
  161. Plaut, Steven E. (1978)
  162. Porter, Robert H. (1981)
  163. Preston, Bruce (2003)
  164. Primiceri, Giorgio E. (2004)
  165. Quintana-Domeque, Climent (2008)
  166. Ransom, Michael R (1983)
  167. Reny, Philip J. (1988)
  168. Richardson, Martin (1990)
  169. Robinson, Jonathan (2007)
  170. Rodrik, Dani (1985)
  171. Rogers, Carol Ann (1997)
  172. Rossi, Barbara (2001)
  173. Rotemberg, Julio J. (1981)
  174. Ruffle, Bradley (1996)
  175. Sappington, David E. M. (1980)
  176. Schaal, Edouard (2011)
  177. Schanzenbach, Diane Whitmore (2002)
  178. Schmidt, Christoph M. (1991)
  179. Schnell, Molly (2018)
  180. Schwartzman, Felipe
  181. Sen, Arijit (2002)
  182. Sen, Arunava (1987)
  183. Shapley, Lloyd S. (1953)
  184. Shore-Sheppard, Lara (1996)
  185. Shubik, Martin (1953)
  186. Sichel, Daniel (1988)
  187. Simon, Leo K. (1981)
  188. Skeie, David R. (2004)
  189. Slusky, David (2015)
  190. Smith, John Alan (2007)
  191. Snower, Dennis (1975)
  192. Soderlind, Paul (1993)
  193. Solon, Gary (1983)
  194. Strange, William C. (1991)
  195. Stromberg, David (1999)
  196. Svejnar, Jan (1979)
  197. Swinkels, Jeroen (1990)
  198. Takats, Elod (2006)
  199. Tambalotti, Andrea (2004)
  200. Tarozzi, Alessandro (2002)
  201. Thomas, Duncan (1986)
  202. Tille, Cedric (1998)
  203. Tinsley, Peter (1966)
  204. Unlu, Fatih (2007)
  205. van Rens, Thijs (2005)
  206. Virag, Gabor (2004)
  207. Vogel, Jonathan E. (2007)
  208. Vogelsang, Timothy (1993)
  209. von Furstenberg, George M. (1967)
  210. White, Michelle (1973)
  211. Whited, Toni M (1990)
  212. Williamson, John Harold (1963)
  213. Wu, Stephen (2000)
  214. Xiu, Dacheng (2011)
  215. Yamagishi, Atsushi
  216. Yasuda, Yosuke (2007)
  217. Yin, Wesley (2005)
  218. Yinger, John (1975)
  219. Zeltzer, Dan (2016)
  220. Zhou, Haonan (2024)
  221. Zodrow, George R. (1980)


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