Ujian merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengevaluasi proses belajar. Dalam dunia pendidikan u... more Ujian merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengevaluasi proses belajar. Dalam dunia pendidikan ujian dimaksudkan untuk mengukur taraf pencapaian suatu pengajaran oleh siswa sebagai peserta didik, sehingga siswadapat mengetahui tingkat kemampuannya dalam memahami bidang studi yang sedang ditempuh. Pada beberapa SMA Negeri di Kota Mataram, masih menggunakan sistem ujian secara manual (konvensional) yang menggunakan kertas sebagai media evaluasi proses belajar (ujian), waktu yang dihabiskan oleh guru akan tersita banyak karena guru harus mengecek satu persatu jawaban setiap siswauntuk melihat hasil dari ujian, siswa juga harus menunggu lebih lama untuk melihat hasil ujiannya karena hal tersebut. Hasil yang dicapai dalam penelitian ini yaitu terciptanya aplikasi ujian online dengan penilaian otomatis menggunakan algoritma Cosine Similarity yang dapat mempermudah dan mempercepat kerja staff tata usaha, guru dan siswa dalam pelaksanaan ujian
Universities currently need information systems to support their activities. Bumigora University ... more Universities currently need information systems to support their activities. Bumigora University is one of the universities that implements information systems such as Siska and E-Learning. Both the system and the database of the two systems are still independent. So that the same data input is still happening on different systems. Based on these problems, it is necessary to develop a database that can connect information from Siska and E-Learning. The method used in this research is Schema Matching. The Schema Matching method used is the Linguistic, Constraint, and Instance Schema Matching method. The results showed that there were several table pairs with true positive and false positive values so that the precision, recall, and F-measure values obtained were 0.8, 1, and 0.89. The F-measure value obtained is 0.89 which is greater than 0.5 so it can be said that the scheme matching process is running quite well.
The development of the communication technology era has made it easier in the process of exchangi... more The development of the communication technology era has made it easier in the process of exchanging information from various parties. However, not all of the information provided can be used by many parties. Sometimes the information is intended for partial purposes only or is confidential. So, it is necessary to process information security. Several ways can be used such as cryptography. This method is used to encrypt messages or information. Methods that can be used in cryptography include vigenere cipher and caesar cipher methods. Both of these methods use the technique of replacing each original character with a character or letter. Substitution is based on keywords or character position shift command. However, this method is quite easy to solve by using the Brute Force method and the frequency of letters that often appear. Based on this problem, it is necessary to modify or combine it so that it is more difficult to crack. This research describes the combination of the vigenere...
JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia, 2022
West Nusa Tenggara is one of the tourist attractions in Indonesia which has a certain attraction ... more West Nusa Tenggara is one of the tourist attractions in Indonesia which has a certain attraction for tourists. With the increase in tourism in NTB, it is necessary to make adequate efforts to maintain tourist objects and attractions. In an effort to maintain a tourist attraction, the NTB provincial tourism office needs to analyze and predict the arrival of local and international tourists. The current analysis and prediction process is still being carried out by collecting data from each tourist attraction entrance. The processed data produces predictions of tourist arrivals, both local and international, where the data processing process takes a long time and requires high human resources. To overcome these problems, it is done by applying computational predictions. Computational predictions can minimize the prediction time and human resources required. The method used is a neural network algorithm with optimized parameters using a genetic algorithm. The optimized parameters are th...
MATRIX : Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi dan Informatika
Patient data is one of the datasets managed by the hospital. Patient data in the form of examinat... more Patient data is one of the datasets managed by the hospital. Patient data in the form of examination results and other data is important data that is private and confidential. Therefore, patient data needs to be secured so that there is no misuse of data by parties who are not responsible for things that can harm the data owner. One of the several methods that can be used to secure data is cryptography. Cryptography itself has several algorithms, one of which is blowfish. This study applies the blowfish algorithm to secure patient data in the database to reduce the possibility of data misuse by irresponsible parties. This study succeeded in implementing the blowfish algorithm for securing patient data. The data stored in the database is the result of encryption using the blowfish algorithm, the results of which are difficult to understand because there is a combination of symbols and text. The application of the algorithm affects the data storage time in the database, which original...
Abstrak—Keamanan dan kerahasiaan data atau informasi pada masa sekarang ini telah menjadi perhati... more Abstrak—Keamanan dan kerahasiaan data atau informasi pada masa sekarang ini telah menjadi perhatian penting. Penggunaan data citra semakin luas dalam berbagai bidang. Oleh karena itu, pengamanan data citra dari akses yang tidak berhak menjadi hal yang penting. Berbagai macam teknik untuk meningkatkan keamanan data atau informasi telah dikembangkan, salah satunya yaitu dengan teknik Kriptografi atau biasa disebut teknik enkripsi / dekripsi. Kriptografi adalah ilmu untuk menjaga keamanan pesan dengan cara mengubah data atau informasi menjadi suatu bentuk yang berbeda atau tidak dapat dikenali. Untuk mengimbangi kecepatan komputasi yang semakin meningkat, dibutuhkan lebih dari satu algorimta enkripsi untuk meningkatkan keamanan pada citra. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan menggunakan algoritma kriptorafi ganda untuk melakukan enrkripsi dan dekripsi. Algoritma kriptografi yang sering digunakan saat ini dan terbukti kekuatannya terhusus pada citra digital adalah Algoritma dengan sistem C...
Security and confidentiality of data or information at the present time has become an important c... more Security and confidentiality of data or information at the present time has become an important concern. Advanced methods for secure transmission, storage, and retrieval of digital images are increasingly needed for a number of military, medical, homeland security, and other applications. Various kinds of techniques for increase security data or information already is developed, one common way is by cryptographic techniques. Cryptography is science to maintain the security of the message by changing data or information into a different form, so the message cannot be recognized. To compensate for increasing computing speeds increases, it takes more than one encryption algorithm to improve security of digital images. One way is by using algorithms to double cryptography do encryption and decryption. Cryptographic algorithm often used today and the proven strength specially the digital image is Algorithm with Chaos system. To improve security at the image then we use Additional algorit...
Abstrak Kemajuan teknologi informasi dapat digunakan untuk membantu proses belajar yang ada pada ... more Abstrak Kemajuan teknologi informasi dapat digunakan untuk membantu proses belajar yang ada pada lingkungan sekolah, istilah ini dikenal dengan e-learning. Penerapan e-learning dalam membantu proses belajar telah lama diterapkan baik di tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas ataupun di tingkat perguruan tinggi. Publikasi ini akan memaparkan implementasi dari e-learning yang telah dibangun di Kabupaten Lombok Utara yaitu pada SMAN 1 Gangga, SMAN 1 Pemenang, dan SMAN 1 Tanjung. Aplikasi yang dibuat berbasis website sehingga dapat diakses oleh siswa/i dimanapun dan kapanpun. E-learning yang dibangun menyediakan berbagai fasilitas untuk mendukung proses belajar mengajar seperti unduh materi, soal latihan/kuis, tugas, dan forum diskusi bagi guru dan siswa. Tujuan dari implementasi e-learning pada lingkungan sekolah adalah selain dari memperkenalkan internet, hal ini dapat juga menjadi gaya baru dalam proses belajar mengajar pada lingkungan sekolah karena pembelajaran dengan metode e-learning tida...
Vocational High School or in Indonesian abbreviated as SMK, is a government program that was buil... more Vocational High School or in Indonesian abbreviated as SMK, is a government program that was built with the aim that students can have expertise in certain fields and can be the initial capital for them in looking for work. An accredited educational curriculum and the many practical activities provided to students can also ensure that SMK graduates are ready to enter the workforce. However, in today's world of work, it requires workers who, in addition to having skills, must also have work experience. There are events held by the government regarding Job Vacancy info which are held only a few times a year so that more participants are participating and the unemployment rate in the regions is getting higher. Based on the above problems, the authors provide a solution by creating a "Freelance Service Provider Application" which is expected to bring together workers and job seekers. The application is made web-based so that it can be easily accessed through various types ...
Abstrak Pulau Lombok merupakan salah satu daerah tujuan wisata di Indonesia yang memiliki potensi... more Abstrak Pulau Lombok merupakan salah satu daerah tujuan wisata di Indonesia yang memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sebuah aplikasi e-tourism yang dapat diakses secara luas oleh masyarakat melalui halaman website. Aplikasi yang akan dikembangkan dapat digunakan untuk membantu wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Pulau Lombok untuk mengetahui objek wisata yang dilengkapi petunjuk arah menuju objek wisata. Selain itu, wisatawan juga dapat melihat informasi terkait agenda kebudayaan yang diselenggarakan serta informasi hotel yang ada di Pulau Lombok. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode waterfall. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu cara untuk mempromosikan objek wisata yang ada di Pulau Lombok dan dapat membantu wisatawan yang berkunjung di Pulau Lombok sehingga dapat meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan di Pulau Lombok.
Problem faced by goods delivery service providers today is that there are found consumers they ha... more Problem faced by goods delivery service providers today is that there are found consumers they have difficulty in finding couriers to transport large goods, thus causing consumers to have to go to the owner of a pickup car or delivery service provider, it can take a lot of time and cost. To solve the problem, there is currently no system that facilitates consumers in ordering couriers optimally. Therefore, it requires a delivery system that can order couriers only through a smartphone owned. The result that was wanted to be achieved in this study was the creation of a multiplatform based courier ordering system with a REST web service architecture that can be accessed through computer and Android platforms. With the construction of this system testing of the web service, the test results of the web service function stated that, all functions tested show valid results, this means that the entire web service function on the application, already fulfilled the design, in addition to tes...
Matrix : Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi dan Informatika
University requires the integration of data from one system with other systems as needed. This is... more University requires the integration of data from one system with other systems as needed. This is because there are still many processes to input the same data but with different information systems. The application of data integration generally has several obstacles, one of which is due to the diversity of databases used by each information system. Schema matching is one method that can be used to overcome data integration problems caused by database diversity. The schema matching method used in this research is linguistic and constraint. The results of the matching scheme are used as material for optimizing data integration at the database level. The optimization process shows a change in the number of tables and attributes in the database that is a decrease in the number of tables by 13 tables and 492 attributes. The changes were caused by some tables and attributes were omitted and normalized. This research shows that after optimization, data integration becomes better because t...
ABSTRAK Proses pembayaran biaya pendidikan pada STMIK Bumigora Mataram selama ini masih dilakukan... more ABSTRAK Proses pembayaran biaya pendidikan pada STMIK Bumigora Mataram selama ini masih dilakukan secara manual yaitu mulai dari mahasiswa mengambil blangko pembayaran di bagian keuangan lalu membayar secara tunai pada bank yang di tunjuk dan menyerahkan bukti pembayaran pada bagian keuangan dan akademik. Proses ini membutuhkan waktu 1 jam 30 menit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan rekayasa ulang proses bisnis terhadap proses pembayaran biaya pendidikan pada STMIK Bumigora mataram sehingga dapat meningkatkan efisiensi proses yang ada selama ini menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Adanya penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan dan pertimbangan pihak perguruan tinggi dalam penerapan rencana strategis pengembangan (TIK) pada STMIK Bumigora Mataram. Dengan adanya rekayasa ulang proses bisnis diperoleh perubahan yang radikal terhadap proses pembayaran biaya pendidikan pada STMIK Bumigora Mataram. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa perancangan desain sistem informasi berda...
ABSTRAK Masyarakat Lombok, NTB memiliki banyak produk kerajian tangan, diantaranya adalah Ketak. ... more ABSTRAK Masyarakat Lombok, NTB memiliki banyak produk kerajian tangan, diantaranya adalah Ketak. Ketak merupakan anyaman sejenis akar-akaran yang berasal dari tanaman paku pakuan. Ketak dapat dibentuk menjadi berbagai macam kerajinan tangan. Pembuatan kerajinan ini banyak dilakukan oleh ibu – ibu rumah tangga sebagai penghasilan tambahan dan biasanya produk yang dihasilkan dititipkan pada toko-toko penjual oleh-oleh yang ada di kota Mataram. Pasca musibah gempa yang terjadi di pulau lombok pada bulan Agustus 2018, penjualan ketak menurun drastis karena menurunnya kunjungan pariwisata ke Lombok. Selain itu anyaman ketak belum banyak dikenal, dan para pengrajin hanya dapat memasarkan hasil anyamannya dengan cara menitipkan pada pengepul-pengepul (tengkulak) dengan harga murah yang kemudian dijual kembali kepada toko-toko penjual oleh-oleh khas Lombok. Dari permasalahan tersebut perlu adanya pendekatan sistem informasi ekonomi yang dapat mengakomodasi industri rumahan ini. Dengan dibua...
Article History: Received: 05-01-2021 Accepted: 26-01-2021 Abstract: Technological developments t... more Article History: Received: 05-01-2021 Accepted: 26-01-2021 Abstract: Technological developments that require teachers to improve skills in this field to help the teaching and learning process better. Teachers at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Darussholihin NW Kalijaga are still lacking in applying technology, especially in making learning media. Based on these problems, it is necessary to hold training on how to use applications to develop learning media. Some applications that can be used as tools for creating learning media include the Microsoft PowerPoint application which is the most commonly used. This application is commonly used throughout the world to make presentation slides as a medium for delivering material in the teaching and learning process. The method used in this training activity is direct practice to develop learning media using Microsoft PowerPoint. With this service activity, it is hoped that all teachers can improve their abilities in developing learning media using the M...
Construction of Non-Habitable Homes (RTLH) is a government program managed by thesupervision of t... more Construction of Non-Habitable Homes (RTLH) is a government program managed by thesupervision of the Social Service (Dinas Sosial) in the form of housing construction assistancefunds for the poor. In its realization, assistance is still often found to be lacking on target. It isbecause the determination of beneficiaries is not correctly selected, and there are no standardmethods based on existing criteria. These problems require a system that can providerecommendations that conform to clear standards and use techniques that accounted. FuzzySimple Additive Weighting (SAW) method is one method used in decision making. This methodcalculates criteria to get ranking weights to support decision making. The process of selectingcriteria and determining fuzzy variables carried out as a primary process in this method. Afterthe fuzzification weight value obtained, ranking done to use as a reference in the decision makingof recipients. Based on the results of manual testing, the system made is u...
Data security in the process of information exchange is very important. One way to secure the ima... more Data security in the process of information exchange is very important. One way to secure the image is to use cryptographic techniques. Cryptographic algorithms applied to the image is used to randomize the position of pixels using a secret key parameters, so that images can not be recognized anymore after the encryption process. In this study, researchers used the algorithm of chaos known as algorithms compact, fast and commonly used in cryptography especially those in the image file. The results showed the image that has been through an encryption process can not be recognized because the randomization process image pixel position is performed using chaosalgorithm.
Ujian merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengevaluasi proses belajar. Dalam dunia pendidikan u... more Ujian merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengevaluasi proses belajar. Dalam dunia pendidikan ujian dimaksudkan untuk mengukur taraf pencapaian suatu pengajaran oleh siswa sebagai peserta didik, sehingga siswadapat mengetahui tingkat kemampuannya dalam memahami bidang studi yang sedang ditempuh. Pada beberapa SMA Negeri di Kota Mataram, masih menggunakan sistem ujian secara manual (konvensional) yang menggunakan kertas sebagai media evaluasi proses belajar (ujian), waktu yang dihabiskan oleh guru akan tersita banyak karena guru harus mengecek satu persatu jawaban setiap siswauntuk melihat hasil dari ujian, siswa juga harus menunggu lebih lama untuk melihat hasil ujiannya karena hal tersebut. Hasil yang dicapai dalam penelitian ini yaitu terciptanya aplikasi ujian online dengan penilaian otomatis menggunakan algoritma Cosine Similarity yang dapat mempermudah dan mempercepat kerja staff tata usaha, guru dan siswa dalam pelaksanaan ujian
Universities currently need information systems to support their activities. Bumigora University ... more Universities currently need information systems to support their activities. Bumigora University is one of the universities that implements information systems such as Siska and E-Learning. Both the system and the database of the two systems are still independent. So that the same data input is still happening on different systems. Based on these problems, it is necessary to develop a database that can connect information from Siska and E-Learning. The method used in this research is Schema Matching. The Schema Matching method used is the Linguistic, Constraint, and Instance Schema Matching method. The results showed that there were several table pairs with true positive and false positive values so that the precision, recall, and F-measure values obtained were 0.8, 1, and 0.89. The F-measure value obtained is 0.89 which is greater than 0.5 so it can be said that the scheme matching process is running quite well.
The development of the communication technology era has made it easier in the process of exchangi... more The development of the communication technology era has made it easier in the process of exchanging information from various parties. However, not all of the information provided can be used by many parties. Sometimes the information is intended for partial purposes only or is confidential. So, it is necessary to process information security. Several ways can be used such as cryptography. This method is used to encrypt messages or information. Methods that can be used in cryptography include vigenere cipher and caesar cipher methods. Both of these methods use the technique of replacing each original character with a character or letter. Substitution is based on keywords or character position shift command. However, this method is quite easy to solve by using the Brute Force method and the frequency of letters that often appear. Based on this problem, it is necessary to modify or combine it so that it is more difficult to crack. This research describes the combination of the vigenere...
JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia, 2022
West Nusa Tenggara is one of the tourist attractions in Indonesia which has a certain attraction ... more West Nusa Tenggara is one of the tourist attractions in Indonesia which has a certain attraction for tourists. With the increase in tourism in NTB, it is necessary to make adequate efforts to maintain tourist objects and attractions. In an effort to maintain a tourist attraction, the NTB provincial tourism office needs to analyze and predict the arrival of local and international tourists. The current analysis and prediction process is still being carried out by collecting data from each tourist attraction entrance. The processed data produces predictions of tourist arrivals, both local and international, where the data processing process takes a long time and requires high human resources. To overcome these problems, it is done by applying computational predictions. Computational predictions can minimize the prediction time and human resources required. The method used is a neural network algorithm with optimized parameters using a genetic algorithm. The optimized parameters are th...
MATRIX : Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi dan Informatika
Patient data is one of the datasets managed by the hospital. Patient data in the form of examinat... more Patient data is one of the datasets managed by the hospital. Patient data in the form of examination results and other data is important data that is private and confidential. Therefore, patient data needs to be secured so that there is no misuse of data by parties who are not responsible for things that can harm the data owner. One of the several methods that can be used to secure data is cryptography. Cryptography itself has several algorithms, one of which is blowfish. This study applies the blowfish algorithm to secure patient data in the database to reduce the possibility of data misuse by irresponsible parties. This study succeeded in implementing the blowfish algorithm for securing patient data. The data stored in the database is the result of encryption using the blowfish algorithm, the results of which are difficult to understand because there is a combination of symbols and text. The application of the algorithm affects the data storage time in the database, which original...
Abstrak—Keamanan dan kerahasiaan data atau informasi pada masa sekarang ini telah menjadi perhati... more Abstrak—Keamanan dan kerahasiaan data atau informasi pada masa sekarang ini telah menjadi perhatian penting. Penggunaan data citra semakin luas dalam berbagai bidang. Oleh karena itu, pengamanan data citra dari akses yang tidak berhak menjadi hal yang penting. Berbagai macam teknik untuk meningkatkan keamanan data atau informasi telah dikembangkan, salah satunya yaitu dengan teknik Kriptografi atau biasa disebut teknik enkripsi / dekripsi. Kriptografi adalah ilmu untuk menjaga keamanan pesan dengan cara mengubah data atau informasi menjadi suatu bentuk yang berbeda atau tidak dapat dikenali. Untuk mengimbangi kecepatan komputasi yang semakin meningkat, dibutuhkan lebih dari satu algorimta enkripsi untuk meningkatkan keamanan pada citra. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan menggunakan algoritma kriptorafi ganda untuk melakukan enrkripsi dan dekripsi. Algoritma kriptografi yang sering digunakan saat ini dan terbukti kekuatannya terhusus pada citra digital adalah Algoritma dengan sistem C...
Security and confidentiality of data or information at the present time has become an important c... more Security and confidentiality of data or information at the present time has become an important concern. Advanced methods for secure transmission, storage, and retrieval of digital images are increasingly needed for a number of military, medical, homeland security, and other applications. Various kinds of techniques for increase security data or information already is developed, one common way is by cryptographic techniques. Cryptography is science to maintain the security of the message by changing data or information into a different form, so the message cannot be recognized. To compensate for increasing computing speeds increases, it takes more than one encryption algorithm to improve security of digital images. One way is by using algorithms to double cryptography do encryption and decryption. Cryptographic algorithm often used today and the proven strength specially the digital image is Algorithm with Chaos system. To improve security at the image then we use Additional algorit...
Abstrak Kemajuan teknologi informasi dapat digunakan untuk membantu proses belajar yang ada pada ... more Abstrak Kemajuan teknologi informasi dapat digunakan untuk membantu proses belajar yang ada pada lingkungan sekolah, istilah ini dikenal dengan e-learning. Penerapan e-learning dalam membantu proses belajar telah lama diterapkan baik di tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas ataupun di tingkat perguruan tinggi. Publikasi ini akan memaparkan implementasi dari e-learning yang telah dibangun di Kabupaten Lombok Utara yaitu pada SMAN 1 Gangga, SMAN 1 Pemenang, dan SMAN 1 Tanjung. Aplikasi yang dibuat berbasis website sehingga dapat diakses oleh siswa/i dimanapun dan kapanpun. E-learning yang dibangun menyediakan berbagai fasilitas untuk mendukung proses belajar mengajar seperti unduh materi, soal latihan/kuis, tugas, dan forum diskusi bagi guru dan siswa. Tujuan dari implementasi e-learning pada lingkungan sekolah adalah selain dari memperkenalkan internet, hal ini dapat juga menjadi gaya baru dalam proses belajar mengajar pada lingkungan sekolah karena pembelajaran dengan metode e-learning tida...
Vocational High School or in Indonesian abbreviated as SMK, is a government program that was buil... more Vocational High School or in Indonesian abbreviated as SMK, is a government program that was built with the aim that students can have expertise in certain fields and can be the initial capital for them in looking for work. An accredited educational curriculum and the many practical activities provided to students can also ensure that SMK graduates are ready to enter the workforce. However, in today's world of work, it requires workers who, in addition to having skills, must also have work experience. There are events held by the government regarding Job Vacancy info which are held only a few times a year so that more participants are participating and the unemployment rate in the regions is getting higher. Based on the above problems, the authors provide a solution by creating a "Freelance Service Provider Application" which is expected to bring together workers and job seekers. The application is made web-based so that it can be easily accessed through various types ...
Abstrak Pulau Lombok merupakan salah satu daerah tujuan wisata di Indonesia yang memiliki potensi... more Abstrak Pulau Lombok merupakan salah satu daerah tujuan wisata di Indonesia yang memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sebuah aplikasi e-tourism yang dapat diakses secara luas oleh masyarakat melalui halaman website. Aplikasi yang akan dikembangkan dapat digunakan untuk membantu wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Pulau Lombok untuk mengetahui objek wisata yang dilengkapi petunjuk arah menuju objek wisata. Selain itu, wisatawan juga dapat melihat informasi terkait agenda kebudayaan yang diselenggarakan serta informasi hotel yang ada di Pulau Lombok. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode waterfall. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu cara untuk mempromosikan objek wisata yang ada di Pulau Lombok dan dapat membantu wisatawan yang berkunjung di Pulau Lombok sehingga dapat meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan di Pulau Lombok.
Problem faced by goods delivery service providers today is that there are found consumers they ha... more Problem faced by goods delivery service providers today is that there are found consumers they have difficulty in finding couriers to transport large goods, thus causing consumers to have to go to the owner of a pickup car or delivery service provider, it can take a lot of time and cost. To solve the problem, there is currently no system that facilitates consumers in ordering couriers optimally. Therefore, it requires a delivery system that can order couriers only through a smartphone owned. The result that was wanted to be achieved in this study was the creation of a multiplatform based courier ordering system with a REST web service architecture that can be accessed through computer and Android platforms. With the construction of this system testing of the web service, the test results of the web service function stated that, all functions tested show valid results, this means that the entire web service function on the application, already fulfilled the design, in addition to tes...
Matrix : Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi dan Informatika
University requires the integration of data from one system with other systems as needed. This is... more University requires the integration of data from one system with other systems as needed. This is because there are still many processes to input the same data but with different information systems. The application of data integration generally has several obstacles, one of which is due to the diversity of databases used by each information system. Schema matching is one method that can be used to overcome data integration problems caused by database diversity. The schema matching method used in this research is linguistic and constraint. The results of the matching scheme are used as material for optimizing data integration at the database level. The optimization process shows a change in the number of tables and attributes in the database that is a decrease in the number of tables by 13 tables and 492 attributes. The changes were caused by some tables and attributes were omitted and normalized. This research shows that after optimization, data integration becomes better because t...
ABSTRAK Proses pembayaran biaya pendidikan pada STMIK Bumigora Mataram selama ini masih dilakukan... more ABSTRAK Proses pembayaran biaya pendidikan pada STMIK Bumigora Mataram selama ini masih dilakukan secara manual yaitu mulai dari mahasiswa mengambil blangko pembayaran di bagian keuangan lalu membayar secara tunai pada bank yang di tunjuk dan menyerahkan bukti pembayaran pada bagian keuangan dan akademik. Proses ini membutuhkan waktu 1 jam 30 menit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan rekayasa ulang proses bisnis terhadap proses pembayaran biaya pendidikan pada STMIK Bumigora mataram sehingga dapat meningkatkan efisiensi proses yang ada selama ini menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Adanya penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan dan pertimbangan pihak perguruan tinggi dalam penerapan rencana strategis pengembangan (TIK) pada STMIK Bumigora Mataram. Dengan adanya rekayasa ulang proses bisnis diperoleh perubahan yang radikal terhadap proses pembayaran biaya pendidikan pada STMIK Bumigora Mataram. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa perancangan desain sistem informasi berda...
ABSTRAK Masyarakat Lombok, NTB memiliki banyak produk kerajian tangan, diantaranya adalah Ketak. ... more ABSTRAK Masyarakat Lombok, NTB memiliki banyak produk kerajian tangan, diantaranya adalah Ketak. Ketak merupakan anyaman sejenis akar-akaran yang berasal dari tanaman paku pakuan. Ketak dapat dibentuk menjadi berbagai macam kerajinan tangan. Pembuatan kerajinan ini banyak dilakukan oleh ibu – ibu rumah tangga sebagai penghasilan tambahan dan biasanya produk yang dihasilkan dititipkan pada toko-toko penjual oleh-oleh yang ada di kota Mataram. Pasca musibah gempa yang terjadi di pulau lombok pada bulan Agustus 2018, penjualan ketak menurun drastis karena menurunnya kunjungan pariwisata ke Lombok. Selain itu anyaman ketak belum banyak dikenal, dan para pengrajin hanya dapat memasarkan hasil anyamannya dengan cara menitipkan pada pengepul-pengepul (tengkulak) dengan harga murah yang kemudian dijual kembali kepada toko-toko penjual oleh-oleh khas Lombok. Dari permasalahan tersebut perlu adanya pendekatan sistem informasi ekonomi yang dapat mengakomodasi industri rumahan ini. Dengan dibua...
Article History: Received: 05-01-2021 Accepted: 26-01-2021 Abstract: Technological developments t... more Article History: Received: 05-01-2021 Accepted: 26-01-2021 Abstract: Technological developments that require teachers to improve skills in this field to help the teaching and learning process better. Teachers at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Darussholihin NW Kalijaga are still lacking in applying technology, especially in making learning media. Based on these problems, it is necessary to hold training on how to use applications to develop learning media. Some applications that can be used as tools for creating learning media include the Microsoft PowerPoint application which is the most commonly used. This application is commonly used throughout the world to make presentation slides as a medium for delivering material in the teaching and learning process. The method used in this training activity is direct practice to develop learning media using Microsoft PowerPoint. With this service activity, it is hoped that all teachers can improve their abilities in developing learning media using the M...
Construction of Non-Habitable Homes (RTLH) is a government program managed by thesupervision of t... more Construction of Non-Habitable Homes (RTLH) is a government program managed by thesupervision of the Social Service (Dinas Sosial) in the form of housing construction assistancefunds for the poor. In its realization, assistance is still often found to be lacking on target. It isbecause the determination of beneficiaries is not correctly selected, and there are no standardmethods based on existing criteria. These problems require a system that can providerecommendations that conform to clear standards and use techniques that accounted. FuzzySimple Additive Weighting (SAW) method is one method used in decision making. This methodcalculates criteria to get ranking weights to support decision making. The process of selectingcriteria and determining fuzzy variables carried out as a primary process in this method. Afterthe fuzzification weight value obtained, ranking done to use as a reference in the decision makingof recipients. Based on the results of manual testing, the system made is u...
Data security in the process of information exchange is very important. One way to secure the ima... more Data security in the process of information exchange is very important. One way to secure the image is to use cryptographic techniques. Cryptographic algorithms applied to the image is used to randomize the position of pixels using a secret key parameters, so that images can not be recognized anymore after the encryption process. In this study, researchers used the algorithm of chaos known as algorithms compact, fast and commonly used in cryptography especially those in the image file. The results showed the image that has been through an encryption process can not be recognized because the randomization process image pixel position is performed using chaosalgorithm.
Papers by Pahrul Irfan