2nd International Congress of Ege Social Sciences Graduate Students, 2023
This study aims to analyze the changing dynamics of gender roles in the Italian American Mafia cu... more This study aims to analyze the changing dynamics of gender roles in the Italian American Mafia culture through a case study of the popular TV series, The Sopranos. Using a qualitative approach,this research explores how gender roles are constructed, maintained, and challenged within the context of the Italian-American community’s mafia culture, as portrayed in the show. To achieve this goal, a content analysis of selected episodes from the series was conducted, focusing on the portrayal of gender roles and the ways in which they evolved over time. The sample consisted of 10 episodes from different seasons of the show, selected based on their relevance to the study’s research questions. The analysis was guided by a feminist theoretical framework, which acknowledges the role of power and inequality in shaping gender roles and relations. A thematic analysis approach was employed to identify recurring themes and patterns in the data, including the construction of masculinity and femininity, the performance of gender roles, and the challenges to traditional gender norms. The findings of the study suggest that the Italian American Mafia culture’s gender roles are not rigid and unchanging, but rather can vary depending on factors such as social status, age, within the mafia hierarchy. The study provides insight into how gender roles within subcultures can be fluid and how media can affect societal norms around gender. In conclusion, this study contributes to the growing body of literature on the Italian-American Mafia culture and provides insights into the changing dynamics of gender roleswithin this community and sheds light on the ways in which gender roles are shifting within Italian-American Mafia subculture community. Ultimately, this study emphasizes the importance of continuing to examine and question our assumptions about gender roles in all contexts, including those traditionally associated with organized crime.
3rd Cultural Informatics Communication and Media Studies Conference- CICMS 2020, 2020
Every movie essentially includes a message and carries the aim of giving idea to the audience abo... more Every movie essentially includes a message and carries the aim of giving idea to the audience about specific personal or social problems, creating awareness or making people take action. This message is basically shaped according to the worldview, political attitude and ideology of producer, scenarist or director. Feminist movie criticism makes the things in the sub-text of this narrative visible in order to make audience rethink about the women/men roles presented in cinema. This theory especially unveils the obscure patriarchal discourses in the movies and identifies the conditions in which there is inequality on behalf of women. From this point, David Fincher’s 2014 movie Gone Girl is analyzed in the context of feminist theory. The aim of this work is to reveal the relationship between the movie’s narrative structure and the presentation characters, and the patriarchal values in social field. In other words, it is aimed to show how the movie justifies and strengthens the patriarchal values in social field. Narrative and character analysis is made and to whom, how and why the positive and negative values in the movie universe are attributed is depicted. According to the results gained from the analysis, the movie Gone Girl creates a dilemma of innocent man and devil woman in the heads of the audience and includes many features towards the reestablishment of patriarchal values on behalf of men. At the same time, on the basis of the narrative language, shooting angles and scales, body languages, visual effects, gestures and mimics, it is seen that woman is depicted as bad and psychopath. As a result, the concepts such as innocence and guiltlessness are depicted as the features belonging to men. At the end of the narrative, the mistreated man is forced to live with a woman who deludes everyone with demonic plans.
2nd International Conference on Cultural Informatics, Communication&Media Studies, 2019
Abstract: In each phase of history, the moments of prejudice, hatred, racism and
otherization tow... more Abstract: In each phase of history, the moments of prejudice, hatred, racism and otherization towards the different ones have been witnessed. The anti-semitism, which had risen with the Second World War, has been replaced by Soviet hostility with the spread of Communism and by Muslim hostility as a result of the 9/11 events. Actors with effective mechanisms on a global scale, particularly the western managers, have emerged as the ones who created the new perception of the “enemy” spreading to the international arena, who frozen it in the collective memory and who made it widespread. One of the most important channels in which the perception of the enemy is created is undoubtedly the cinema films. The Islamophobic elements are widespread in the West because of this perception in Hollywood-produced films. Islamophobia, created through films, makes a significant contribution to the expansion of political maneuvering capabilities of the Western states in the international arena, gaining political positions and giving them global legitimacy. From this point of view, it is aimed to reveal the extent of Islamophobic elements in recent Hollywood films and how these elements are structured in those films. In this study, content analysis technique, which is one of the qualitative research methods, was used to reveal the current situation. According to the results obtained from the analysis of the research data, both in visual and literary terms, and also in the sub-text, there are many Islamophobic elements in the last period of Hollywood productions which are evaluated here.
Mimarlık, toplumların yaşam biçimi ve kültürleri arasındaki iletişimi sağlayan bir dil olarak kab... more Mimarlık, toplumların yaşam biçimi ve kültürleri arasındaki iletişimi sağlayan bir dil olarak kabul edilmektedir. Özellikle sahip oldukları geleneksel mimari yapılarının geleceğe taşınması konusunda hassas olunması gereken yerleşim yerleri olan tarihi kentlerde, biçimsel ve anlamsal birlikteliği yansıtan tasarım dilinin çözümlenebilmesi ve bu sayede ortaya çıkan biçimsel kodların analiz edilmesi önem taşımaktadır. Bu kentlerde, yeni tasarımların/var olan yapıların tarihi referanslardan ve kodlardan yararlanılarak yani geleneksel olana öykünülerek inşa edilmesi/yenilenmesi, geleneksel konut mimarisine ait özelliklerin çağdaş dönemdeki yansımalarını göstermesi, kentin mimari üslubunun ve geleneksel kimliğinin sürdürülebilmesi bakımından önem taşımaktadır. Geleneksel mimarideki anlayışın birebir aynısının yapılması, “geleneksele öykünme” olmayacak ve anlam çelişkisine yol açacaktır. Bu nedenle “geleneksele öykünme” sınırının korunması, konutun bağlamla kurduğu aidiyet ilişkisini güçlen...
Sokakların, binaların ve açık alanların oluşturduğu bozulmamış kentsel morfolojiler tarihi merkez... more Sokakların, binaların ve açık alanların oluşturduğu bozulmamış kentsel morfolojiler tarihi merkezlerin değerini belirlemektedir. Kentsel kimliği farklı toplumsal etmenlerin şekillendirdiği düşünüldüğünde 1878-1918 yılları arasında özellikle Kars kent kurgusunda Rusların etkisi görülmektedir. Kentsel unsurlar arasında ise kente kimliğini kazandıran temel unsur sokaklardır. Kentsel mekânın dış yüzeyi olan kentsel arayüz, kamusal-özel alan arasındaki geçişi sağlamaktadır ve kent morfolojisinin okunmasına olanak vermektedir. Bu çalışmada, sokak ögesi üzerinden kentsel arayüzün düşey bileşeni olan cephelerdeki farklı kültürlerin tasarım dilinin çözümlemesi hedeflenmektedir. Kars’ta bulunan Haydar Aliyev Caddesinin barındırdığı çeşitli kültürel etkilerin ve farklı kullanım süreçlerinin saptanması amaçlanmaktadır. Çalışma yöntemi olarak cephenin göstergebilimsel parametreleri üzerinden analizi belirlenmiştir. Mimaride göstergebilimsel yöntemin kullanılması göstergelerin üretilmesini, yorum...
In recent years, the developments in information and communication technologies have brought inno... more In recent years, the developments in information and communication technologies have brought innovations and create change in all kinds of industrial production and service sector. The roles, the skills and the application processes which are required by the occupations are changing in the context of both the possibilities of internet technologies and personal digital competencies. The competitive environment in the production process normalizes the different expectations of consumers. Therefore, employees have to improve themselves by permanently adapting to the new technologies and software of their field. The ones who work in media sector are also affected by this process. In the climate of constant change, media professionals are needed to fulfil their professional roles successfully by using technologies and software in media field. For vocational mobility, the success which will be shown in digital literacy and digital skills instrumentalizes the profession of indemnification. Because the traditional media productions which are used in the past have recently been replaced by new media technologies. Various interaction environments of the new media have made it necessary for employees to constantly improve themselves in the atmosphere of the change for the design of information, visuals, the development and enrichment of existing information by using data, its reliability, personal professional creativity and sharing. Various interaction environments of the new media have made it necessary for employees to constantly improve themselves in the atmosphere of change for the design of information, visuals, the development and enrichment of existing information by using data, its reliability, personal professional creativity and sharing. Therefore, products and services in the media sector create different transformations both in the sector and on employees. Thanks to the converging technologies in the field of media, employees can act independently of time and space and be visible in the global arena with their professional performance. In this way, with their professional roles which are adapted to new technologies and software, they can stay within the dynamics of the global world and harmonize their business performance with their global stakeholders. While the world is globalizing, media workers are also able to adapt their productions with information and communication technologies to the demand of global markets. In this study, in the process of fulfilling the professional roles of media workers; The process of reaching the level of knowledge and skill that they can perform in harmony with global media environments, working conditions and interactions in traditional media environments will be discussed by taking into account the vertical and horizontal mobility processes in their profession, INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH IN COMMUNICATION SCIENCES II 71 and the transformed professional roles and performances will be evaluated.
Bu çalışmanın amacı un ve peynir beyazlatmada kullanılan benzol peroksit (BPO)’in genotoksik etki... more Bu çalışmanın amacı un ve peynir beyazlatmada kullanılan benzol peroksit (BPO)’in genotoksik etkisini insan periferal lenfositlerinde in vitro kardeş kromatid değişimi (KKD), kromozom aberasyonu (KA) ve mikronukleus (MN) testleriyle araştırmaktır. Hücreler 25, 50, 75 ve 100 ?g/mL konsantrasyondaki BPO ile 24 ve 48 saat muamele edilmiştir. BPO KKD’yi sadece en yüksek konsantrasyonda (100 ?g/mL) 48 saatlik muamelede uyarmıştır. Halbuki, BPO 24 saatlik muamelede 75 ve 100 ?g/mL konsantrasyonda, 48 saatlik muamelede tüm konsantrasyonlarda KA’yı uyarmıştır. BPO KA’yı 24 ve 48 saatlik muamele sürelerinde doza bağlı olarak uyarmıştır. BPO tarafından mikronukleus oluşumunun artışı sadece 48 saatlik muamele süresinde iki en yüksek konsantrasyonda (75 ve 100 ?g/mL) görülmüştür. Proliferasyon indeksi (PI) ve mitotik indeks (MI) sadece 48 saatlik muamele süresinde önemli derecede düşmüştür.The aim of the present research was to investigate the genotoxic potency of benzoyl peroxide (BPO), a whit...
Adherence to levothyroxine (LT4) and attaining thyroid‐stimulating hormone (TSH) goal in pregnanc... more Adherence to levothyroxine (LT4) and attaining thyroid‐stimulating hormone (TSH) goal in pregnancy has not been well‐defined yet. We aimed to investigate adherence to LT4, success to reach TSH goal, and association between them in pregnant women with primary hypothyroidism.
[TR] TCMB tarafindan yayimlanmakta olan mevcut birim isgucu maliyeti bazli reel kuru endeksi sade... more [TR] TCMB tarafindan yayimlanmakta olan mevcut birim isgucu maliyeti bazli reel kuru endeksi sadece gelismis ulkeleri iceren sinirli bir kapsama sahiptir. Gerek hesaplamaya dahil edilen ulke sayisinin azligi, gerek temsil oraninin dusuklugu ve gerekse gelismis ulkeler lehine olan yanlilik, mevcut endeksin saglikli bir rekabet gucu gostergesi olarak kullanimini guclestirmektedir. Bu notta, mevcut endeksin kapsaminin genisletilmesi suretiyle yillik frekansta turetilen yeni birim isgucu maliyeti bazli reel kur endeksleri hakkinda bilgi sunulmaktadir. 2003-2016 yillari icin hesaplanan yeni endeksler, gelismis ulkeler lehine olan yanliligi azaltilmis daha dengeli bir gosterge ihtiyacini gidermekte ve boylelikle TCMB tarafindan yayimlanmakta olan tuketici ve uretici fiyatlari bazli diger reel kur endeksleri ile karsilastirilabilir nitelik kazanmaktadir. Mevcut endeks, kuresel kriz sonrasinda Avrupa’daki toparlanmanin gecikerek isgucu piyasalarini olumsuz etkilemesi nedeniyle 2010 yili sonrasinda TL’nin deger kazandigini gosterirken, kapsami genisletilen yeni endeksler diger reel kur gostergeleriyle uyumlu olarak TL’nin soz konusu donemde deger kaybettigine isaret etmektedir. [EN] The current unit labor cost based real exchange rate index published by the CBRT has a limited coverage and comprises only developed countries. Both the low number of countries in coverage, and the limited representation rate, along with the bias towards developed countries, lay the question marks on the use of the current index as a healthy competitiveness indicator. This note introduces the new unit labor cost based real exchange rate indices, calculated for 2003 - 2016 on an annual basis, with extended coverage that reduce the bias towards developed countries. Thereby the indices fulfill the need for more balanced competitiveness indicators and also become comparable with the other consumer and producer prices based real exchange rate indices published by the CBRT. While the current index indicate appreciation of the Turkish lira after 2010, due to the slow recovery of labor markets in Europe after the global financial crisis; the new coverage-extended indices show that the Turkish lira depreciated, in line with the other real exchange rate indicators.
Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology : the journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Jan 25, 2015
We present our initial experience with single-port access total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) s... more We present our initial experience with single-port access total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) surgery using a Korean-made laparoscopic port (OCTO™ Port). In a retrospective study, single-port access TLH (SPA-TLH) with the OCTO Port was performed on 34 patients with benign gynaecological indications from July 2013 to May 2014 by two surgeons (Ahmet Kale and Hasan Terzi). All patients were divided into two groups. The first 15 patients who underwent SPA-TLH were classified as Group 1, and the second 19 patients who underwent SPA-TLH were classified as Group 2. Patient data were analyzed for age, body mass index (BMI, kg/m(2)), weight of uterus, vaginal cuff suturation time, estimated blood loss, operation time, hysterectomy indications and operative outcomes. The median time needed for the surgery was 75 min in both groups. The duration of suturing of the vaginal cuff was shorter in Group 2 compared with that in Group 1. The estimated blood loss was less in Group 2 compared with Gro...
Received: 22/12/2014- Accepted: 31/03/2015- Published: 06/04/2015 Prenatal screening tests are fr... more Received: 22/12/2014- Accepted: 31/03/2015- Published: 06/04/2015 Prenatal screening tests are frequently requested for chromosomal abnormalities. Placental pathologies in early pregnancy may be overlooked, especially in partial molar pregnancy. We are reporting an incorrect preliminary diagnosed case with an increased risk of Down syndrome in her first-trimester screening test due to partial molar pregnancy.
The structure of the public sector in developing economies is likely to affect private sector wag... more The structure of the public sector in developing economies is likely to affect private sector wage and employment decisions and hence, have an influence on the aggregate labour market. In this paper, excess public employment is analyzed under the efficiency wage framework to find out how wage and effort (productivity) differentials between public and private sectors actually affect the labour market or more specifically equilibrium levels of employment, wages and productivity. These differentials are assumed to be exogenous first but later on this assumption is relaxed and they are endogenized. The paper investigates how the total welfare responds to changes in these differentials in terms of two different models. The results show that an effort of raising employment by the government eventually leads to a reduction in total welfare by curbing private employment. We contribute to the existing work by providing a different approach by defining an explicit outside option, namely the g...
2nd International Congress of Ege Social Sciences Graduate Students, 2023
This study aims to analyze the changing dynamics of gender roles in the Italian American Mafia cu... more This study aims to analyze the changing dynamics of gender roles in the Italian American Mafia culture through a case study of the popular TV series, The Sopranos. Using a qualitative approach,this research explores how gender roles are constructed, maintained, and challenged within the context of the Italian-American community’s mafia culture, as portrayed in the show. To achieve this goal, a content analysis of selected episodes from the series was conducted, focusing on the portrayal of gender roles and the ways in which they evolved over time. The sample consisted of 10 episodes from different seasons of the show, selected based on their relevance to the study’s research questions. The analysis was guided by a feminist theoretical framework, which acknowledges the role of power and inequality in shaping gender roles and relations. A thematic analysis approach was employed to identify recurring themes and patterns in the data, including the construction of masculinity and femininity, the performance of gender roles, and the challenges to traditional gender norms. The findings of the study suggest that the Italian American Mafia culture’s gender roles are not rigid and unchanging, but rather can vary depending on factors such as social status, age, within the mafia hierarchy. The study provides insight into how gender roles within subcultures can be fluid and how media can affect societal norms around gender. In conclusion, this study contributes to the growing body of literature on the Italian-American Mafia culture and provides insights into the changing dynamics of gender roleswithin this community and sheds light on the ways in which gender roles are shifting within Italian-American Mafia subculture community. Ultimately, this study emphasizes the importance of continuing to examine and question our assumptions about gender roles in all contexts, including those traditionally associated with organized crime.
3rd Cultural Informatics Communication and Media Studies Conference- CICMS 2020, 2020
Every movie essentially includes a message and carries the aim of giving idea to the audience abo... more Every movie essentially includes a message and carries the aim of giving idea to the audience about specific personal or social problems, creating awareness or making people take action. This message is basically shaped according to the worldview, political attitude and ideology of producer, scenarist or director. Feminist movie criticism makes the things in the sub-text of this narrative visible in order to make audience rethink about the women/men roles presented in cinema. This theory especially unveils the obscure patriarchal discourses in the movies and identifies the conditions in which there is inequality on behalf of women. From this point, David Fincher’s 2014 movie Gone Girl is analyzed in the context of feminist theory. The aim of this work is to reveal the relationship between the movie’s narrative structure and the presentation characters, and the patriarchal values in social field. In other words, it is aimed to show how the movie justifies and strengthens the patriarchal values in social field. Narrative and character analysis is made and to whom, how and why the positive and negative values in the movie universe are attributed is depicted. According to the results gained from the analysis, the movie Gone Girl creates a dilemma of innocent man and devil woman in the heads of the audience and includes many features towards the reestablishment of patriarchal values on behalf of men. At the same time, on the basis of the narrative language, shooting angles and scales, body languages, visual effects, gestures and mimics, it is seen that woman is depicted as bad and psychopath. As a result, the concepts such as innocence and guiltlessness are depicted as the features belonging to men. At the end of the narrative, the mistreated man is forced to live with a woman who deludes everyone with demonic plans.
2nd International Conference on Cultural Informatics, Communication&Media Studies, 2019
Abstract: In each phase of history, the moments of prejudice, hatred, racism and
otherization tow... more Abstract: In each phase of history, the moments of prejudice, hatred, racism and otherization towards the different ones have been witnessed. The anti-semitism, which had risen with the Second World War, has been replaced by Soviet hostility with the spread of Communism and by Muslim hostility as a result of the 9/11 events. Actors with effective mechanisms on a global scale, particularly the western managers, have emerged as the ones who created the new perception of the “enemy” spreading to the international arena, who frozen it in the collective memory and who made it widespread. One of the most important channels in which the perception of the enemy is created is undoubtedly the cinema films. The Islamophobic elements are widespread in the West because of this perception in Hollywood-produced films. Islamophobia, created through films, makes a significant contribution to the expansion of political maneuvering capabilities of the Western states in the international arena, gaining political positions and giving them global legitimacy. From this point of view, it is aimed to reveal the extent of Islamophobic elements in recent Hollywood films and how these elements are structured in those films. In this study, content analysis technique, which is one of the qualitative research methods, was used to reveal the current situation. According to the results obtained from the analysis of the research data, both in visual and literary terms, and also in the sub-text, there are many Islamophobic elements in the last period of Hollywood productions which are evaluated here.
Mimarlık, toplumların yaşam biçimi ve kültürleri arasındaki iletişimi sağlayan bir dil olarak kab... more Mimarlık, toplumların yaşam biçimi ve kültürleri arasındaki iletişimi sağlayan bir dil olarak kabul edilmektedir. Özellikle sahip oldukları geleneksel mimari yapılarının geleceğe taşınması konusunda hassas olunması gereken yerleşim yerleri olan tarihi kentlerde, biçimsel ve anlamsal birlikteliği yansıtan tasarım dilinin çözümlenebilmesi ve bu sayede ortaya çıkan biçimsel kodların analiz edilmesi önem taşımaktadır. Bu kentlerde, yeni tasarımların/var olan yapıların tarihi referanslardan ve kodlardan yararlanılarak yani geleneksel olana öykünülerek inşa edilmesi/yenilenmesi, geleneksel konut mimarisine ait özelliklerin çağdaş dönemdeki yansımalarını göstermesi, kentin mimari üslubunun ve geleneksel kimliğinin sürdürülebilmesi bakımından önem taşımaktadır. Geleneksel mimarideki anlayışın birebir aynısının yapılması, “geleneksele öykünme” olmayacak ve anlam çelişkisine yol açacaktır. Bu nedenle “geleneksele öykünme” sınırının korunması, konutun bağlamla kurduğu aidiyet ilişkisini güçlen...
Sokakların, binaların ve açık alanların oluşturduğu bozulmamış kentsel morfolojiler tarihi merkez... more Sokakların, binaların ve açık alanların oluşturduğu bozulmamış kentsel morfolojiler tarihi merkezlerin değerini belirlemektedir. Kentsel kimliği farklı toplumsal etmenlerin şekillendirdiği düşünüldüğünde 1878-1918 yılları arasında özellikle Kars kent kurgusunda Rusların etkisi görülmektedir. Kentsel unsurlar arasında ise kente kimliğini kazandıran temel unsur sokaklardır. Kentsel mekânın dış yüzeyi olan kentsel arayüz, kamusal-özel alan arasındaki geçişi sağlamaktadır ve kent morfolojisinin okunmasına olanak vermektedir. Bu çalışmada, sokak ögesi üzerinden kentsel arayüzün düşey bileşeni olan cephelerdeki farklı kültürlerin tasarım dilinin çözümlemesi hedeflenmektedir. Kars’ta bulunan Haydar Aliyev Caddesinin barındırdığı çeşitli kültürel etkilerin ve farklı kullanım süreçlerinin saptanması amaçlanmaktadır. Çalışma yöntemi olarak cephenin göstergebilimsel parametreleri üzerinden analizi belirlenmiştir. Mimaride göstergebilimsel yöntemin kullanılması göstergelerin üretilmesini, yorum...
In recent years, the developments in information and communication technologies have brought inno... more In recent years, the developments in information and communication technologies have brought innovations and create change in all kinds of industrial production and service sector. The roles, the skills and the application processes which are required by the occupations are changing in the context of both the possibilities of internet technologies and personal digital competencies. The competitive environment in the production process normalizes the different expectations of consumers. Therefore, employees have to improve themselves by permanently adapting to the new technologies and software of their field. The ones who work in media sector are also affected by this process. In the climate of constant change, media professionals are needed to fulfil their professional roles successfully by using technologies and software in media field. For vocational mobility, the success which will be shown in digital literacy and digital skills instrumentalizes the profession of indemnification. Because the traditional media productions which are used in the past have recently been replaced by new media technologies. Various interaction environments of the new media have made it necessary for employees to constantly improve themselves in the atmosphere of the change for the design of information, visuals, the development and enrichment of existing information by using data, its reliability, personal professional creativity and sharing. Various interaction environments of the new media have made it necessary for employees to constantly improve themselves in the atmosphere of change for the design of information, visuals, the development and enrichment of existing information by using data, its reliability, personal professional creativity and sharing. Therefore, products and services in the media sector create different transformations both in the sector and on employees. Thanks to the converging technologies in the field of media, employees can act independently of time and space and be visible in the global arena with their professional performance. In this way, with their professional roles which are adapted to new technologies and software, they can stay within the dynamics of the global world and harmonize their business performance with their global stakeholders. While the world is globalizing, media workers are also able to adapt their productions with information and communication technologies to the demand of global markets. In this study, in the process of fulfilling the professional roles of media workers; The process of reaching the level of knowledge and skill that they can perform in harmony with global media environments, working conditions and interactions in traditional media environments will be discussed by taking into account the vertical and horizontal mobility processes in their profession, INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH IN COMMUNICATION SCIENCES II 71 and the transformed professional roles and performances will be evaluated.
Bu çalışmanın amacı un ve peynir beyazlatmada kullanılan benzol peroksit (BPO)’in genotoksik etki... more Bu çalışmanın amacı un ve peynir beyazlatmada kullanılan benzol peroksit (BPO)’in genotoksik etkisini insan periferal lenfositlerinde in vitro kardeş kromatid değişimi (KKD), kromozom aberasyonu (KA) ve mikronukleus (MN) testleriyle araştırmaktır. Hücreler 25, 50, 75 ve 100 ?g/mL konsantrasyondaki BPO ile 24 ve 48 saat muamele edilmiştir. BPO KKD’yi sadece en yüksek konsantrasyonda (100 ?g/mL) 48 saatlik muamelede uyarmıştır. Halbuki, BPO 24 saatlik muamelede 75 ve 100 ?g/mL konsantrasyonda, 48 saatlik muamelede tüm konsantrasyonlarda KA’yı uyarmıştır. BPO KA’yı 24 ve 48 saatlik muamele sürelerinde doza bağlı olarak uyarmıştır. BPO tarafından mikronukleus oluşumunun artışı sadece 48 saatlik muamele süresinde iki en yüksek konsantrasyonda (75 ve 100 ?g/mL) görülmüştür. Proliferasyon indeksi (PI) ve mitotik indeks (MI) sadece 48 saatlik muamele süresinde önemli derecede düşmüştür.The aim of the present research was to investigate the genotoxic potency of benzoyl peroxide (BPO), a whit...
Adherence to levothyroxine (LT4) and attaining thyroid‐stimulating hormone (TSH) goal in pregnanc... more Adherence to levothyroxine (LT4) and attaining thyroid‐stimulating hormone (TSH) goal in pregnancy has not been well‐defined yet. We aimed to investigate adherence to LT4, success to reach TSH goal, and association between them in pregnant women with primary hypothyroidism.
[TR] TCMB tarafindan yayimlanmakta olan mevcut birim isgucu maliyeti bazli reel kuru endeksi sade... more [TR] TCMB tarafindan yayimlanmakta olan mevcut birim isgucu maliyeti bazli reel kuru endeksi sadece gelismis ulkeleri iceren sinirli bir kapsama sahiptir. Gerek hesaplamaya dahil edilen ulke sayisinin azligi, gerek temsil oraninin dusuklugu ve gerekse gelismis ulkeler lehine olan yanlilik, mevcut endeksin saglikli bir rekabet gucu gostergesi olarak kullanimini guclestirmektedir. Bu notta, mevcut endeksin kapsaminin genisletilmesi suretiyle yillik frekansta turetilen yeni birim isgucu maliyeti bazli reel kur endeksleri hakkinda bilgi sunulmaktadir. 2003-2016 yillari icin hesaplanan yeni endeksler, gelismis ulkeler lehine olan yanliligi azaltilmis daha dengeli bir gosterge ihtiyacini gidermekte ve boylelikle TCMB tarafindan yayimlanmakta olan tuketici ve uretici fiyatlari bazli diger reel kur endeksleri ile karsilastirilabilir nitelik kazanmaktadir. Mevcut endeks, kuresel kriz sonrasinda Avrupa’daki toparlanmanin gecikerek isgucu piyasalarini olumsuz etkilemesi nedeniyle 2010 yili sonrasinda TL’nin deger kazandigini gosterirken, kapsami genisletilen yeni endeksler diger reel kur gostergeleriyle uyumlu olarak TL’nin soz konusu donemde deger kaybettigine isaret etmektedir. [EN] The current unit labor cost based real exchange rate index published by the CBRT has a limited coverage and comprises only developed countries. Both the low number of countries in coverage, and the limited representation rate, along with the bias towards developed countries, lay the question marks on the use of the current index as a healthy competitiveness indicator. This note introduces the new unit labor cost based real exchange rate indices, calculated for 2003 - 2016 on an annual basis, with extended coverage that reduce the bias towards developed countries. Thereby the indices fulfill the need for more balanced competitiveness indicators and also become comparable with the other consumer and producer prices based real exchange rate indices published by the CBRT. While the current index indicate appreciation of the Turkish lira after 2010, due to the slow recovery of labor markets in Europe after the global financial crisis; the new coverage-extended indices show that the Turkish lira depreciated, in line with the other real exchange rate indicators.
Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology : the journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Jan 25, 2015
We present our initial experience with single-port access total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) s... more We present our initial experience with single-port access total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) surgery using a Korean-made laparoscopic port (OCTO™ Port). In a retrospective study, single-port access TLH (SPA-TLH) with the OCTO Port was performed on 34 patients with benign gynaecological indications from July 2013 to May 2014 by two surgeons (Ahmet Kale and Hasan Terzi). All patients were divided into two groups. The first 15 patients who underwent SPA-TLH were classified as Group 1, and the second 19 patients who underwent SPA-TLH were classified as Group 2. Patient data were analyzed for age, body mass index (BMI, kg/m(2)), weight of uterus, vaginal cuff suturation time, estimated blood loss, operation time, hysterectomy indications and operative outcomes. The median time needed for the surgery was 75 min in both groups. The duration of suturing of the vaginal cuff was shorter in Group 2 compared with that in Group 1. The estimated blood loss was less in Group 2 compared with Gro...
Received: 22/12/2014- Accepted: 31/03/2015- Published: 06/04/2015 Prenatal screening tests are fr... more Received: 22/12/2014- Accepted: 31/03/2015- Published: 06/04/2015 Prenatal screening tests are frequently requested for chromosomal abnormalities. Placental pathologies in early pregnancy may be overlooked, especially in partial molar pregnancy. We are reporting an incorrect preliminary diagnosed case with an increased risk of Down syndrome in her first-trimester screening test due to partial molar pregnancy.
The structure of the public sector in developing economies is likely to affect private sector wag... more The structure of the public sector in developing economies is likely to affect private sector wage and employment decisions and hence, have an influence on the aggregate labour market. In this paper, excess public employment is analyzed under the efficiency wage framework to find out how wage and effort (productivity) differentials between public and private sectors actually affect the labour market or more specifically equilibrium levels of employment, wages and productivity. These differentials are assumed to be exogenous first but later on this assumption is relaxed and they are endogenized. The paper investigates how the total welfare responds to changes in these differentials in terms of two different models. The results show that an effort of raising employment by the government eventually leads to a reduction in total welfare by curbing private employment. We contribute to the existing work by providing a different approach by defining an explicit outside option, namely the g...
Objective: Food loss and waste is a challenge that all countries have to face. Food waste may cau... more Objective: Food loss and waste is a challenge that all countries have to face. Food waste may cause both environmental and economic problem if it is not managed properly; however, it can meet various demands of a country if it is used as a resource. Turkey is a large producer of many fruits and vegetables (e.g. tomatoes, figs, cherries and grapes), and accordingly, solid wastes of these agricultural products constitute an important part of total wastes in Turkey as in other European (EU) countries. Therefore, a proper agricultural waste management system should be designed and used in order to achieve a circular economy. Experts recommend that a gricultural wastes should be utilized for obtaining animal feed, composting material, energy and bioactive compounds or feeding people in need instead of throwing them. The aim of this study is to summarize potential solutions to agricultural food waste problem in Turkey based on scientific literature. Materials and Methods: In this artic...
Background: So far, many studies investigated factors that affect pregnancy rates after intrauter... more Background: So far, many studies investigated factors that affect pregnancy rates after intrauterine insemination (IUI). Various investigators have not agreed on the nature and ranking of these criteria. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the predictive factors for pregnancy rate after controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH)/ IUI. Materials and Methods: Retrospective study of all patients undergoing IUI at Zeynep Kamil Gynecologic and Pediatric Training and Research Hospital from January 2006 to December 2009. In total 980 IUI cycles in 569 couples were analyzed. All women in the study underwent ovarian stimulation using gonadotropin and IUI was performed 36 h after triggering ovulation. The primary outcome measure was clinical pregnancy rates. Predictive factors evaluated were female age, body mass index (BMI), duration of infertility, type of infertility, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) level and estradiol (E2) on third day of the cycle, number of preovulatory fol...
Conference Presentations by Arzu Yavuz
otherization towards the different ones have been witnessed. The anti-semitism, which had
risen with the Second World War, has been replaced by Soviet hostility with the spread of
Communism and by Muslim hostility as a result of the 9/11 events. Actors with effective
mechanisms on a global scale, particularly the western managers, have emerged as the ones
who created the new perception of the “enemy” spreading to the international arena, who
frozen it in the collective memory and who made it widespread. One of the most important
channels in which the perception of the enemy is created is undoubtedly the cinema films.
The Islamophobic elements are widespread in the West because of this perception in
Hollywood-produced films. Islamophobia, created through films, makes a significant
contribution to the expansion of political maneuvering capabilities of the Western states in
the international arena, gaining political positions and giving them global legitimacy. From
this point of view, it is aimed to reveal the extent of Islamophobic elements in recent
Hollywood films and how these elements are structured in those films. In this study, content
analysis technique, which is one of the qualitative research methods, was used to reveal the
current situation. According to the results obtained from the analysis of the research data,
both in visual and literary terms, and also in the sub-text, there are many Islamophobic
elements in the last period of Hollywood productions which are evaluated here.
Papers by Arzu Yavuz
otherization towards the different ones have been witnessed. The anti-semitism, which had
risen with the Second World War, has been replaced by Soviet hostility with the spread of
Communism and by Muslim hostility as a result of the 9/11 events. Actors with effective
mechanisms on a global scale, particularly the western managers, have emerged as the ones
who created the new perception of the “enemy” spreading to the international arena, who
frozen it in the collective memory and who made it widespread. One of the most important
channels in which the perception of the enemy is created is undoubtedly the cinema films.
The Islamophobic elements are widespread in the West because of this perception in
Hollywood-produced films. Islamophobia, created through films, makes a significant
contribution to the expansion of political maneuvering capabilities of the Western states in
the international arena, gaining political positions and giving them global legitimacy. From
this point of view, it is aimed to reveal the extent of Islamophobic elements in recent
Hollywood films and how these elements are structured in those films. In this study, content
analysis technique, which is one of the qualitative research methods, was used to reveal the
current situation. According to the results obtained from the analysis of the research data,
both in visual and literary terms, and also in the sub-text, there are many Islamophobic
elements in the last period of Hollywood productions which are evaluated here.