The main contribution of this Thesis consists in developping a comprehensive concept of News Qual... more The main contribution of this Thesis consists in developping a comprehensive concept of News Quality and formulating its methodology. Consequently, differentiated measurement for news assessment according to every medium has come to an end. This Thesis has tested the transversal methodology of News Quality for every medium (press, broadcasting and the Internet): News Quality Scheme. Moreover, the quality of news broadcast/published by three Basque media has been verified: ‘Euskadi Irratia’ (Basque radio station), ‘Etb1’ (Basque television channel) and ‘Euskaldunon Egunkaria’ / ‘Berria’ (Basque daily newspaper).
First of all, this work gathers the theoretical discourses on Quality, stem from different business models and diverse economic systems (Capitalism and Soviet socialism). As a result, the concept of Quality has been formulated according to the common characteristics of all discourses. Secondly, this Thesis has also incorporated those contributions from the Media Studies research field. Finally, it compiles the literature review of News Quality (Scandinavia, Germany, USA, and South America).
Following Professor Denis McQuail’s normative theory (“Media performance in the public analysis”), the present Thesis assesses media performance in terms of quality. Therefore, the methodology for News Quality assessment is based on McQuail’s normative theory, and it also includes the classical features of Quality research from other fields, such as information technology and manufacturing. Professor McQuail presided over the Defence Committee for this Thesis.
Accordingly, the News Quality and its evolution of the three main Basque media has been assessed. In addition, those results have been confronted with the assessment of the most followed fifteen French and Spanish media in the Basque Country. Thus, ‘Euskadi Irratia’ (Radio) has been compared with ‘Euskalerria Irratia’, ‘Euskal Irratiak’, ‘France Bleu’, ‘Radio Euskadi’, and ‘Cadena Ser’. Equally, it has made a comparation of ‘Etb1’ with ‘France 3’, ‘Etb2’, ‘Tf1’ and ‘Telecinco’. Finally, the quality of the news published by ‘Berria’ has been compared to ‘Diario de Navarra’, ‘Diario de Noticias de Álava’, ‘Diario Vasco’, ‘El Correo Español’, ‘Gara’, and ‘Le Journal du Pays Basque’.
Hence, two main conclusions are deduced. On the one hand, a significant decline in the quality published/broadcast by Basque media has been verified. Furthermore, whereas Basqueness was essential to news reporting during the 80s and 90s, nowadays news story is based on content supplied by abroad news providers. On the other hand, it has also been attested that the quality of news broadcast/published by Basque media has been corroborated to be higher than that of French and Spanish media. As a result, the Basque language and the sense of community belonging have decelerated the expansion of “fast journalism”.
Doxa Comunicación. Revista Interdisciplinar de Estudios de Comunicación y Ciencias Sociales, 2021
Este artículo analiza el tratamiento de los delitos con víctimas en los dos periódicos de referen... more Este artículo analiza el tratamiento de los delitos con víctimas en los dos periódicos de referencia en España, El País y El Mundo. Siguiendo la teoría del enfoque (‘framing’), mediante el análisis de contenido, se medirán cuatro encuadres habituales que inciden en la consideración social de la violencia machista: identificación más detallada de la denunciante que del agresor, construcción de la alteridad racial del agresor, atribución explícita de responsabilidad en el delito sufrido y menoscabo de la credibilidad de la denunciante, condicionado a la reiteración del término ‘presunto’ (Berganza, 2003; Carbadillo, 2010; Easteal, Holland y Judd, 2015; Escribano, 2014). Se comparará por primera vez el alcance de esos cuatro encuadres en violencias machistas con otros delitos que causan víctimas y necesitan de la denuncia de éstas (terrorismo, delitos de odio, siniestralidad laboral, seguridad vial, delitos contra la propiedad y violencia contra las personas sin componente de género)....
La presente Tesis desarrolla un modelo integrador sobre el concepto de calidad de las noticias y ... more La presente Tesis desarrolla un modelo integrador sobre el concepto de calidad de las noticias y presenta un metodo transversal para medir la calidad de las noticias, superando la clasica diferenciacion entre diferentes tipos de medios. Ademas, las noticias de los tres medios vascos de mayor difusion son analizadas en base al metodo propuesto: News Quality Scheme (Albisteen Kalitate-Eredua). En primer lugar, el estudio teorico analiza las diversas interpretaciones sobre calidad en sus diferentes ambitos de aplicacion (manufactura y servicios), asi como sistemas economicos (capitalista y sovietico), para reconocer las caracteristicas comunes que integran el concepto de calidad. En segundo lugar, recoge las principales aportaciones al concepto de calidad en el marco de los estudios de comunicacion. Finalmente, analiza las concepciones sobre calidad de las noticias en diferentes comunidades cientificas (Escandinavia, Alemania, EEUU y Sudamerica). Partiendo de la nueva teoria normativa ...
Internet ha homogenizado los medios de comunicacion. En Internet ya no hay diferencias en la info... more Internet ha homogenizado los medios de comunicacion. En Internet ya no hay diferencias en la informacion de las radios, televisiones, diarios y semanarios: todos ellos compiten por dar en su pagina web la noticia de ultima hora. Por eso, han surgido nuevas preguntas: ?Las noticias mas leidas por la audiencia premian la calidad? Abarcando una muestra de casi quinientas noticias, se ha analizado, de un lado, la calidad de las noticias de los cuatro principales medios en euskara y sus paginas web, para explicar las caracteristicas de la oferta digital de cada medio. De otro lado, se han analizado las noticias mas leidas en esas paginas web y las mas difundidas en Twitter durante el periodo analizado, para establecer si se corresponde con la oferta de los medios y determinar si la calidad periodistica resulta decisiva en la demanda de informacion.
Technology is one of the key elements that both motivates and forces journalism to change. The In... more Technology is one of the key elements that both motivates and forces journalism to change. The Internet is only the latest of the major technological shifts that communication media have faced. Since this period of transformation has not yet come to an end, the best thing to do is to try to understand what this shift means on a practical level. Jake Batsell’s Engaged Journalism: Connecting with Digitally Empowered News Audiences employs a broad concept of journalism, one that is not restricted solely to information sharing. Journalistic practice, he writes, must also aim to make journalism viable; in other words, he defines “engaged journalism” as “the degree to which a news organization actively considers and interacts with its audience in furtherance of its journalistic and financial mission” (p. 7). The Internet transforms journalism by enabling the media to “empower the audience with interactive news products” (p. 9).
La necesaria distancia hacia las noticias nos ha llevado a considerar objetividad, neutralidad, i... more La necesaria distancia hacia las noticias nos ha llevado a considerar objetividad, neutralidad, imparcialidad e independencia como sinónimos de equidistancia, características que nos han dirigido hacia un periodismo aséptico, basado en el modelo de confrontación entre declaraciones de dos fuentes (“she said – he said”) y que ha sido necesario corregir, precisamente, desde el concepto de objetividad. En el presente artículo, analizaremos los elementos de la objetividad como método del periodismo y estudiaremos los indicadores de análisis de contenido utilizados por la mayoría de autores internacionales para analizar la objetividad periodística. De esa manera, mediremos el grado de objetividad de noticias en diferentes medios españoles, para comprobar si la información objetiva tiene cabida en medios de izquierdas y de derechas, sin faltar al rigor periodístico
The assessment of journalistic quality has been conducted in different ways, according to the lan... more The assessment of journalistic quality has been conducted in different ways, according to the language employed. As a consequence, there is a vast number of overlapping concepts that impede both cross-national and crossmedia evaluations of Media Quality. This chapter aims to gather the European (German, English, Italian and Spanish) and American (English and Spanish) academic research tradition on journalistic quality. Consequently, a common frame to assess Media Quality will be designed, from a crossmedia perspective, following the most employed criteria in those regional research traditions.
Investigar la Comunicación desde Perspectivas, Teorías y Métodos Periféricos
This article investigates the monolingual media in three Celtic minority language communities of ... more This article investigates the monolingual media in three Celtic minority language communities of the United Kingdom and Ireland, at the end of the economic crisis that began in 2008, from the perspective of the public interest media model, prevalent in the media systems of European minority language media. The main areas of study are the economic volume, the funding system and the qualitative evaluation of editors and media directors regarding the effect of the economic crisis and the importance of public aid. The three minority Celtic languages analyzed are Welsh, Irish and Scottish Gaelic. The methodological design is based on the techniques of systematic quantitative comparison between communities and a qualitative approach.
Investigar la Comunicación desde Perspectivas, Teorías y Métodos Periféricos
This article investigates the monolingual media in three Celtic minority language communities of ... more This article investigates the monolingual media in three Celtic minority language communities of the United Kingdom and Ireland, at the end of the economic crisis that began in 2008, from the perspective of the public interest media model, prevalent in the media systems of European minority language media. The main areas of study are the economic volume, the funding system and the qualitative evaluation of editors and media directors regarding the effect of the economic crisis and the importance of public aid. The three minority Celtic languages analyzed are Welsh, Irish and Scottish Gaelic. The methodological design is based on the techniques of systematic quantitative comparison between communities and a qualitative approach.
Este artículo analiza el tratamiento de los delitos con víctimas en los dos periódicos de referen... more Este artículo analiza el tratamiento de los delitos con víctimas en los dos periódicos de referencia en España, El País y El Mundo. Siguiendo la teoría del enfoque (‘framing’), mediante el análisis de contenido, se medirán cuatro encuadres habituales que inciden en la consideración social de la violencia machista: identificación más detallada de la denunciante que del agresor, construcción de la alteridad racial del agresor, atribución explícita de responsabilidad en el delito sufrido y menoscabo de la credibilidad de la denunciante, condicionado a la reiteración del término ‘presunto’ (Berganza, 2003; Carbadillo, 2010; Easteal, Holland y Judd, 2015; Escribano, 2014). Se comparará por primera vez el alcance de esos cuatro encuadres en violencias machistas con otros delitos que causan víctimas y necesitan de la denuncia de éstas (terrorismo, delitos de odio, siniestralidad laboral, seguridad vial, delitos contra la propiedad y violencia contra las personas sin componente de género). Se probará que la identificación más detallada de la denunciante, la alteridad racial del agresor y el menoscabo de la credibilidad de la denunciante son encuadres específicos a las violencias contra las mujeres. El estudio temporal (1996-2016) evidenciará, además, que se acentúan tras la aprobación de la legislación sobre igualdad.
Uztaro Giza Eta Gizarte Zientzien Aldizkaria, 2006
... Informazio-iturriek eragin zuzen eta determinatzailea dute hedabideon informazioaren pautan, ... more ... Informazio-iturriek eragin zuzen eta determinatzailea dute hedabideon informazioaren pautan, eta kazetariaren balizko mendekotasuna hedabidearen autonomiarik eza erakutsiko luke; azken horrek argitaratutako gaian hedabidearen autoritaterik falta ere ekarriko luke» (De ...
Espacios De Comunicacion Iv Congreso Internacional De La Asociacion Espanola De Investigacion En Comunicacion 2014 Isbn 978 84 695 9434 6 Pag 1485, 2013
The main contribution of this Thesis consists in developping a comprehensive concept of News Qual... more The main contribution of this Thesis consists in developping a comprehensive concept of News Quality and formulating its methodology. Consequently, differentiated measurement for news assessment according to every medium has come to an end. This Thesis has tested the transversal methodology of News Quality for every medium (press, broadcasting and the Internet): News Quality Scheme. Moreover, the quality of news broadcast/published by three Basque media has been verified: ‘Euskadi Irratia’ (Basque radio station), ‘Etb1’ (Basque television channel) and ‘Euskaldunon Egunkaria’ / ‘Berria’ (Basque daily newspaper).
First of all, this work gathers the theoretical discourses on Quality, stem from different business models and diverse economic systems (Capitalism and Soviet socialism). As a result, the concept of Quality has been formulated according to the common characteristics of all discourses. Secondly, this Thesis has also incorporated those contributions from the Media Studies research field. Finally, it compiles the literature review of News Quality (Scandinavia, Germany, USA, and South America).
Following Professor Denis McQuail’s normative theory (“Media performance in the public analysis”), the present Thesis assesses media performance in terms of quality. Therefore, the methodology for News Quality assessment is based on McQuail’s normative theory, and it also includes the classical features of Quality research from other fields, such as information technology and manufacturing. Professor McQuail presided over the Defence Committee for this Thesis.
Accordingly, the News Quality and its evolution of the three main Basque media has been assessed. In addition, those results have been confronted with the assessment of the most followed fifteen French and Spanish media in the Basque Country. Thus, ‘Euskadi Irratia’ (Radio) has been compared with ‘Euskalerria Irratia’, ‘Euskal Irratiak’, ‘France Bleu’, ‘Radio Euskadi’, and ‘Cadena Ser’. Equally, it has made a comparation of ‘Etb1’ with ‘France 3’, ‘Etb2’, ‘Tf1’ and ‘Telecinco’. Finally, the quality of the news published by ‘Berria’ has been compared to ‘Diario de Navarra’, ‘Diario de Noticias de Álava’, ‘Diario Vasco’, ‘El Correo Español’, ‘Gara’, and ‘Le Journal du Pays Basque’.
Hence, two main conclusions are deduced. On the one hand, a significant decline in the quality published/broadcast by Basque media has been verified. Furthermore, whereas Basqueness was essential to news reporting during the 80s and 90s, nowadays news story is based on content supplied by abroad news providers. On the other hand, it has also been attested that the quality of news broadcast/published by Basque media has been corroborated to be higher than that of French and Spanish media. As a result, the Basque language and the sense of community belonging have decelerated the expansion of “fast journalism”.
Doxa Comunicación. Revista Interdisciplinar de Estudios de Comunicación y Ciencias Sociales, 2021
Este artículo analiza el tratamiento de los delitos con víctimas en los dos periódicos de referen... more Este artículo analiza el tratamiento de los delitos con víctimas en los dos periódicos de referencia en España, El País y El Mundo. Siguiendo la teoría del enfoque (‘framing’), mediante el análisis de contenido, se medirán cuatro encuadres habituales que inciden en la consideración social de la violencia machista: identificación más detallada de la denunciante que del agresor, construcción de la alteridad racial del agresor, atribución explícita de responsabilidad en el delito sufrido y menoscabo de la credibilidad de la denunciante, condicionado a la reiteración del término ‘presunto’ (Berganza, 2003; Carbadillo, 2010; Easteal, Holland y Judd, 2015; Escribano, 2014). Se comparará por primera vez el alcance de esos cuatro encuadres en violencias machistas con otros delitos que causan víctimas y necesitan de la denuncia de éstas (terrorismo, delitos de odio, siniestralidad laboral, seguridad vial, delitos contra la propiedad y violencia contra las personas sin componente de género)....
La presente Tesis desarrolla un modelo integrador sobre el concepto de calidad de las noticias y ... more La presente Tesis desarrolla un modelo integrador sobre el concepto de calidad de las noticias y presenta un metodo transversal para medir la calidad de las noticias, superando la clasica diferenciacion entre diferentes tipos de medios. Ademas, las noticias de los tres medios vascos de mayor difusion son analizadas en base al metodo propuesto: News Quality Scheme (Albisteen Kalitate-Eredua). En primer lugar, el estudio teorico analiza las diversas interpretaciones sobre calidad en sus diferentes ambitos de aplicacion (manufactura y servicios), asi como sistemas economicos (capitalista y sovietico), para reconocer las caracteristicas comunes que integran el concepto de calidad. En segundo lugar, recoge las principales aportaciones al concepto de calidad en el marco de los estudios de comunicacion. Finalmente, analiza las concepciones sobre calidad de las noticias en diferentes comunidades cientificas (Escandinavia, Alemania, EEUU y Sudamerica). Partiendo de la nueva teoria normativa ...
Internet ha homogenizado los medios de comunicacion. En Internet ya no hay diferencias en la info... more Internet ha homogenizado los medios de comunicacion. En Internet ya no hay diferencias en la informacion de las radios, televisiones, diarios y semanarios: todos ellos compiten por dar en su pagina web la noticia de ultima hora. Por eso, han surgido nuevas preguntas: ?Las noticias mas leidas por la audiencia premian la calidad? Abarcando una muestra de casi quinientas noticias, se ha analizado, de un lado, la calidad de las noticias de los cuatro principales medios en euskara y sus paginas web, para explicar las caracteristicas de la oferta digital de cada medio. De otro lado, se han analizado las noticias mas leidas en esas paginas web y las mas difundidas en Twitter durante el periodo analizado, para establecer si se corresponde con la oferta de los medios y determinar si la calidad periodistica resulta decisiva en la demanda de informacion.
Technology is one of the key elements that both motivates and forces journalism to change. The In... more Technology is one of the key elements that both motivates and forces journalism to change. The Internet is only the latest of the major technological shifts that communication media have faced. Since this period of transformation has not yet come to an end, the best thing to do is to try to understand what this shift means on a practical level. Jake Batsell’s Engaged Journalism: Connecting with Digitally Empowered News Audiences employs a broad concept of journalism, one that is not restricted solely to information sharing. Journalistic practice, he writes, must also aim to make journalism viable; in other words, he defines “engaged journalism” as “the degree to which a news organization actively considers and interacts with its audience in furtherance of its journalistic and financial mission” (p. 7). The Internet transforms journalism by enabling the media to “empower the audience with interactive news products” (p. 9).
La necesaria distancia hacia las noticias nos ha llevado a considerar objetividad, neutralidad, i... more La necesaria distancia hacia las noticias nos ha llevado a considerar objetividad, neutralidad, imparcialidad e independencia como sinónimos de equidistancia, características que nos han dirigido hacia un periodismo aséptico, basado en el modelo de confrontación entre declaraciones de dos fuentes (“she said – he said”) y que ha sido necesario corregir, precisamente, desde el concepto de objetividad. En el presente artículo, analizaremos los elementos de la objetividad como método del periodismo y estudiaremos los indicadores de análisis de contenido utilizados por la mayoría de autores internacionales para analizar la objetividad periodística. De esa manera, mediremos el grado de objetividad de noticias en diferentes medios españoles, para comprobar si la información objetiva tiene cabida en medios de izquierdas y de derechas, sin faltar al rigor periodístico
The assessment of journalistic quality has been conducted in different ways, according to the lan... more The assessment of journalistic quality has been conducted in different ways, according to the language employed. As a consequence, there is a vast number of overlapping concepts that impede both cross-national and crossmedia evaluations of Media Quality. This chapter aims to gather the European (German, English, Italian and Spanish) and American (English and Spanish) academic research tradition on journalistic quality. Consequently, a common frame to assess Media Quality will be designed, from a crossmedia perspective, following the most employed criteria in those regional research traditions.
Investigar la Comunicación desde Perspectivas, Teorías y Métodos Periféricos
This article investigates the monolingual media in three Celtic minority language communities of ... more This article investigates the monolingual media in three Celtic minority language communities of the United Kingdom and Ireland, at the end of the economic crisis that began in 2008, from the perspective of the public interest media model, prevalent in the media systems of European minority language media. The main areas of study are the economic volume, the funding system and the qualitative evaluation of editors and media directors regarding the effect of the economic crisis and the importance of public aid. The three minority Celtic languages analyzed are Welsh, Irish and Scottish Gaelic. The methodological design is based on the techniques of systematic quantitative comparison between communities and a qualitative approach.
Investigar la Comunicación desde Perspectivas, Teorías y Métodos Periféricos
This article investigates the monolingual media in three Celtic minority language communities of ... more This article investigates the monolingual media in three Celtic minority language communities of the United Kingdom and Ireland, at the end of the economic crisis that began in 2008, from the perspective of the public interest media model, prevalent in the media systems of European minority language media. The main areas of study are the economic volume, the funding system and the qualitative evaluation of editors and media directors regarding the effect of the economic crisis and the importance of public aid. The three minority Celtic languages analyzed are Welsh, Irish and Scottish Gaelic. The methodological design is based on the techniques of systematic quantitative comparison between communities and a qualitative approach.
Este artículo analiza el tratamiento de los delitos con víctimas en los dos periódicos de referen... more Este artículo analiza el tratamiento de los delitos con víctimas en los dos periódicos de referencia en España, El País y El Mundo. Siguiendo la teoría del enfoque (‘framing’), mediante el análisis de contenido, se medirán cuatro encuadres habituales que inciden en la consideración social de la violencia machista: identificación más detallada de la denunciante que del agresor, construcción de la alteridad racial del agresor, atribución explícita de responsabilidad en el delito sufrido y menoscabo de la credibilidad de la denunciante, condicionado a la reiteración del término ‘presunto’ (Berganza, 2003; Carbadillo, 2010; Easteal, Holland y Judd, 2015; Escribano, 2014). Se comparará por primera vez el alcance de esos cuatro encuadres en violencias machistas con otros delitos que causan víctimas y necesitan de la denuncia de éstas (terrorismo, delitos de odio, siniestralidad laboral, seguridad vial, delitos contra la propiedad y violencia contra las personas sin componente de género). Se probará que la identificación más detallada de la denunciante, la alteridad racial del agresor y el menoscabo de la credibilidad de la denunciante son encuadres específicos a las violencias contra las mujeres. El estudio temporal (1996-2016) evidenciará, además, que se acentúan tras la aprobación de la legislación sobre igualdad.
Uztaro Giza Eta Gizarte Zientzien Aldizkaria, 2006
... Informazio-iturriek eragin zuzen eta determinatzailea dute hedabideon informazioaren pautan, ... more ... Informazio-iturriek eragin zuzen eta determinatzailea dute hedabideon informazioaren pautan, eta kazetariaren balizko mendekotasuna hedabidearen autonomiarik eza erakutsiko luke; azken horrek argitaratutako gaian hedabidearen autoritaterik falta ere ekarriko luke» (De ...
Espacios De Comunicacion Iv Congreso Internacional De La Asociacion Espanola De Investigacion En Comunicacion 2014 Isbn 978 84 695 9434 6 Pag 1485, 2013
Espacios De Comunicacion Iv Congreso Internacional De La Asociacion Espanola De Investigacion En Comunicacion 2014 Isbn 978 84 695 9434 6 Pag 1471, 2013
Books by Maria Gorosarri
First of all, this work gathers the theoretical discourses on Quality, stem from different business models and diverse economic systems (Capitalism and Soviet socialism). As a result, the concept of Quality has been formulated according to the common characteristics of all discourses. Secondly, this Thesis has also incorporated those contributions from the Media Studies research field. Finally, it compiles the literature review of News Quality (Scandinavia, Germany, USA, and South America).
Following Professor Denis McQuail’s normative theory (“Media performance in the public analysis”), the present Thesis assesses media performance in terms of quality. Therefore, the methodology for News Quality assessment is based on McQuail’s normative theory, and it also includes the classical features of Quality research from other fields, such as information technology and manufacturing. Professor McQuail presided over the Defence Committee for this Thesis.
Accordingly, the News Quality and its evolution of the three main Basque media has been assessed. In addition, those results have been confronted with the assessment of the most followed fifteen French and Spanish media in the Basque Country. Thus, ‘Euskadi Irratia’ (Radio) has been compared with ‘Euskalerria Irratia’, ‘Euskal Irratiak’, ‘France Bleu’, ‘Radio Euskadi’, and ‘Cadena Ser’. Equally, it has made a comparation of ‘Etb1’ with ‘France 3’, ‘Etb2’, ‘Tf1’ and ‘Telecinco’. Finally, the quality of the news published by ‘Berria’ has been compared to ‘Diario de Navarra’, ‘Diario de Noticias de Álava’, ‘Diario Vasco’, ‘El Correo Español’, ‘Gara’, and ‘Le Journal du Pays Basque’.
Hence, two main conclusions are deduced. On the one hand, a significant decline in the quality published/broadcast by Basque media has been verified. Furthermore, whereas Basqueness was essential to news reporting during the 80s and 90s, nowadays news story is based on content supplied by abroad news providers. On the other hand, it has also been attested that the quality of news broadcast/published by Basque media has been corroborated to be higher than that of French and Spanish media. As a result, the Basque language and the sense of community belonging have decelerated the expansion of “fast journalism”.
Papers by Maria Gorosarri
First of all, this work gathers the theoretical discourses on Quality, stem from different business models and diverse economic systems (Capitalism and Soviet socialism). As a result, the concept of Quality has been formulated according to the common characteristics of all discourses. Secondly, this Thesis has also incorporated those contributions from the Media Studies research field. Finally, it compiles the literature review of News Quality (Scandinavia, Germany, USA, and South America).
Following Professor Denis McQuail’s normative theory (“Media performance in the public analysis”), the present Thesis assesses media performance in terms of quality. Therefore, the methodology for News Quality assessment is based on McQuail’s normative theory, and it also includes the classical features of Quality research from other fields, such as information technology and manufacturing. Professor McQuail presided over the Defence Committee for this Thesis.
Accordingly, the News Quality and its evolution of the three main Basque media has been assessed. In addition, those results have been confronted with the assessment of the most followed fifteen French and Spanish media in the Basque Country. Thus, ‘Euskadi Irratia’ (Radio) has been compared with ‘Euskalerria Irratia’, ‘Euskal Irratiak’, ‘France Bleu’, ‘Radio Euskadi’, and ‘Cadena Ser’. Equally, it has made a comparation of ‘Etb1’ with ‘France 3’, ‘Etb2’, ‘Tf1’ and ‘Telecinco’. Finally, the quality of the news published by ‘Berria’ has been compared to ‘Diario de Navarra’, ‘Diario de Noticias de Álava’, ‘Diario Vasco’, ‘El Correo Español’, ‘Gara’, and ‘Le Journal du Pays Basque’.
Hence, two main conclusions are deduced. On the one hand, a significant decline in the quality published/broadcast by Basque media has been verified. Furthermore, whereas Basqueness was essential to news reporting during the 80s and 90s, nowadays news story is based on content supplied by abroad news providers. On the other hand, it has also been attested that the quality of news broadcast/published by Basque media has been corroborated to be higher than that of French and Spanish media. As a result, the Basque language and the sense of community belonging have decelerated the expansion of “fast journalism”.