研究社 新英和中辞典
英語の意味や発音、用例、成句などを調べることができる英和辞典です。 提供 研究社 URL https://www.kenkyusha.co.jp/ |
研究社 新英和中辞典 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- N
- NA
- NB
- NC
- ND
- NE
- NF
- NG
- NH
- NI
- NJ
- NK
- NL
- NM
- NN
- NO
- NP
- NQ
- NR
- NS
- NT
- NU
- NV
- NW
- NX
- NY
- NZ
- N(50音)
- N(タイ文字)
- N(数字)
- N(記号)
- Ne
- NE
- ne plus ultra
- ne'er
- ne'er‐do‐well
- Neanderthal man
- neap
- neap tide
- Neapolitan
- Neapolitan ice cream
- near
- near as one can do
- near at hand
- near beer
- near by
- Near East
- Near Eastern
- near miss
- near money
- near of kin
- near the bone
- near the knuckle
- near the mark
- near the wind
- near thing
- near to one's heart
- nearby
- nearest and dearest
- nearly
- nearness
- nearside
- nearsighted
- neat
- neaten
- neath
- neatly
- Neb.
- nebbish
- NEbE
- NEbN
- Nebr.
- Nebraska
- nebula
- nebular
- nebular hypothesis
- nebular theory
- nebulosity
- nebulous
- necessarily
- necessary
- necessary evil
- necessitate
- necessitous
- necessity
- neck
- neck and neck
- neck of the woods
- neck or nothing
- neckband
- necked
- neckerchief
- necking
- necklace
- necklet
- neckline
- necktie
- neckwear
- necrology
- necromancer
- necromancy
- necrophilia
- necropolis
- nectar
- nectarine
- nectary
- Ned
- Neddy
- nee
- need
- need like a hole in the head
- need like one needs a hole in the head
- need to have one's head examined
- needful
- needle
- needle game
- needle match
- needlecraft
- needlefish
- needlepoint
- needless
- needless to say
- needlessly
- needlewoman
- needlework
- needn't
- needs