「斎藤和英大辞典」(斎藤秀三郎著、日外アソシエーツ辞書編集部編)は、昭和3年に初版が刊行された和英辞典の復刻新版です。日本的な言い回しや慣用表現の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 日外アソシエーツ URL https://www.nichigai.co.jp/ |
斎藤和英大辞典 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- S
- SA
- SB
- SC
- SD
- SE
- SF
- SG
- SH
- SI
- SJ
- SK
- SL
- SM
- SN
- SO
- SP
- SQ
- SR
- SS
- ST
- SU
- SV
- SW
- SX
- SY
- SZ
- S(50音)
- S(タイ文字)
- S(数字)
- S(記号)
- surveyor's chain
- survival
- Survival
- survival of the fittest
- Survival of the fittest
- survive
- surviving custom
- Surviving evils
- surviving family
- survivors
- susceptibility
- Susceptibility to summer heat
- susceptible
- susceptible to female charms
- suspect
- suspect without cause
- suspend
- suspend a meeting
- suspend business
- suspend hostilities
- suspend operations
- suspend publication
- suspend the publication of
- suspended animation
- suspended ceiling
- suspense
- Suspense
- suspension
- Suspension
- suspension bridge
- Suspension from office
- Suspension from school
- Suspension of a performance
- suspension of arms
- suspension of business
- Suspension of business
- Suspension of execution
- suspension of hostilities
- Suspension of meeting
- suspension of operations
- Suspension of publication
- Suspension of the court
- Suspension of traffic
- Suspension of water-supply
- suspensory bandage
- suspicion
- Suspicion
- suspicious
- Suspicious
- suspicious fellow
- suspicious-looking
- Suspicious-looking
- sustain
- sustain a check
- sustain a complete defeat
- sustain a crushing defeat
- sustain a defeat
- sustain a loss
- sustain a siege
- sustaining
- sustaining power
- sustenance
- Sutra
- Sutra of the Lotus of the True Law
- sutras
- suture
- Suture
- suzerain
- swaddling clothes
- Swaddling-bands
- swaddling-clothes
- swagger
- swallow
- swallow an insult
- swallow up
- swallow whole
- swallow-tail
- swallow-tailed coat
- Swallowing whole
- swamp
- swamped boat
- swan
- swan neck
- swan-song
- swank
- swap
- swarm
- swarthy
- swastika
- swathe
- sway
- swaying
- swear
- swear an oath
- swear at
- swear on the sword
- swear to
- swear to secrecy
- sweat
- Sweat