人体の器官や部位の名称の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 船戸和弥のホームページ URL http://www.anatomy.med.keio.ac.jp/f unatoka/ |
英和解剖学用語集 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- R
- RA
- RB
- RC
- RD
- RE
- RF
- RG
- RH
- RI
- RJ
- RK
- RL
- RM
- RN
- RO
- RP
- RQ
- RR
- RS
- RT
- RU
- RV
- RW
- RX
- RY
- RZ
- R(50音)
- R(タイ文字)
- R(数字)
- R(記号)
- Radial
- Radial artery
- Radial border of forearm
- Radial bursa
- Radial collateral artery
- Radial collateral ligament of elbow joint
- Radial collateral ligament of wrist joint
- Radial fibres of ciliary muscle
- Radial fossa of humerus
- Radial groove
- Radial head of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle
- Radial nerve
- Radial notch of ulna
- Radial part of posterior compartment of forearm
- Radial recurrent artery
- Radial styloid process
- Radial surfaces of fingers
- Radial tuberosity
- Radial veins
- Radialis indicis artery
- radiate
- Radiate carpal ligament
- Radiate layer of hippocampus
- Radiate ligament of head of rib
- Radiate sternocostal ligaments
- Radiation
- Radiation of corpus callosum
- radicular
- Radicular branches of spinal branches of vertebral artery
- Radii of lens
- Radio-ulnar syndesmosis
- Radiocarpal jont
- Radius
- Rami communicantes
- Ramus communicans
- Ramus communicans of spinal nerve
- Ramus of ischium
- Ramus of mandible
- Ramus of pubis
- Raphe
- Raphe nuclei of medulla oblongata
- Raphe nuclei of pontile tegmentum
- Raphe nuclei of tegmentum of midbrain
- Raphe of medulla oblongata
- Raphe of penis
- Raphe of pons
- Raphe of scrotum
- Recess
- Recess of tympanic membrane
- Recesses, fossae and folds
- Rectal ampulla
- Rectal columns
- Rectal stalk
- Rectal venous plexus
- Recto-urethral muscles
- Recto-urethralis inferior
- Recto-urethralis superior
- Recto-urethralis superior muscle
- Recto-uterine fold
- Recto-uterine ligament
- Recto-uterinus
- Recto-uterinus muscle
- Rectococcygeus
- Rectococcygeus muscle
- Rectoperinealis
- Rectoperinealis muscle
- Rectoprostatic fascia
- Rectosacral fascia
- Rectouterine pouch
- Rectovaginal fascia
- Rectovaginal septum
- Rectovesical pouch
- Rectovesical septum
- Rectovesicalis
- Rectovesicalis muscle
- Rectum
- Rectus abdominis muscle
- Rectus capitis anterior muscle
- Rectus capitis lateralis muscle
- Rectus capitis posterior major muscle
- Rectus capitis posterior minor muscle
- Rectus femoris muscle
- Rectus sheath
- recurrent
- Recurrent arery of Heubner
- Recurrent branch of spinal nerve
- Recurrent interosseous artery
- Recurrent laryngeal nerve
- Recurrent meningeal branch of ophthalmic artery
- red
- Red bone marrow
- Red marrow
- Red nucleus
- Red pulp of spleen
- reflected
- Reflected head of rectus femoris
- Reflected inguinal ligment