![]() ![]() 眼科の診療現場などで使用頻度の高い単語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 医療法人社団医新会 URL http://www.ocular.net/ |
- 絞込み
- M
- MA
- MB
- MC
- MD
- ME
- MF
- MG
- MH
- MI
- MJ
- MK
- ML
- MM
- MN
- MO
- MP
- MQ
- MR
- MS
- MT
- MU
- MV
- MW
- MX
- MY
- MZ
- M(50音)
- M(タイ文字)
- M(数字)
- M(記号)
- M refraction
- M-mode
- M-scan
- M?bius' syndrome
- M?ller cell
- M?ller's muscle
- M?llerectomy
- M?ni?re's disease
- macroaneurysm
- macroglobulinemia
- macroperforation
- macrophthalmos
- macropsia
- macula
- macula adherens
- macula lutea
- macular avascular zone
- macular cherry-red spot
- macular coloboma
- macular corneal dystrophy
- macular dark spot
- macular degeneration
- macular dystrophy
- macular edema
- macular evasion
- macular fibrosis
- macular fixation
- macular hemorrhage
- macular heterotropia
- macular hole
- macular hypoplasia
- macular pigment
- macular pseudohole
- macular pucker
- macular retinopathy
- macular ring reflex
- macular sparing
- macular star
- macular star figure
- macularhole
- maculopathy
- madarosis
- Maddox rod
- Maddox rod test
- Maddox wing
- magnetic foreign body
- magnetic resonance imaging
- magnetostrictive method
- magnification
- magnifier
- magnnetic
- major amblyoscope
- major arterial circle of iris
- major circle of iris
- major histocompatibility complex
- major meridian
- major vascular circle of iris
- malformation
- malignant
- malignant diabetic retinopathy
- malignant exophthalmos
- malignant glaucoma
- malignant hypertension
- malignant lesion
- malignant lymphoma
- malignant melanoma
- malignant myopia
- malignant scleritis
- malingerer
- malingering
- malposition
- mandibulopalpebral synkinesia
- manifest deviation
- manifest hyperopia
- manifest latent nystagmus
- manifest refraction
- manifest strabismus
- Manitol
- Maniton
- Mannigen
- mannitol
- mapdot-fingerprint dystrophy
- maple syrup urine disease
- Marcaine
- Marchesani's syndrome
- Marcus Gunn phenomenon
- Marcus Gunn pupil
- Marcus Gunn syndrome
- Marfan's syndrome
- marginal blepharitis
- marginal catarrhal ulcer
- marginal corneal degeneration
- marginal corneal ulcer
- marginal keratitis
- marginal myotomy
- marginal phlyctenule
- marking
- Martin's marginal ulcerative keratitis
- mascara