集団災害を主とする災害医学に関連する用語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 日本集団災害医学会 URL http://square.umin.ac.jp/jadm/ |
集団災害医学用語 のさくいん |
- a fire department
- a fire station
- A-K amputation
- abdominal injury
- abdominal trauma
- above knee amputation
- abrasion
- abscess
- absorbed dose
- accountability
- acid rain
- Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
- Act Concerning Dispatch of Japan Disaster Relief Team
- Act Concerning Prevention of Steep Slope Collapse Disaster
- Act Concerning Special Financial Support for Promoting Group Relocation for Disaster Mitigation
- Act concerning Special Financial Support to Deal with the Designated Disaster of Extreme Severity
- Act Concerning Support for Reconstructing Livelihood of Disaster Victims
- Act for Densely Inhabited Areas Improvement for Disaster Mitigation
- Act for Earthquake Insurance
- Act for Promotion of the Earthquake Proof Retrofit of Buildings
- Act for the Payment of Solatia for Disaster
- Act for the Statement of Principles and Organization of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Revival
- Act of Special Countermeasures for Heavy Snowfall Area
- Act on Prevention of Disaster in Petroleum Industrial Complexes and other Petroleum Facilities
- Act on Special Measures for Active Volcanoes
- Act Regarding Special Measures to Weigh the Preservation of Rights and Profits of the Victims of Specified Disasters
- active fault
- active listening
- active volcano
- Active Volcano Countermeasure Act
- Actual Time of Arrival
- acute cardiac death
- acute exposure
- acute intoxication
- acute poisoning
- acute radiation exposure
- acute radiation syndrome
- acute respiratory infection
- acute stress disorder
- acute stress reaction
- acute toxicity
- Advanced Cardiac Life Support
- advanced cardiovascular life support
- advanced emergency medical service center
- advanced life support
- advanced trauma life support
- aerial fire fighting
- aerial rescue
- AfDB
- affected area
- affected people
- affected population
- affective incontinence
- African Development Bank
- after shock
- Aga Khan Foundation
- agitation
- air ambulance with physician
- air mass
- Air Staff Office
- air way bill
- airway obstruction
- alarm signal
- alpha radiation detection equipment
- alpha ray
- amateur radio
- ambulance transportation
- ambulance with physician
- amnesia
- Amnesty International
- amputation
- anniversary reaction
- anoxia
- anthrax
- antidote
- aquatic rescue
- area below sea level
- area of intensified seismic observation
- area of operation
- area of special observation
- areas requiring intensified measurement to prevent earthquake disasters
- areas under intensified measures against earthquake disaster
- Ash
- ash fall
- ash flow
- Asian Development Bank
- asphyxia
- aspiration pneumonia