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- R&D
- racial homogenuity
- raise of scheduled earnings
- range rate
- range rate for each job category
- rank and filer
- rank of competence within a type of job group
- ranking by seniority
- ranking system of the degree of competence by type of job group
- ranking system of workers
- rate range
- rater
- rater training
- ratio of labor to the output
- re-enter the work force
- re-entry into employment
- real estate appraiser
- real wages
- reassignment
- reception training
- recommendation by the National Personnel Agency
- recruiting personnel
- recruitment
- recruitment agreement for college graduates
- recruitment area
- recruitment examination
- recruitment magazine
- recruitment method
- recruitment through employee referral
- recurrent education
- recurrent training
- reduction of working hours
- redundancy payment
- reeducation
- reemployment
- reemployment in a temporary capacity
- reemployment system
- reengagement
- refugee
- regional allowance
- regular employee
- regular recruitment
- regular weekly hours
- regular worker
- reinstatement
- reinstatement of a worker
- related company
- relative merit rating
- relocation
- rental housing provided by company
- reporting allowance
- representation right
- research & development
- researcher
- reserve financing plan
- reshuffling of personnel
- resident qualification
- resign
- resignation
- resignation because of marriage
- responsibility
- restructuring
- results appraisal
- retail trade
- retention ratio
- retirement
- retirement allowance system
- retirement pension
- retraining
- retraining program
- right of workers to organize, bargain and act collectively
- right to no smoking
- rising participation of women in employment
- rota system
- routine work
- Ruker plan