広範な生命科学(ライフサイエンス)の学問領域で使われる専門用語の英・和対訳や、シソーラス、関連語などが引ける辞書です。 提供 ライフサイエンス辞書プロジェクト URL https://lsd-project.jp/cgi-bin/lsdp roj/ejlookup04.pl |
ライフサイエンス辞書 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- P
- PA
- PB
- PC
- PD
- PE
- PF
- PG
- PH
- PI
- PJ
- PK
- PL
- PM
- PN
- PO
- PP
- PQ
- PR
- PS
- PT
- PU
- PV
- PW
- PX
- PY
- PZ
- P(50音)
- P(タイ文字)
- P(数字)
- P(記号)
- Pennisetum
- Pennisetum purpureum
- Pennisetum属
- pension
- pensions
- Penstemon
- Penstemon属
- pent-
- penta-
- pentachlorophenol
- pentacoordinate
- pentacyclic
- pentacyclic triterpene
- pentaerythritol
- pentaerythritol tetranitrate
- pentaerythrityl
- pentaerythrityl tetranitrate
- pentagastrin
- pentakisphosphate
- pentalenene
- pentalogy of Cantrell
- pentalogy of Fallot
- pentamer
- pentameric
- pentamers
- pentamidine
- pentamidine isethionate
- pentamidine isetionate
- pentamine
- pentamycin
- pentane
- pentanoic
- pentanoic acid
- pentanol
- pentanone
- pentanoyl
- pentanucleotide
- pentanucleotides
- pentapeptide
- pentapeptides
- pentaphosphate
- pentaphosphates
- pentasaccharide
- pentasaccharides
- pentastarch
- Pentastomida
- Pentatrichomonas hominis
- pentatricopeptide repeat
- pentavalent
- pentazocine
- pentenyl
- pentetic acid
- pentetrazol
- pentetreotide
- penthienate
- pentifylline
- pentobarbital
- pentobarbital calcium
- pentobarbital sodium
- pentobarbitone
- pentolinium
- pentolinium tartrate
- penton
- pentons
- pentopril
- pentosan polysulfate
- pentose
- pentose phosphate cycle
- pentose phosphate pathway
- pentose shunt
- pentosephosphate
- pentoses
- pentosidine
- Pentostam
- pentostatin
- pentosuria
- pentosyltransferase
- pentoxifylline
- pentoxyl
- pentoxyverine
- pentoxyverine citrate
- pentraxin
- pentraxin 3
- pentraxins
- pentyl
- pentylenetetrazol
- pentylenetetrazole
- penultimate
- penumbra
- penumbral
- Peon
- peony
- peony root
- people
- peopled
- peoples
- peopling
- Peperomia