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- 絞込み
- U
- UA
- UB
- UC
- UD
- UE
- UF
- UG
- UH
- UI
- UJ
- UK
- UL
- UM
- UN
- UO
- UP
- UQ
- UR
- US
- UT
- UU
- UV
- UW
- UX
- UY
- UZ
- U(50音)
- U(タイ文字)
- U(数字)
- U(記号)
- unicast
- unicast rollover
- Unicode
- unicode escape sequence
- Unicode Transmission Format 8
- Unicode エスケープ シーケンス
- Unicode 対応でないプログラムの言語
- unidentified caller
- unified communications
- Unified Communications SIP phone
- Unified Connection Manager
- Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
- Unified Messaging
- Unified Messaging language
- Unified Messaging server role
- Unified Modeling Language
- Unified Tracing Model
- unified work list
- Uniform Resource Identifier
- Uniform Resource Locator
- Uniform Resource Name
- uninstall
- uninterruptible power supply
- union query
- unique customer
- unique identifier
- unique index
- unique permission
- uniqueidentifier data type
- uniqueidentifier データ型
- uniqueifier
- uniqueness constraint
- unit
- unit availability
- unit contribution margin
- unit conversion factor
- unit group
- unit of measure
- unit of measurement
- unit price
- unit test
- unit variance amount
- unit vector
- unite
- United Nations Trade Data Elements Dictionary
- United Parcel Service zone
- United Parcel Service ゾーン
- units
- Universal
- Universal Character Set
- Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
- Universal Disk Format
- universal group
- Universal Naming Convention
- Universal Naming Convention name
- Universal Naming Convention path
- Universal Object Control
- universal serial bus
- universally unique identifier
- UNIX file permissions
- UNIX ファイルのアクセス権
- UNIX ベース アプリケーション用サブシステム
- UNIX 用 ID 管理
- unknown
- Unknown
- unknown member
- unlimited material
- unlink
- unlock
- Unlock
- Unlock Session
- unlocked group
- unlocked user profile
- unmanaged code
- unmanaged function
- unmanaged instance
- Unmute
- Unmute Microphone
- Unmute Speakers
- unpair
- unpark
- unpickle
- Unpickle
- unpin
- unpivot
- unplumb
- unprotect
- unprotected solution
- unpublished site
- unrated
- Unread Changes