「WordNet」および「日本語WordNet」による、言葉の意義ごとの定義や同義語などを記述した概念辞書です。 提供 情報通信研究機構 URL https://www.nict.go.jp/ |
日本語WordNet(英和) のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- W
- WA
- WB
- WC
- WD
- WE
- WF
- WG
- WH
- WI
- WJ
- WK
- WL
- WM
- WN
- WO
- WP
- WQ
- WR
- WS
- WT
- WU
- WV
- WW
- WX
- WY
- WZ
- W(50音)
- W(タイ文字)
- W(数字)
- W(記号)
- whiskered
- whiskerless
- whiskers
- whiskery
- whiskey
- whiskey bottle
- whiskey jug
- whiskey neat
- whiskey on the rocks
- whiskey sour
- whisky
- whisky neat
- whisky on the rocks
- whisky sour
- whisper
- whispered
- whisperer
- whispering
- whispering bells
- whispering campaign
- whispering dome
- whispering gallery
- whist
- whist drive
- whistle
- whistle blower
- whistle buoy
- whistle stop
- whistle-blower
- whistle-stop tour
- whistleblower
- Whistler
- whistlestop
- whistling
- whistling buoy
- whistling marmot
- whistling swan
- whit
- whit leather
- whit-tuesday
- White
- white admiral
- white alder
- white Anglo-Saxon Protestant
- white ant
- white arsenic
- white ash
- white aspen
- white avens
- white backlash
- white baneberry
- white basswood
- white bead
- white bean
- white bedstraw
- white beech
- white beer
- white birch
- white blood cell
- white blood corpuscle
- white book
- white bread
- white broom
- white bryony
- white burgundy
- white cake
- white camas
- white campion
- white cedar
- white cell
- white chocolate
- white cinnamon
- white cinnamon tree
- white clover
- white cockle
- white cohosh
- white corpuscle
- white crappie
- white croaker
- white currant
- white cypress
- white cypress pine
- white daisy
- white dead nettle
- white dipladenia
- white dog's-tooth violet
- white dogtooth violet
- white dwarf
- white dwarf star
- white elephant
- white elm
- white fairy lantern
- white false indigo
- white feather
- white feldspar
- white fir
- white flag
- white fox
- White Friar
- white fringed orchis