「斎藤和英大辞典」(斎藤秀三郎著、日外アソシエーツ辞書編集部編)は、昭和3年に初版が刊行された和英辞典の復刻新版です。日本的な言い回しや慣用表現の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 日外アソシエーツ URL https://www.nichigai.co.jp/ |
斎藤和英大辞典 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- C
- CA
- CB
- CC
- CD
- CE
- CF
- CG
- CH
- CI
- CJ
- CK
- CL
- CM
- CN
- CO
- CP
- CQ
- CR
- CS
- CT
- CU
- CV
- CW
- CX
- CY
- CZ
- C(50音)
- C(タイ文字)
- C(数字)
- C(記号)
- cocksy
- cocky
- cocoa-nut palm
- cocoon
- Cocooning
- Cod-liver oil
- coddle
- code
- code address
- Code of Criminal Procedure
- code of honour
- code-book
- codfish
- coefficient
- coerce
- coercion
- Coercion
- coercive measures
- coercively
- Coeval with heaven and earth
- coexist
- Coexistence
- Coffee
- coffer
- coffered ceiling
- coffers
- coffin
- cog-wheel
- cogency
- cogent
- cognition
- cognizance
- cognize
- cognomen
- Cognovit
- cohabit
- Cohabitation
- cohere
- coherence
- cohesion
- Cohesion
- coiffure
- coiffure of child's hair
- coil
- coil itself round
- coin
- coinage
- Coinage
- coinage of the brain
- coincide
- coincide with
- coincidence
- Coincidence
- coition
- Coke
- colander
- cold
- Cold
- cold bath
- Cold blood
- Cold boiled fish
- cold colour
- cold constitution
- cold country
- cold current
- cold douche
- cold fit
- cold icy
- cold in the head
- Cold macaroni
- cold of night
- cold reception
- Cold rice
- Cold sake
- cold season
- cold steel
- Cold steel
- Cold storage
- Cold sweat
- cold treatment
- Cold treatment
- cold water
- Cold water
- cold wave
- cold weather
- cold wind
- cold-blooded
- cold-hearted
- Cold-hearted
- cold-storage warehouse
- Cold-water ablution in winter
- Cold-water ablutions
- Cold-water bathing
- coldest days of winter
- Coldly
- coldness
- cole-seed
- cole-seed oil
- Colic
- collaborate