「斎藤和英大辞典」(斎藤秀三郎著、日外アソシエーツ辞書編集部編)は、昭和3年に初版が刊行された和英辞典の復刻新版です。日本的な言い回しや慣用表現の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 日外アソシエーツ URL https://www.nichigai.co.jp/ |
斎藤和英大辞典 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- J
- JA
- JB
- JC
- JD
- JE
- JF
- JG
- JH
- JI
- JJ
- JK
- JL
- JM
- JN
- JO
- JP
- JQ
- JR
- JS
- JT
- JU
- JV
- JW
- JX
- JY
- JZ
- J(50音)
- J(タイ文字)
- J(数字)
- J(記号)
- Japanese spirits
- Japanese style
- Japanese syllabaries attached to Chinese characters
- Japanese syllabary
- Japanese three-stringed guitar
- Japanese translation
- Japanese trio
- Japanese trout
- Japanese unit of weight
- Japanese urinal
- Japanese version
- Japanese-American
- Japanese-English
- Japanese-English dictionary
- Japanese-English translation
- Japaneses magic lantern
- Japaneses spirit
- Japanophilism
- Japanophobia
- jar
- jar upon the ear
- jargon
- jasmine
- Jasper
- jaundice
- Jaundice
- jaundiced
- jaundiced eye
- jaunt
- javelin
- jaw
- jaws
- jaws of death
- jay
- jealous
- Jealous
- jealous of one's rights
- jealousy
- Jealousy
- jeer
- jeer at
- jeers
- jejune
- jejunum
- jelly-fish
- jeopardy
- jerks
- jerky
- jerry-building
- Jerry-building
- Jerusalem artichoke
- jest
- jestingly
- Jesuit missionary of the Sixteenth Century
- jet
- Jet-black
- Jetsam
- jettison
- jettison cargo
- jettisoned cargo
- jetty
- Jew's ear
- jewel
- jeweller
- Jezebel
- jib
- jilting
- jingle
- jingling
- jingoes
- jingoism
- jingoists
- jinrikisha
- jinrikisha from a jinrikisha-station
- jinrikisha-station
- jinrikishaman
- job
- job-work
- jobber
- jobbery
- jobbing
- jockey
- jocose
- jocular
- John Barleycorn
- John Bull
- join
- join an association
- join battle
- join hands
- join hands with
- join in
- join issue with
- join one's regiment
- join one's ship
- join the colours
- join the editorial staff
- join the majority
- join the Ministry
- join the ranks of