意味 | 例文 (63件) |
該当件数 : 63件
The predicted SLIH is speculatively executed at the same time as a first level interruption handler (FLIH) for determining a right SLIH for interruption. - 特許庁
Also, to the common input terminal, positive potential (VDD) and negative potential (VSS) can be fed in the case of the testing function, and a writing voltage can be fed in the case of the high-voltage applying function used when writing data in its memory means. - 特許庁
このチュートリアルの最初の節で、UMLBankAppSample Java プロジェクトと、リバースエンジニアリング機能を使用して生成した UML プロジェクト UMLBankAppSample-Model を読み込みました。例文帳に追加
In the first section of this tutorial, you loaded the UMLBankAppSample Java project and the UML project, UMLBankAppSample-Model, that was generated using the Reverse Engineering feature.発音を聞く - NetBeans
To provide a keyless entry device capable of preventing a mobile device from being carelessly locked in while securing the safety of a vehicle. - 特許庁
An anchor shank part 14 capable of burying in a concrete base 12 is integrally mounted on the top end with a liner 16 as an installing jig for a machine instrument. - 特許庁
To provide a wall surface installation type controller device easily allowing insertion connection of a communication terminal part and an external apparatus without enlargement. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 63件
An arithmetic part 8 issues an instruction for writing writing data with an address assigned by host equipment to the first memory. - 特許庁
Additionally, automobiles are comparatively high priced items and it is easy for their demand to drop during an economic crisis and their sales have a large impact on the real economy. - 経済産業省
The numerical control equipment, which drives a motor driving a moving part and controls a machine tool for processing a work according to a processing program, reads a name of a processing program, reads a name of a processing program which has been executed previously, and determines whether a processing program is changed or not (SA1-SA3). - 特許庁
This dust collector for fine powder comprises a dry type dust collector 50 which takes in mixed gas containing dusts, recovers the dust and discharges the gas and a wet type dust collector 1 which is attached to the discharge side of the dry type dust collector 50. - 特許庁
The navigation device can perform rewriting in a parkable area such as the nearest service area and a parking area before a navigation function does not exist when the memory reaches a prescribed writing capacity since a display part 86 displays a status until the memory reaches a calculated value calculated with a total writing capacity calculation part 82. - 特許庁
This program is constituted of a step (1) for reading a DXF file, a step (2) for analyzing/displaying the DXF, and a step (3) for selecting the analyzed DXF for each function. - 特許庁
This program is characterized by comprising: a step (1) for reading a DXF file; a step (2) for analyzing/displaying the DXF; and a step (3) for selecting the analyzed DXF for each function. - 特許庁
In the system that operates under the control of the scheduling mechanism, for example, a process B having a priority higher than a process A interrupts during the operation of the process A, and when the processing of the process B ends to make the process A return, the state of the process A is not different from the state of the process A before the interruption of the process B. - 特許庁
意味 | 例文 (63件) |
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