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英訳・英語 vestibular surface; buccal surface
該当件数 : 14件
To improve configuration and arrangement around the ear of a skin electrode that applies vestibular stimulation current to the vestibular sensation so as to reduce stimulations to the skin, and to provide a body induction apparatus and a skin surface electrode which stimulate the vestibular sensation efficiently even when an area of the electrode adhering to the skin is small compared to a conventional apparatus. - 特許庁
This hermitage was built in the precincts of Ryuko-in in Daitoku-ji Temple (Kita Ward, Kyoto City) and given the name of Sunsho-an (small pine hermitage) because small pine trees were planted all over the front garden.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The front garden is covered in white sand with tachibana trees on the right and Japanese apricot trees on the left (those on the left are not sakura cherry trees).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
This nasal support device for supporting the outer surfaces of first and second outer vestibular walls of the nose of a horse is equipped with a support layer placed to structurally support the first and second outer vestibular walls and a combination layer to fix the device to the nose of a domestic animal. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 14件
The entire surface area of the color key (10) is smaller than the buccal and/or labial surface area, that is to say the vestibular surface area of two teeth, and the color patterns (12) are adjacent to one another and particularly mounted to one single tooth. - 特許庁
To provide an apartment house of two stories, called a terrace house, capable of forming front gardens in front of a building, if gardens can not be wide enough for lots. - 特許庁
The invention provides artificial teeth arranged in plates attached in an oral cavity as a dental prosthetic appliance, in which arrangement direction indication parts showing a directivity of arrangement in the plates extending in an apical-cervical direction or in a mesiodistal direction are provided at a vestibular side or an oral side. - 特許庁
An electric stimulation apparatus has a current reference generating part for extracting characteristic information from time series signals including music signals and image signals to generate induction signals based on the characteristic information, and an electrically stimulating part for outputting an electric stimulation current to stimulate the vestibular sensation through electrodes on skin surfaces based on the induction signals. - 特許庁
The vestibular stimulating devices 221 to 223 set a current change amount per unit time of a current supplied to a skin surface electrode in raising the reference current to a current command value input from the current command value input device to the maximum value not to stimulate the skin pain or a value in the neighborhood thereof not exceeding it. - 特許庁
In an apartment house for which a house of two stories is partitioned with boundary walls to incorporate a plurality of families, protrusions U are provided in communication with both first and second floors constituting one-lot housings, front gardens T encircled by fences 5 are provided in front of portions of the protrusions U and the upper parts of the fences 5 are formed on second-floor balconies 2. - 特許庁
Additionally, although the details of samurai residences are still not clear to this day, a typical residence consisted of the following up until the Muromachi period: In one building or a building with annexes, various rooms, such as a tosaburai (tosamurai), where samurai gathered, a shinden and taimen-jo (meeting place), where the samurai spent their days, Dei (Idei) as a guest room, Kumonjo (Office of Administration) and a living room, were placed with strong walls and moats surrounding the buildings, and the garden are was also smaller in comparison with Shinden-zukuri style, matching the smaller-sized buildings, and a front garden with a Chumon gate and entranceway was placed instead of the large garden typical of Shinden-zukuri style, and inside courtyard was divided into smaller sections mainly for viewing.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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