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英訳・英語 a silt bed.
該当件数 : 8件
Sludge sediments gradually in the solid-liquid separation tank 20 to form the sludge accumulation layer. - 特許庁
a fine-grained unstratified accumulation of clay and silt deposited by the wind発音を聞く - 日本語WordNet
In the sludge accumulation layer, a free sedimentation layer is formed on the uppermost part, and a coagulating sedimentation layer, a consolidation sedimentation layer and a concentration layer are formed successively on the lower side. - 特許庁
The sand layer 2 as the lower layer of the mud layer 1 is excavated by utilizing a water jet and changed into sand slurry, the sand slurry is force-fed near the surface of the water W by a pump 9 and discharged upwards and dispersed on the mud layer 1 and sedimented freely. - 特許庁
To provide the collapse preventive construction method for an upper sand bed in a slurry shield in which the taking-in and collapse of the sand bed are prevented even under the state, in which the slurry shield suspends, and ground-surface subsidence or the like is prevented without loosening a peripheral ground. - 特許庁
To provide coagulation sedimentation equipment capable of achieving the improvement of the rate of coagulation sedimentation treatment, uniformity of scattering of to-be-treated water into a tank, early formation of a slurry blanket layer during operation of the equipment, improvement of the solid concentration of the sludge drawn from the tank and securement of clear quality of treated water. - 特許庁
水底部9, 10に堆積した汚泥10の浮遊沈殿層に配置された電極5, 7により、水が電気分解して陽極電極5表面に酸素の微小気泡が発生し、周囲の水に溶け込むので、2次汚濁無しに水底部に酸素を供給することができる。例文帳に追加
The water is electrolyzed by the electrodes 5 and 7 arranged in a layer for suspending and settling the sludge 10 depositing on the water bottoms 9 and 10 to generate fine oxygen bubbles on the surface of the anode 5, the bubbles are dissolved in the surrounding water, and oxygen is supplied to the bottoms without causing secondary pollution. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 8件
To provide a method for highly functional culture, by which the elimination in the affection of water temperature in a surface layer, the sure maintenance and control of the water temperature, the removal of precipitated organic materials as the problem of conventional culture tanks, the promotion of sludge treatments, the stabilization of culture environments, and the improvement in culture efficiency are achieved. - 特許庁
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