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英訳・英語 swirly
該当件数 : 11件
Then, the refrigerant gas is swirled in a primary separation chamber 214. - 特許庁
Refrigerant gas passing through a discharge passage 103A, 103B is guided in a hollow portion 217A, 217B to flow in a whirl. - 特許庁
A vaporizing vessel having a channel concentrically spirally formed in the horizontal surface by a partition in its inside may be substituted for the vaporizing tube. - 特許庁
In a suction process, fluid passes through the inlet hole 42, and is sucked into the cylinder while generating a rotating flow whirling in the arrow A direction. - 特許庁
The casing 4 of the centrifugal blower for forming a spiral chamber 5 for an impeller is molded by fixing the back board 3 to the opposed two side plates 2 having the peripheral edge of continuing a spiral edge part 2A and a straight line-shaped edge part 2B so as to surround the peripheral edge (see, Fig.5 and also Fig.20). - 特許庁
--the barges signalled from far away by their curls of woolly smoke, the brown fishing fleet beyond Ringsend, the big white sailingvessel which was being discharged on the opposite quay.発音を聞く - James Joyce『遭遇』
He sat coiled in his armchair, his haggard and ascetic face hardly visible amid the blue swirl of his tobacco smoke, his black brows drawn down, his forehead contracted, his eyes vacant and far away.発音を聞く - Arthur Conan Doyle『悪魔の足』
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Weblio例文辞書での「渦を巻くような」に類似した例文 |
the action of rolling something up tightly
the condition of something being a stem-winder
該当件数 : 11件
Under the fierce international circumstance when Western powers had high ambitions, it was necessary for Japan to reluctantly keep away from China and Korea to keep independence as a country... the choice was to leave Asia.'発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The coiling uprush of smoke streamed across the sky, and through the rare tatters of that red canopy, remote as though they belonged to another universe, shone the little stars.発音を聞く - H. G. Wells『タイムマシン』
This liquid fuel burner having a cylindrical burner body 11 is provided with an electric heat embedded disk 16 between a premixing chamber 13 and a vaporizing tube 17 of the burner body 11, and the vaporizing tube 17 is concentrically spirally formed in a horizontal surface. - 特許庁
Since air flows into from a front side of a vehicle body as shown by arrow mark D and flows into outlets 71, 72 of the widening passages 64, 65 and outlets 73, 74 of the narrowing passages 62, 63 as shown by arrow mark E like swirl, powder dust/dust in air remains on an outlet side of the air intake duct 50. - 特許庁
意味 | 例文 (11件) |
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