意味 | 例文 (7件) |
英訳・英語 gastric biopsy
該当件数 : 7件
The contraction movement of the stomach of Suncus wherein a device capable of detecting gastrointestinal contraction movement such as a force transducer is mounted on the stomach is detected as the electrical signal converted by the device and the change of the electrical signal produced after a test substance is administered into the Suncus is set as an index to screen a substance for applying modification to the gastrointestinal contraction movement. - 特許庁
The method is useful in detection of various carcinomas such as hepatocellular carcinoma, carcinoma of the breast, lung carcinoma, gastrointestinal tract carcinoma, genital carcinoma and rib/soft tissue carcinoma, etc. - 特許庁
The method for diagnosing lymph node metastasis from gastric carcinoma comprises (a) a step for obtaining a biological sample from a patient, and (b) a step for measuring marker levels in the sample, wherein the levels above the pre-determined cut-off levels are indicative of lymph node metastasis from gastric carcinoma. - 特許庁
To provide a capsule type endoscope which never has blind spots in imaging a detecting region of a stomach or the like and facilitates the understanding of a position of an abnormal part in the detecting region when the abnormality is detected. - 特許庁
To provide a medicament capable of ameliorating or preventing the symptom of gastric anisakiasis which is caused by the infection with Anisakis and for the amelioration of which there has been no means except extraction with a bioptome under an endoscope. - 特許庁
An image data background separation apparatus 31 removes the background region from image data, such as, biopsy image of stomach input from an image data input device 2. - 特許庁
An image data background separation device 31 removes a background zone from the image data such as a biopsic image of a stomach entered from an image data input device 2. - 特許庁
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