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該当件数 : 4件
An experimental comparison of shape classification methods based on autoregressive modeling and Fourier descriptors of closed contours is carried out.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
閉じた輪郭線の自己回帰モデルとフーリエ記述子に基づく, 形状分類手法の実験的比較を行った. - コンピューター用語辞典
Three-dimensional shapes around abdomens of many samples are measured by a three-dimensional shape measuring system 100, and a group of Fourier descriptors to describe a closed curve of a predetermined cross section (e.g. a cross section at a navel's height) of each of the three-dimensional shapes are calculated by a Fourier analysis part 206.例文帳に追加
多数のサンプルの腹部周りの三次元形状を三次元形状計測システム100で計測し、それら各三次元形状の所定断面(例えば臍の高さでの断面)の閉曲線を記述するフーリエ記述子の組をフーリエ解析部206で計算する。 - 特許庁
Similarly the three-dimensional shapes around abdomens of the subjects whose visceral fat amounts are to be estimated are measured, the group of the Fourier descriptors of the predetermined cross section is determined, the principal component points of the group are calculated so as to apply the estimated calculation information 229, which allows the visceral fat amount to be estimated.例文帳に追加
そして、内臓脂肪量を推定したい対象被験者の腹部周りについて同様に三次元形状を計測し、所定断面のフーリエ記述子の組を求め、その組の主成分得点を計算し、推定計算式情報229に当てはめることで、内臓脂肪量を推定する。 - 特許庁
The group of the Fourier descriptors of each sample are analyzed by principal component analysis part 208 and determined each principal component points of the each sample and a visceral fat amount of the each sample otherwise determined by X-ray CT or the like are analyzed by a regression analysis part 210, which allows estimated calculation information 229 for estimating the visceral fat amount from a group of principal component points to be determined.例文帳に追加
そして、各サンプルのフーリエ記述子の組を主成分分析部208で主成分分析し、求められた各サンプルの各主成分得点と、別途X線CT等で求められた各サンプルの内臓脂肪量とを回帰分析部210が回帰分析することで、主成分得点群から内臓脂肪量を推定する推定計算式情報229を求める。 - 特許庁
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