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Japan Management Associationとは 意味・読み方・使い方

意味・対訳 ジェー‐エム‐エー
「Japan Management Association」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 11件
Shinro Tashiro Vice-Chairman, Japan Association of Site Management Organizations例文帳に追加
教授 田代 伸郎 日本SMO 協会副会長 - 厚生労働省
Questionnaires were sent to the 1,252 financial institutions regulated by the FSA, including banks, insurance companies, securities companies, investment trust management companies and investment advisers (hereinafter ‘the surveyed companies’) through the FSA, local finance bureaus, the Japan Securities Dealers Association, the Investment Trusts Association and the Japan Securities Investment Advisers Association.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
当庁所管の金融機関(銀行、保険会社、証券会社、投資信託委託業者及び投資顧問業者等、以下「調査対象会社」)計1,252 社に対し、金融庁、財務局、日本証券業協会、日本証券投資顧問協会、投資信託協会を通じて調査票を配布した。 - 金融庁
Source: The 15th Corporate White Paper on 'Market Evolution' and CSR Management: Toward Building Integrity and Creating Stakeholder Value (Japan Association of Corporate Executives).例文帳に追加
(出所)社団法人経済同友会『第15回企業白書「市場の進化」と社会的責任経営-企業の信頼構築と持続的な価値創造に向けて-』。 - 経済産業省
(i) Whether the securities company, etc., has developed appropriate internal rules based on “Regarding Development of Order Management Systems at Members,” which is a resolution adopted by the Japan Securities Dealers Association’s Board of Governors, and strives to ensure that all officers and employees are aware of and comply with them,発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
① 証券会社等は、日本証券業協会理事会決議「協会員における注文管理体制の整備について」を踏まえ、社内規則を適切に整備し、役職員に対する周知、徹底を図っているか。 - 金融庁
It is desirable that securities companies, etc., conduct sufficient trading management and screening with regard to investors who may be affiliated with antisocial forces, in cooperation with relevant authorities, the Japan Securities Dealers Association and other organizations.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
証券会社等は、関係当局や日本証券業協会等との連携の下、反社会的勢力との関係を有する可能性のある投資家について十分な売買管理・売買審査を行うことが望まれる。 - 金融庁
Sources: The 15th Corporate White Paper on 'Market Evolution' and CSR Management: Toward Building Integrity and Creating Stakeholder Value (Japan Association of Corporate Executives). CEO Survey, 5th Annual Global CEO Survey, Uncertain Times, Abundant Opportunities (PricewaterhouseCoopers).例文帳に追加
(資料)社団法人経済同友会『第15回企業白書「市場の進化」と社会的責任経営-企業の信頼構築と持続的な価値創造に向けて-』、PricewaterhouseCoopers「CEO Survey, 5th Annual Global CEO Survey, Uncertain Times, Abundant Opportunities」から作成。 - 経済産業省
Therefore, in examining the management of trading by securities companies, etc., conducted to prevent illegal trading by customers, supervisors shall pay attention to the following points with due consideration of “Regarding Members’ Development of Trading Management System for Prevention of Illegal Trading by Customers,” which is a resolution adopted by the Japan Securities Dealers Association’s Board of Governors.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
そのため、日本証券業協会理事会決議「会員における顧客による不公正取引の防止のための売買管理体制の整備について」も踏まえ、顧客の不公正取引を防止するための売買管理に関して、以下の点に留意する必要がある。 - 金融庁
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「Japan Management Association」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 11件
In addition, the training programs of the Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship and the specialist dispatch projects of the Japan Overseas Development Corporation will allow for the promotion of the development of technical personnel responsible for improvements to the productivity and quality of local Japanese enterprises, as well as the development of management personnel.例文帳に追加
また、(財)海外技術者研修協会の研修事業や(財)海外貿易開発協会の専門家派遣事業を通じ、現地日系企業の生産性、品質向上を担う技術者の育成、マネジメント(管理職)人材の育成等を推進する。 - 経済産業省
72 The report of "the Organizations and Human Resource Management in the Global Operations of Japanese Companies," which was released by the Japan Association of Corporate Executives on April25, 2012, describes that important issues are how to train Japanese employees of the head office to become globally active human resources and how to train local talents to become those capable of assuming the top position of the local corporation (page 9).例文帳に追加
72 日本経済同友会は、2012 年4 月25 日に『"日本企業" のグローバル経営における組織・人材マネジメント』報告書において、「本社の日本人社員を、どのようにグローバルに活躍できる人材へと育成していくのか、現地のローカル人材から現地法人トップに登用できる人材をどのように育てていくのかについても、大きな課題である。(P. 9)」としている。 - 経済産業省
However, only a few countries have adopted the type III environmental labels. As an example, Eco-Leaf is an environmental label that has been used in the “Eco-Leaf Type III Environmental Labeling Program” since June 2002 by the Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry (http://www.jemai.or.jp). Sixty-two cineraria by product category were laid down and 496 product items (sum total 930 items) were registered and publicized in the program as of the end of February 2010.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
このタイプⅢ環境ラベルを実施している国はまだ数か国にすぎませんが、日本では、( 社)産業環境管理協会(http://www.jemai.or.jp)が運営する「エコリーフ環境ラベル」制度が平成14年6月から始まり、平成22年2月現在では62件の製品分類別基準が制定され、496件(累計930件)の製品が登録・公開されています。 - 経済産業省
The number of public interest corporations that stated, in their reply to a questionnaire, that they are "engaged in a mutual aid business" is 329, including, for example, Nissho (Japan Firefighters Association), which is an organization that has been around since the pre-war days and has always been supervised by the Fire and Disaster Management Agency, now under the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. Other examples include medical associations, dental associations and pharmaceutical associations that have been supervised by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for over 100 years, including the years of supervision by its predecessor, the Health and Medical Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in pre-war periods. Also, the Japan Racing Association Mutual Aid Group is an auxiliary organization of the Livestock Industry Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, because horse racing has traditionally been a livestock business.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
これはご存じのように、確かアンケートに対して「共済事業を行っている」と回答した公益法人は329ございまして、例えば、これはずっと戦前からあるような団体で、日本消防協会というのは昔から消防庁、今は総務省それから、これは私も医師会員でございますが、もう100年以上、医師会、歯科医師会、薬剤師会と、戦前は内務省の衛生部、今は厚生労働省の所管でございまして、それから中央競馬会弘済会、これも競馬というのは昔からの畜産事業でございますから、農林水産省の畜産局の外郭団体でございます。 - 金融庁
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