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該当件数 : 7件
Many parliament members were, however, against enactment of the Railroad Construction Law, probably because they were shareholders of railway companies, and Ukichi TAGUCHI (president of Ryomo Railway) opposed INOUE, arguing that it was private railways that would facilitate the development of railways.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
しかし鉄道敷設法では、多数の議員が鉄道各社の株主との理由もあってか法案成立に抵抗し、また、田口卯吉(両毛鉄道社長)は、民営鉄道こそが鉄道発展を促すとして井上と対立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In 1887 he worked at the Tokyo Stock Exchange and in railway administration, becoming the president of the Ryomo Railway Company, and in 1888 served as director of the Odawara Tramway Company (now the Hakone Tozon Railway Company).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
東京株式取引所(現東京証券取引所)、鉄道経営においては明治20年(1887年)に両毛鉄道社長、21年に小田原電気鉄道(現箱根登山鉄道)取締役などを務める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
He held various posts such as the Shizuoka prefectural governor, the (fourth) governor of Okinawa, a member of the House of Peers (of Japan), Genroin gikan (councilor of Chamber of Elders), Kinkei-no-ma shiko (Kinkei Hall attendance) and the president of Nippon Railway (later serving concurrently as the president of Kobu Railway Company, Ryomo Railway Company, and Mito Railway Co.).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
静岡県令、沖縄県知事(第4代)、貴族院(日本)議員、元老院議官、錦鶏間祗候、日本鉄道会社、(のち甲武鉄道会社、両毛鉄道会社水戸鉄道社長兼任)の社長など。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Having understood that net manufacturing business was more profitable than shipping business, he founded Hirata Ryomo Shoten (Hirata Fish Net Store) and later founded Hirata Boseki of cotton spinning; thus he developed the Hirata family into a huge enterprise and accumulated a great fortune to make his family business flourish.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
海運業から製網業が有利と知り、平田漁網商店その後・製網から綿紡績の平田紡績を創設、平田家を大企業として巨万の富をつくり家業が栄えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Starting with Nankai Electric Railway in 1884 and Iyo Railway in 1887, Ryomo Line, Sanyo Railway Company, Mito Line (the first), Kyushu Railway and Kansai Railway (the first) were approved.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
1884年(明治17年)南海電気鉄道や、1887年(明治20年)の伊予鉄道を皮切りに、両毛線、山陽鉄道、水戸線(初代)、九州鉄道、関西鉄道(初代)などが認可された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In 1895, boarders, who saw the wretched condition of Munizo, decided to move away from the boarding house to lessen the burden, and Munizo used the back of the residence of Yataro IWASAKI in Ryomo Town (currently in Yushima, Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo; the residence of IWASAKI was completed in the following 1896, and it is believed that it was still under construction then) to create a boarding house.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
明治28年(1895年)、無二三の窮状を見かねた寄宿生たちは負担軽減のために寄宿舎より転宿、無二三も両門町・岩崎弥太郎邸(現・東京都文京区湯島。但し、岩崎邸完成は翌1896年で、この頃は建設中と思われる)裏にて改めて下宿屋を開く。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
However, contrary to the limited expresses of Kintetsu described above, it cannot be said that limited expresses of Tobu are always dominant, except such areas as the Kinugawa hot-spring in Nikko City and Akagi-yama Mountain in Ashikaga City, where limited expresses, such as Spacia 'Ryomo,' were operated (to reach these areas using a Shinkansen line, another train on a regular railway line or private railway line or a bus must be utilized).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
ただし、上述の近鉄特急と異なり、日光市・鬼怒川温泉・足利市・赤城山など、スペーシア・「りょうもう」などといった特急が直接乗り入れる箇所(新幹線では在来線や私鉄・バス等との乗換えが必要)を除き、必ずしも東武特急は優勢とはいえない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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