「Yellow River」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 25件
the Yellow River発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
黄河. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
an old civilization of China called the {Yellow River civilization}発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
黄河文明という古代文明 - EDR日英対訳辞書
Kenichi Yoshioka provided insightful comments on Yellow River integrity.例文帳に追加
Kenichi Yoshiokaは,Yellow川の健全性について洞察あふれる論評を寄せてくれた。 - 英語論文検索例文集
the capital city of the Chinese province of Gansu on the Yellow River発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
黄河沿岸にある中国の甘粛省の省都 - 日本語WordNet
The 'Hexi' and 'Xihe' meant the west side of this Yellow River.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
「河西」「西河」はこの黄河の西側という意である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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Wiktionary英語版での「Yellow River」の意味 |
Yellow River


Calque of Chinese 黃河/黄河 (Huáng Hé), chiefly from the river's golden appearance as far west as Lanzhou caused by the enormous levels of silt it acquires from the Loess Plateau but also influenced by the color schema in wuxing ("Five Element") theory, which associates earth with the color 黃/黄 (huáng), usually translated as "yellow" but also inclusive of shades modern English would consider golden, orange, brown, tan, etc. The earliest Chinese sources simply describe it as 河 (hé, “The River”) but it was later distinguished as the Yellow River after 河 (hé) began to replace 水 (shuǐ) as a generic term for creeks and smaller rivers.
- The chief river of the North China Plain, currently flowing 5,463 km from the Bayan Har Mountains of Qinghai to the Bohai Sea but historically prone to massive floods which caused its course to vary widely over time.
- 1625, Samuel Purchas, Pvrchas His Pilgrimes[1], volume III, London, →OCLC, page 340:
- That Riuer of Nanquin which I called (Yamſu or) Ianſu, the ſonne of the Sea, goeth Northward to Nanquin, and then returning ſomewhat Southward, runneth into the Sea with great force; fortie myles from which it paſſeth by Nanquin. And that from hence to Pequin there might bee paſſage by Riuers, the Kings of China haue deriued a large Channell from this to another Riuer, called the Yellow Riuer, ſuch being the colour of that troubled water. This is the other famous Riuer of that Kingdome, in greatneſſe and note, which ariſesth without the Kingdome to the Weſt, out of the Hill Cunlun, conjectured to bee the ſame whence Ganges ariſeth, or one neere to it.
- 1669, Nievhoff, John, John Ogilby, transl., An Embassy from the Eaſt-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham Emperour of China[2], London: John Macock, →OCLC, pages 235-236:
- Firſt of all, There are in China two famous large Rivers, namely Kiang, and the Yellow River... The Yellow River, by ſtrangers ſo called from the colour of the water, occaſioned by the Yellowneſs of the ground, is named Hoang in the Chineſe Language, and ſeems at firſt to be very Mooriſh; but the ſwiftneſs and great force of its running, makes it appear the quite contrary; for with ſo incredible a ſwiftneſs does this River run, that no Ships are able to Sail up againſt its Stream, but are drawn up againſt the ſame by the main ſtrength of a great number of Track-men: which may proceed from its being contracted within ſo narrow bounds; for in ſome places it is but half a mile broad, and in others a little broader, but in a continued courſe, for in length it extends above 800 miles.
- After passing a short stage, through low lands with very different prospects, a succession of good towns and villages, numerous vessels, and crowds of people, indicated the vicinity of the Yellow River, into which the canal falls with a gentle force.
November 2d, the yachts came to the spot where the canal joins the Yellow River.
The Yellow River runs at this place with such rapidity that the Chinese sailors deemed it necessary to offer a sacrifice to its Guardian Spirit for a safe passage.
- After passing a short stage, through low lands with very different prospects, a succession of good towns and villages, numerous vessels, and crowds of people, indicated the vicinity of the Yellow River, into which the canal falls with a gentle force.
- 2001, Kim Dramer, The Yellow River[4], Franklin Watts, →ISBN, page 7:
- China's Yellow River, or Huang he, is named for the yellow, sandy silt it carries in its water. This silt, called loess, is almost as fine as flour. Over thousands of years, the northwestern wind blowing from the Gobi Desert has deposited hundreds of feet of loess over northern China. As the Yellow River flows through China, it sweeps away the fine, yellow silt and carries it downriver.
- 2021 July 22, Pei Lin Wu; Rebecca Tan, “Death toll in China floods climbs to 33 as rains spread and more cities call for help”, in The Washington Post[7], →ISSN, →OCLC, archived from the original on 2021-07-22, Asia[8]:
- Central China, where multiple tributaries of the Yellow River crisscross and monsoon rains are exceptionally heavy, has long been subject to flooding.
- For more quotations using this term, see Citations:Yellow River.
Further reading
- Saul B. Cohen, editor (1998), “Yellow River”, in The Columbia Gazetteer of the World[9], volume 3, New York: Columbia University Press, →ISBN, →LCCN, →OCLC, page 3523, column 1
- “Yellow River”, in Collins English Dictionary.
- “Yellow River, pn.”, in Lexico, Dictionary.com; Oxford University Press, 2019–2022.
- Yellow River at OneLook Dictionary Search
- “Yellow River” in TheFreeDictionary.com, Huntingdon Valley, Pa.: Farlex, Inc., 2003–2023.
「Yellow River」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 25件
There's a river down there, it's got to be the yellow jacket.例文帳に追加
川が下の方にあるはず イエロージャケットとかいう - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
A dull, yellow light brooded over the houses and the river;発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
鈍い、黄色い光が家々や川を抱いていた。 - James Joyce『死者たち』
Ancient civilizations were born along the banks of great waterways such as the Nile and the Yellow River.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
古代文明の発祥地は黄河やナイルのような大河の流域である. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
Ultralight weight concrete is prepared by compounding light- weight aggregate composed of perlite or the Yellow River-deposited yellow sand.例文帳に追加
真珠岩系または黄河沈殿黄沙系の原料からなる軽量粗骨材を配合してなる超軽量コンクリート。 - 特許庁
in China, the geographical area along the Yellow River where the Han culture and the political center originated, called 'Chugan'例文帳に追加
中原という,中国の漢文化発祥の地である黄河中流地域 - EDR日英対訳辞書
The Yellow River flows from south to north near the border between Shan Xi Province and Shanxi Province.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
黄河は陝西省と山西省の境界付近を南から北に流れている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In 1827, Hozen EIRAKU the 11th was invited to the opening ceremony of oniwa-yaki (which literally means "ware of honorable park", representing a lord's private kiln or ware made at a lord's private factory) held at the Nishihama Goten Palace, which was the second house of Harutomi TOKUGAWA, who was the 10th lord of the Kishu Domain, and he was presented with a gold seal of '河濱支流' (pronounced as kahinshiryu, which literally means "a riverside of the Yellow River and a tributary of the river", and this term was derived from the old Chinese tale that the ancient Chinese leader named Shun made durable ware at a riverside of the Yellow River) and a silver seal of '永樂' (Eiraku) in praise of his great works.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
十一代永樂保全は1827年に、紀州藩十代藩主徳川治寶の別邸西浜御殿の御庭焼開窯に招かれ、作品を賞して「河濱支流(かひんしりゅう)」の金印「永樂」の銀印を拝領した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Because of these movements, a common cultural or economic sphere was established in many provinces, and the notion of "China" became widespread in the area located along the middle reaches of the Yellow River.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
これにより多くの国に共通の文化圏、経済圏が形成され、黄河中流域を中心に「中国」概念も拡大された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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