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Wiktionary英語版での「deperm」の意味 |
deperm (三人称単数 現在形 deperms, 現在分詞 deperming, 過去形および過去分詞形 depermed)
- (transitive, chiefly nautical) To degauss or demagnetize; especially, to degauss a ship by dragging a large powered electrical cable along its side.
- 1964 June, Manual for Fluxgate Ferrite Magnetometer (CRSR; 172), Ithaca, N.Y.: Center for Radiophysics and Space Research, Cornell University, OCLC 233807132, page 6:
- Our present system deperms more reliably and is arranged to deperm the sensor each time the power source for the magnetometer is turned on.
- 1966 April, C[hester] L. Parsons; C. A. Harris, “Appendix C: Test Procedure”, in IMP-I Spacecraft Magnetic Test Program (NASA Technical Note; D-3376)[1], Washington, D.C.: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, OCLC 53280764, page 33:
- 2008, M. Ludlam [et al.], “The THEMIS Magnetic Cleanliness Program”, in J[ames] L. Burch and V[assilis] Angelopoulos, editors, The THEMIS Mission: […], [New York, N.Y.]: Springer Science+Business Media, published 2009, DOI: , →ISBN, section 4 (Unit Testing), page 176:
- Deperming the boards individually lead to a significant decrease in the magnetic moment of the whole unit, this was then repeated on all units.
deperm (複数形 deperms)
- (chiefly nautical) The act or process of deperming.
- 1968 December 23, A. W. Fihelly, “Appendix III: Memorandum by A. W. Fihelly re SNAP-19 S/N 009 Magnetic Moments Measurement”, in W[illia]m S. West; J. Michael Holman; Herbert W. Bilsky, Techniques for Achieving Magnetic Cleanliness on Deep-space Missions: A Report Covering Task III Effort under the Study: NASA Evaluation with Models of Optimized Nuclear Spacecraft (NEW MOONS)[2], Greenbelt, Md.: Goddard Space Flight Center, published April 1969, OCLC 64444236, pages III-3–III-4:
- ^ “deperm, v.”, in OED Online , Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1972.
Further reading
- degaussing on Wikipedia.
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