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「dog bags」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 5件
Denpachi AMANO and Chozaemon NAKABO were appointed to managers of doghouses, and a general administrator, administrators of dog houses and dog doctors were established, in addition, residents in Edo were ordered to make payment of 30 koku (91.74 cubic meters) of rice, 10 barrels of bean paste, 10 bags of dried fish and 56 faggots of firewood.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
天野伝八および中坊長左衛門を犬小屋支配とし、ほかに犬小屋総奉行、犬小屋奉行、犬医師などを置き、犬金上納金として府民から毎日米330石、味噌10樽、干鰮10俵、薪56束などを納めさせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The dog dung treatment method comprises the following practice: Dog dung, before dropping onto the ground, is caught by a body set with a cartridge containing bags in two layers superimposed with each other with the mouth opened.例文帳に追加
犬の糞を、地面に落ちる前に、口を開けた状態で重ねられた二層になった袋の入ったカートリッがセットされた本体でキャッチする。 - 特許庁
In this covering net, refuse bags or the like are covered by a polyethylene net with the weights such as an iron chain in its periphery, and the refuse bags or the like are prevented thereby from being scattered by the small animal such as the crow, the dog and the cat, and the strong wind to eliminate the labor and the time for the refuse putting.例文帳に追加
ポリエチレン製のネットの周囲に、鉄製チェーン等の重りを付けてゴミ袋等を覆い、カラスや犬・猫などの小動物や強風からゴミ袋等の散乱を防ぎ、ゴミ出しの手間を省く被覆ネットである。 - 特許庁
To provide an inexpensive apparatus for preventing the pollution by birds and beasts, easily usable by everyone, and capable of effectively preventing bags of garbage accumulated out-of-doors from being damaged especially by a crow, a cat and a dog.例文帳に追加
安価で誰でもが手軽に使用でき、戸外へ集積したゴミ袋が、とくに烏や猫及び犬によって荒らされるのを有効に防止することのできる、鳥獣公害防止装置を提供する。 - 特許庁
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