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During the Meiji period, Bujutsu was considered to be difficult and harmful in school education, but in 1898 "gekiken" (kenjutsu, swordplay) and jujutsu were introduced as an extra lesson in the junior high schools of the old education system through the improvement of pedagogical methods such as the method of mass education or the unification of the basic skills of judo (jujutsu) and kenjutsu by the Kodokan Judo Institute and Dainippon Butoku-kai (Great Japan Federation of Martial Arts), and the lessons were called "budo," "kendo" and "judo" as compulsory, formal subjects.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
学校教育において明治期には武術は教育に教育困難でかつ有害であるとされていたが、講道館や大日本武徳会による柔道(柔術)、剣術の統一の基本技制定や集団教育法など教授法改良により明治44年(1898年)に旧制中学校の課外授業に撃剣(剣術)と柔術が導入され、名称は武道、剣道、柔道とされ、必修の正課になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To modify an old bathroom to be almost new in a very short period, for example, one day, retain mildewproofing effect for a long time, therefore require wiping only for cleaning a bathroom after modification, save extra cleaning tool and water costs including chlorine based detergent cost and then shorten a time for cleaning a bath.例文帳に追加
極めて短かい期間、例えば1日で古い浴室を新品同様に改修でき、しかも防カビ効果が長期に持続し、したがって、改修後の浴室掃除は拭き取りだけでよく、塩素系洗剤はもちろんのこと、余分な掃除用具や水道代も節約できて、風呂掃除の時間も著しく短縮できる浴室改修方法を提供することにある。 - 特許庁
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