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Wiktionary英語版での「friendlist」の意味 |
friendlist (複数形 friendlists)
- Synonym of friends list
- 2011, Julia Haider, Facebook - Die Persönlichkeitsstruktur und Motive der Nutzer, Diplomica Verlag GmbH, →ISBN, page 6:
- People with higher self-esteem have fewer friends in their friendlist, whom they have not met so far. On the other hand people with lower self-esteem seem to build up their social network upon using Social Network Sites, since their friendlists contain of many people, whom they have not met face-to-face (→ Poor-Get-Richer hypothesis).
- 2016, Mirco Schönfeld, Kontextbezug und Authentizität in Sozialen Netzen, Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, →ISBN, page IX:
- Friends connect, share photos and keep themselves up-to-date about their daily lifes[sic] via status messages. These messages are most likely to be broadcasted to all people in a user’s friendlist – selecting a specific audience is possible, indeed, but cumbersome. Broadcasting status messages, however, leads to a so called context collapse – a collapse of different circles of friends users usually collect in their friendlists, simultaneously.
- 2016, Guy Merchant, “Together and Apart: Social and Technical Networks”, in Anastacia Kurylo, Tatyana Dumova, editors, Social Networking: Redefining Communication in the Digital Age, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, →ISBN, page 19:
- One of the unifying features of social networking sites is the way that they support public displays of friendship and connection. In blogs this is often shown as a blogroll, in other sites it is a friendlist, whereas in the microblogging site Twitter this function is fulfilled by the lists of who “follows” you as well as who you “follow.” […] The concepts of performance and audience (which have their origins in the work of Goffman, 1959) suggest that where individuals use multiple SNSs we might expect to see differences in their friendlists—differences that would reflect their engagement in different communities and different activiites.
- 2021, Sourya Joyee De, Abdessamad Imine, Privacy Risk Analysis of Online Social Networks (Synthesis Lectures on Information Security, Privacy, かつ Trust), Morgan & Claypool, →ISBN, pages 27 and 75:
- To do this, one needs to know: - the privacy settings of each friend in T’s friendlist as well as -in some cases, the friendlists of these friends and their friends. […] Scenario 1: Public Friendlist. If the friendlist of the non-mutual friend of T1 is public, then the existence of mutual and non-mutual friends of T1 with the target user T is checked. Additionally, whether T itself has a non-mutual friend (e.g., T2) is checked and if so, whether this friend has a non-mutual friend (if its friendlist is public).
該当件数 : 1件
You can also make some cosmetic changes: change the title and h1 header from JSP Page to Facebook Get Friends Service, change the text in the try block from The SaasService returned: to Your friendlist IDs are:, or any other such changes you would like to try.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
また、これ以外にも、タイトルと h1 ヘッダーを JSP Page から Facebook 友達取得サービス に変更したり、try ブロックのテキストを The SaasService returned: から 友達リストの ID:に変更したりして、試してみたい表面上の変更があれば、行うことができます。 - NetBeans
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