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該当件数 : 7件
To solve the problem that a better combination of a surname and a given name is missed since the accuracy of good/bad judgment from a surname and a given name evidently decreases as its process becomes simpler and many combinations of surnames and given names are obtained by a general naming system.例文帳に追加
姓名学の吉凶判断の正確さは判断のプロセスの簡略化とともに明らかに低下し、また、一般の命名方式は姓名の組み合わせの結果が非常に多いため、より良い姓名の組み合わせを漏らす。 - 特許庁
This is similar to a past situation in which the name given to a medical system for elderly people, "medical system for the late-stage elderly," created a very bad impression発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
ちょうど高齢者医療制度、後期高齢者(医療制度)という名称が非常に良くない印象を与えているのと同じことだと思います - 金融庁
This is similar to a past situation in which the name given to a medical system for elderly people, "medical system for the late-stage elderly," created a very bad impression.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
ちょうど高齢者医療制度、後期高齢者(医療制度)という名称が非常に良くない印象を与えているのと同じことだと思います。 - 金融庁
After Prince Mochihito was killed in this battle, the TAIRA no Kiyomori were concerned with having a bad reputation from killing a member of the Imperial family, Kiyomori made a plan and the Prince was given the name of the Genji clan compulsory after he died, and was called 'MINAMOTO no Mochimitsu.'発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
尚、以仁王自身はこの戦いで殺害されたが、皇族殺害の汚名をおそれた平清盛の計略により、死後強制的に源氏を賜与されて名も「源以光」とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Hokoku-ji Temple was constructed by the Emperor Goyozei's mother Haruko KAJUJI as a memorial to his father Haremigi KAJUJI and its name was originally written using a different character for the word "ho" (豊) but given its current name after the death of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI (豊臣) so as not to give the Tokugawa family a bad impression.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
法国寺は後陽成天皇の母・勧修寺晴子が、父・勧修寺晴秀(かじゅうじはれみぎ)の追善のために建てた寺で、当初「豊国寺」と称したが、豊臣秀吉の没後、徳川家をはばかって「法国寺」に改称したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
On the subject of the amendment to the Insurance Business Act regarding mutual aid activity regulation, it seems that some public interest corporations engage in a financing service charging low interest rates under the name of a mutual aid business, which, reportedly, has led to bad debts and other problems. Given those circumstances, please tell us your view of whether it would really be acceptable or not to set in place some kind of system overseen by the FSA under the new amended Act, or why the FSA has no oversight role.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
共済規制に関する保険業法改正についてなのですけれども、公益法人の中には、共済事業と称して安い金利で融資事業を行うところもあって、その中で最近、貸倒れの問題なども発生しているようなのですけれども、今回の法律で本当に金融庁が所管する何らかの仕組みをつくらなくてよいのか、なぜ所管しないのかという点について、お考えをお聞かせください。 - 金融庁
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