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Wiktionary英語版での「natural numbers object」の意味 |
natural numbers object
natural numbers object (複数形 natural numbers objects)
- (category theory) An object which has a distinguished global element (which may be called z, for “zero”) and a distinguished endomorphism (which may be called s, for “successor”) such that iterated compositions of s upon z (i.e., ) yields other global elements of the same object which correspond to the natural numbers (). Such object has the universal property that for any other object with a distinguished global element (call it z’) and a distinguished endomorphism (call it s’), there is a unique morphism (call it φ) from the given object to the other object which maps z to z’ () and which commutes with s; i.e., .
「natural numbers object」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 3件
The system has identification number tags added to the observation object of natural environment, a center in which the information on the observation objects are stored based on the identification numbers of the identification number tags and a radio portable terminal for transmitting the identification numbers of the identification number tags, receiving the information on the observation objects and displaying the information.例文帳に追加
自然環境の観察対象物に付された識別番号タグと、識別番号タグの識別番号に基づいて観察対象物の情報を蓄積したセンタと、識別番号タグの識別番号を前記センタへ送信し、観察対象物の情報を受信し、該情報を表示する無線携帯端末とを有する。 - 特許庁
The Huffman encoding/decoding device defines M as a maximum Huffman code length, defines N as natural numbers from '1' to M, makes all respective individual circuits corresponding to the Huffman codes of the Huffman code length equal to or greater than N bits into N-bit configuration and performs decoding processing just with the required N-bit part as an object.例文帳に追加
ハフマン符号復号化装置は、Mを最大ハフマン符号長、Nを1からMの自然数として、ハフマン符号長がNビット以上のハフマン符号に対応する各個別回路を全てNビット構成にして、必要とするNビット部分だけを対象にして復号化処理する。 - 特許庁
This biosensor for analyzing a measuring object by measuring the amount of magnetic body particles bonded to a magnetometric sensor is equipped with the magnetometric sensor formed by arranging a plurality of Hall elements for outputting an output value corresponding to the intensity of a detected magnetic field in a two-dimensional form comprising X rows and Y columns (X and Y are natural numbers, hereinafter the same).例文帳に追加
検知した磁場の強さに応じた出力値を出力するホール素子を、複数個、X行Y列(X及びYは自然数、以下同じ)の2次元に配置してなる磁気センサを備え、その磁気センサに結合した磁性体粒子の量を測定することにより測定対象物を分析するバイオセンサである。 - 特許庁
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