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Wiktionary英語版での「par off」の意味 |
par off
par off (三人称単数 現在形 pars off, 現在分詞 parring off, 過去形および過去分詞形 parred off)
- (UK, slang) To reject, ignore, or spurn.
- (UK, slang) To put or give away.
- 2022 August 20, Ella Glover, “Is this vegan food subscription worth your time and money? I tried it for a week”, in Metro[6]:
- That’s why, on Tuesday, I was uncharacteristically excited to see that I had an acai bowl – actual food! – but, sadly, it wasn’t to my taste, and neither was Wednesday’s Spinach, Apple and Matcha smoothie, which I happily parred off to my boyfriend in favour of, you guessed it, a chicken caesar wrap from the shop.
- (UK, slang) To insult.
- 2016 March 14, Phil Collins (quoted), Scott Lapatine, “Easy Lover Easy Rider: Action Bronson Interviews Phil Collins”, in Stereogum[7]:
- I said to the guy, "Listen, I want a vindaloo, but I want it hot, OK? Don't par me off with any of this little spice thing." He said, "OK, yeah, you want it hot?" So, I said, "Yeah," so he went away and ordered it and he came back and clunked it in front of me and I started to eat it and it was unbelievably hot.
- To handle; to deal with.
「par off」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 5件
PAR analysis may be performed off-line to determine the optimum configuration.例文帳に追加
PAR解析は、最適な構成を決定するためにオフラインで実行してもよい。 - 特許庁
Moreover, the constitution for tracking may be possible by compensating by the PAR the information of the taking off or landing plane around the runway which cannot be obtained by the ASR.例文帳に追加
また、ASRで得ることができない滑走路周辺の離発着機情報をPARで補間し追尾を行う構成とすることができる。 - 特許庁
When the respective movable shades move from the left (right) direction, that is, from a light shielding release position to a light shielding position, the light source on the left (right) side is switched off in the moving range up to the vicinity of its optical axis, so that the right (left) side light distribution pattern PAR (PAL) is not formed.例文帳に追加
各可動シェードが遮光解除位置から遮光位置へ向けて左(右)方向へ移動する際、その光軸近傍までの移動区間では、左(右)側の光源を消灯して、右(左)側の配光パターンPAR(PAL)を形成しないようにする。 - 特許庁
Where the establishment a posterior of the invalidity of a trade mark in accordance with par 1 is requested in connection with Section 33a, the relevant date shall not be the date the petition was filed as provided for in Section 33a pars 1 and 6, but the date when the taking off the register of the trade mark forming the basis of the seniority claim, due to renunciation on the part of its proprietor or in the absence of a renewal in due time, became effective.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
第33a条に関連して,(1)の規定に基づく商標の無効についての事後的確認を求める申請が行われたときは,それに係わる基準日は,第33a条(1)及び(6)に掲げた申請書提出日ではなく,先順位の基礎とされた商標について,所有者による放棄又は所定の期間内に更新されなかったことを理由とする登録簿からの抹消が効力を生じた日とする。 - 特許庁
The sensor lever is brought into contact with the side head par of the beet in a non-contact state to turn the switch ON and when the left and right levers are grounded to a ridge, these sensor levers repels grounding resistance and the parallel link is made to float above before rotating to ON position to keep the switch in OFF state.例文帳に追加
前記センサ杆は、通常は非接地状態でビートの側頭部に接触してスイッチをON作動させるとともに、畝に接地したときに接地抵抗でON位置に回動する前に、接地抵抗に反発して平行リンクを上方へ浮かせることによりスイッチをOFF状態に維持するように構成されている。 - 特許庁
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意味 | 例文 (5件) |
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