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「pit slope」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 6件
A joint section 13 between the circumferential outer wall 11b of the pit main body 11 and the collar piece 12 is formed in the shape of a slope.例文帳に追加
ピット本体11の外周壁11bと鍔片部12との連結部13を斜面状に形成した。 - 特許庁
A water slope is formed in the jetting mechanism, and the water-lowering side of the slope is connected to a water drain pipe 20, and the tip portion of the water drain pipe is connected to a drain pit 22 through a seal water mechanism 21.例文帳に追加
噴射機構に水勾配を設けてその水下側に水抜管20を接続し、水抜管の先端部を封水機構21を介して排水ピット22に接続する。 - 特許庁
The whole parking area is formed by making it slope, a sprinkling pipe is provided upward of a slope, a collecting pit is provided to the lower end to pump up melted water caused by sprinkling to a water storage tank from the collecting pit by a collecting pump, and it is always circulated to melt snow by sprinkling.例文帳に追加
駐車場全面を勾配をつけて成形し、勾配の上方に散水管を設け、下端に集水溝を設けて、散水によっての融水を集水溝から貯水槽に溜めポンプによって揚水し、常に循環させて散水消雪する。 - 特許庁
Moreover, a height of a landing place at the lowest story is increased by the depth of the pit from a floor surface of a building, and a slope is provided from the floor surface of the building toward the landing place at the lowest story.例文帳に追加
また、最下階乗り場を建物の床面からピット深さ分だけ高くし、建物床面から最下階乗り場に向かってスロープを設ける構成にする。 - 特許庁
To obtain a slope forming construction method to a baserock, by which a crushed pit can be formed efficiently while the removal works of the crushed baserock are not required particularly, operation can be conducted efficiently and a cost can be reduced.例文帳に追加
本発明は破砕孔の形成を効率よく行なうことができるとともに、破砕した岩盤の除去作業を特に必要としない、効率よく作業ができ、コストの低減を図ることができる岩盤への法面形成工法を得るにある。 - 特許庁
Burial rituals take place in the following order: ascend to the top of the front square via a corner (on either the right or left of the frontal surface of the square front), descend toward the rounded rear, go up the ryuki shado (a slope built to make it easier to climb to the rounded rear), and enter the burial pit through a horiwari bodo (a path to the stone chamber).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
埋葬祭祀は、隅角(前方部の前面の左右のどちらか)から前方部頂へ登り、そこから後円部に向かって降りていき、隆起斜道(後円部へ登りやすくした斜面)を登り、掘割墓道(石室への道)を経て墓壙に入る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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