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plus markとは 意味・読み方・使い方
Wiktionary英語版での「plus mark」の意味 |
plus mark
- (rare) A plus sign.
- 1996 August 15, J Gerber, “News Groups”, in news.newusers.questions, Usenet[1], retrieved 2022-08-15:
- In the left top window, identified as "News Server" you will see the name of all the news groups your server's news feed carries. At the very left of that window are folder icons, if there are subgroups within that folder. If there is a plus mark to the left of the icon, it means there are groups within that folder that you might want to look at. Click on the plus mark to list the subgroups, click on the minus sign to close that folder.
- 1999 August 3, this"@sezampro.yu mire, “SubDataSheet problem”, in microsoft.public.access.forms, Usenet[2], retrieved 2022-08-15:
- As you probably know, one of the new things in Access 2000 is a Subdatasheet, a grid that shows up when you click on a plus mark next to each record of the table that is in 1-1 or 1-many relationship with table(s). The examples of the pictures taken can be found at http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Palms/9151/ac_slike.zip and now please look at picture 1.jpg
Picture one shows a price list. So, there are groups of products, products themselves and packages of the products. The relation is Groups->Products->Packages. The picture shows packages of the second product in the first group that showed up when the user clicked a plus mark.
The problem can be seen in picture 2.jpg when going to the new group (group no. 3) the packages of the second product of this group are visible even though the user didn't open them by clicking on the plus mark. I think that the best thing would be to remember the state of each datasheet or to collapse all when going to another group.
- 2002 January 11, Mike Firth, “Oval Cutter”, in rec.crafts.glass, Usenet[3], retrieved 2022-08-15:
- A machine for drawing/cutting an ellipse is basically a plus mark shaped groove in wood or plastic and a bar with two adjustable points and a holder for a marker/cutter at the end. The distances from the marker/cutter to the first point and from the first pointer to the second determine the size of the ellipse. Keeping the points in the grooves of the plus mark takes practice.
- 2002 June 27, Spider, “In OE: inserting email addresses”, in 24hoursupport.helpdesk, Usenet[5], retrieved 2022-08-15:
- Jim,
Open up your address book in OE under the "Tools" menu. In the address book, click on View and make sure there is a check mark next to Folders and Groups. You should be seeing a list on the left side of the address book with at least "Shared Contacts" and Identity contacts. If you click on Identity contacts you should see the name of your group in the list on the right. If there is a plus mark next to your identity contacts on the left, click the plus and you should see the groups drop down under that folder.
「plus mark」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 10件
a mark that is a combination of the plus (+) and minus (-) signs発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
正と負の符号を合わせた記号 - EDR日英対訳辞書
Plus that hacker made his mark without ever getting busted.例文帳に追加
プラスそのハッカーは 逮捕されることなく彼を評価した - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
a representation of the trademark, including the type of mark, plus a supplementary description of the mark, if this is necessary under Section 8例文帳に追加
商標の表示(標章の種類及び第8条に基づいて必要な場合は標章の補足説明を含む) - 特許庁
Especially when the recording operation is made by a modulation method of EFM plus, the mark having the length of 5T (T is channel clock) or shorter is recorded by one pulse, and the mark having the length of 6T or longer is recorded by two or more pulses.例文帳に追加
特に、EFM plusの変調方式で記録する際には、5T(Tはチャネルクロック)以下の長さのマークは1個のパルスで記録し、6T以上の長さのマークは2個以上のパルスで記録する。 - 特許庁
Especially, in the case of recording by an EFM plus modulation system, the mark having the length of 5T (T is a channel clock) or shorter is recorded by one pulse, and the mark having the length of 6T or longer is recorded by pulses consisting of at least two kinds of recording power levels.例文帳に追加
特に、EFM plusの変調方式で記録する際には、5T(Tはチャネルクロック)以下の長さのマークは1個のパルスで記録し、6T以上の長さのマークは少なくとも2種類以上の記録パワレベルからなるパルスで記録する。 - 特許庁
A linear machined mark is formed by scanning a laser beam in the focalizing state and succeedingly a linear working mark is similarly formed in the plus defocused state.例文帳に追加
合焦状態でレーザ光を走査してライン状の加工痕を形成し、続けてプラスデフォーカス状態で同様にライン状の加工痕を形成する。 - 特許庁
Whether the optical axis has a certain inclination to the z-direction or not is determined by whether or not the center of the machined mark in the plus defocused state is shifted from the center of the machined mark in the focalizing state.例文帳に追加
プラスデフォーカス状態の加工痕の中心が、合焦状態の加工痕の中心からずれているか否かで、光軸がz方向に対して傾きを有しているか否かが判断される。 - 特許庁
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「plus mark」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 10件
The application for registration of trademark shall contain: - A request for the registration of trademark; - Some specimens of the trademark; - A list of the goods or services, with a description of the characteristics and qualities that are to bear the mark, plus all other necessary relevant documents;例文帳に追加
商標登録出願書類は下記のものを含まなければならない。 ―商標登録願書 ―若干の商標見本 ―商標を付しようとする商品又は役務のリストであって、その特徴および質の説明があるもの、並びにその説明に必要なあらゆるその他の関係書類 - 特許庁
Commodity prices are not determined uniformly. Instead, prices have to be set strategically. For examples, prices might be designed for a customer segment that is prepared to buy products that are somewhat expensive, or they might be kept low so as to attract customers and achieve higher volume sales through the introduction of low-priced products. Generally, however, enterprises make a profit by setting the selling price at a level equivalent to costs (prime costs plus administrative costs) plus a suitable mark-up.例文帳に追加
商品価格は一様に決めることができるものではなく、ある程度の高価な商品であっても購入する顧客層を対象とした価格、低価格商品の導入により顧客層を拡大し、量的拡大を目指す価格等の戦略的な価格設定を行う必要があるが、一般的には企業は商品を販売する際に、販売価格に見合ったコスト(原価や管理費)に利幅分を上乗せして販売することで利益を上げている。 - 経済産業省
Individuals or legal entities who have been assigned the right to use a trademark, should request trademark registration in the Lao PDR. The application should contain the permission of the trademark owner, plus the defining characteristics and qualities of the goods and services bearing the mark. In the case of partial assignment s, the agreement shall provide for the right of the owner of the trademark to verify the quality of goods or services.例文帳に追加
権利者から商標使用権を取得した自然人又は法人は、ラオスで商標登録出願しなければならない。その際、出願書類には、登録商標権者の許可、商標付商品と役務の特徴及び品質の記述を含まなければならない。部分的譲渡の場合は、商標権者が商品又は役務の品質を検査・検収できることとする。 - 特許庁
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plus markのページの著作権
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