rooterとは 意味・読み方・使い方
意味・対訳 鼻で地面を掘る動物、応援者
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rooterの学習レベル | レベル:21 |
該当件数 : 18件
The rooter was digging in the ground to search for food.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
鼻で地面を掘るその動物は食べ物を探して地面を掘っていた。 - Weblio英語基本例文集
The beveled surfaces S can be formed by rooter processing etc.例文帳に追加
この面取り面Sは、ルーター加工などで形成することができる。 - 特許庁
Cutting waste is attached by high speed rotation of a rooter on the rooter to apply dividing work on the positioned printed wiring board by positioning the printed wiring board on which an electronic part is mounted at a specified position.例文帳に追加
電子部品が実装されたプリント基板を所定位置に位置決めし、この位置決めしたプリント基板に対して分割加工を施すルータにおいて、ルータの高速回転により切断屑が付着する。 - 特許庁
Furthermore, the network controller 101A sets first identification information for a home rooter 103 on Internet 100 to identify transmission data to the network controller 101A and second identification information for the network controller 101A to identify transmission data to the network controller 101A in the home rooter.例文帳に追加
更に、ネットワーク制御装置101Aは、インターネット100上のホームルーター103がネットワーク制御装置101Aへの送信データを識別するための第1の識別情報、及び、ネットワーク制御装置101Aがネットワーク制御装置101Aへの送信データを識別するための第2の識別情報をホームルーターに設定する。 - 特許庁
This wavelength rooter is provided with three acoustooptical filter elements 26a, 26b and 26c, two wavelength multiplex reducing elements 28a and 28b, and two multiplexing elements 28c and 28d.例文帳に追加
波長ルータは、3つの音響光学フィルタ素子26a、26bおよび26cと、2つの波長多重度低減素子28aおよび28bと、2つの合波素子28cおよび28dとを備える。 - 特許庁
The sound generating means performs the processing of generating the game music created as the rooter's song of each team of the two or more teams and assigned to each team when each team attacks or appears.例文帳に追加
音生成手段は、複数のチームの各チームの応援歌として作成されて各チームに割り当てられたゲーム音楽を、各チームの攻撃時又は登場時に生成する処理を行う。 - 特許庁
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Wiktionary英語版での「rooter」の意味 |
- One who, or that which, roots; one that tears up by the roots.
- (by extension) A type of heavy machinery similar to a plow for breaking up soil, concrete, asphalt, etc.
- (woodworking) A blade for producing a narrow groove in a piece of wood.
- 2023, William Bemrose, Manual of Buhl-Work and Marquetry, page ii:
- In cutting across the grain a small steel cutter, No. 10, must first be used in a similar manner, moving the strip of wood which acts as a gauge, to cut the second line exactly the same width as the "rooter" blade; the "rooter" is then used as before, when the piece between the two lines made by the cutter will be neatly removed without leaving a burr, which would not be the case if the "rooter" was alone used across the grain.
- A device for boring a pathway through a blocked drain or sewer.
- One who roots or rummages through something.
- (computing) A type of malware that obtains and runs using privileged access, bypassing normal security systems.
- One who holds a primary or founding position in an enterprise.
- 2006, Waldemar Karwowski, International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors, page 3404:
- In today's context, any fair review of the "rooters" who contributed to the development of ergonomics and human factors would certainly include references to Earl A. Alluisi, because of his influence on the development of research area, academic programs, professional organizations, and individuals who have shaped the field.
- A plant, viewed in terms of how it establishes its roots.
- from the rooter to the tooter
- (US, slang) One who roots for, or applauds, something.
- 1901, “The Regeneration of a Rooter”, in California Occident, volume 41, page 399:
- Then, as the victorious team, streaming and slimy with mud, was borne by, literally in the arms of the populace, in a bit of momentary abstraction the beat wildly upon the thing nearest at hand, which happend to be the top of a blue and gold rooter's hat, beneath which, naturally enough, was the head of the aforementioned rooter.
- 1970, Gerald S. Kenyon, Tom M. Grogg, Contemporary Psychology of Sport, page 308:
- In my country a mythology exists concerning the rooter. Great names, great deeds, great passions, great fights, and great deaths from heart attacks are the landmarks on the battlefield of a sport incorporated in Brazilian folklore. However, the different types of rooters are more interesting to the psychologist than soccer folklore proper.
- 2023, Ambrose Bierce, Staley Fleming's Hallucination:
- This was the Lawrencetown team and rooters, arriving for the fray. Led by the band the rooters gathered in a column four abreast and started to parade around the campus, later turning in the direction of the baseball diamond where they took up their section of the bleachers and forthwith began to hurl challenges at the now crowded buff and blue stands along third base line.
- reroot, torero
Weblio例文辞書での「rooter」に類似した例文 |
a fence
a nail
a plaything with which one trifles for pleasure
該当件数 : 18件
The PC20-1 generates the IP address from the higher order bits of the IP address received from an edge rooter 40 and the lower bits generated, on the basis of the MAC address.例文帳に追加
PC20−1は、エッジルータ40から受信したIPアドレスの上位ビットと、MACアドレスを基に生成した下位ビットとからIPアドレスを生成する。 - 特許庁
The network adapters 10 have communication programs of a TCP/IP mode and can be connected to a dial-up rooter 5 by 10BASE-T cables, so as to conduct transmission and reception of data with other specified terminals.例文帳に追加
ネットワークアダプタ10は、TCP/IP方式の通信プログラムを有しており、10BASE−Tケーブルによりダイヤルアップルータ5と接続して、他の特定の端末とデータ送受信可能となっている。 - 特許庁
Two kinds of the lower plywood 2 and the upper plywood 3 are manufactured from a veneer 31 on the cylinder 1 and the groove width of 4 points is cut on these plywood by the rooter of numerical control on the cylinder.例文帳に追加
シリンダー1上で単板31から2種の下部合板2と上部合板3を作製し、それら合板をシリンダー上で数値制御のルーターで4ポイントの溝幅を切削する手段・方法・装置を提供する。 - 特許庁
A restart determination section 101 determines the restart of an ATM device 706, and a dummy cell sending section 102 that operates by an upper layer protocol sends a dummy cell to a rooter device 701.例文帳に追加
ATM装置706の再起動時を101が判定し、上位レイヤプロトコルで動作するダミーセル送出部102が、ルータ装置701に向けてダミーセルを送出する。 - 特許庁
In the corresponding line interface in the rooter device 701, the dummy cell is intentionally combined with unnecessary data accumulated inside, and then it is discarded through CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check).例文帳に追加
ルータ装置701内の該当する回線インタフェース部内では、内部に滞留している不要データにダミーセルが意図的に結合させられ、CRCチェックにて破棄される。 - 特許庁
To avoid such a signal loss that valid data transmitted after restart under an environment such as device restart is abnormally combined with unnecessary data accumulated in a rooter device, concerning an IPoverATM network.例文帳に追加
IPoverATMネットワークに関し、装置再開等の環境下で再起動後に送信される有効データがルータ装置内に滞留した不要データと異常結合して信号欠損が発生してしまう事態を回避する。 - 特許庁
The waiting side communication device sets up a router unit so that the rooter unit connecting the waiting side communication device to the Internet 110 receives a signal having address of waiting address information and transfers it to the waiting side communication device.例文帳に追加
待ち受け側の通信機器は、待ち受け側の通信機器をインターネット110に接続するルータ装置が、待ち受けアドレス情報の宛先を有する信号を受信して待ち受け側の通信機器に転送するように当該ルータ装置を設定する。 - 特許庁
To communicate also through a broadband rooter which has an address converter mechanism concerning the protocol on the UDP used in the data system in multimedia communication to transmit sounds and images through a network.例文帳に追加
音声や映像をネットワークで伝送するマルチメディア通信においてデータ系で使用するUDP上のプロトコルは、アドレス変換機構を持つブロードバンドルータを介すると通信できないという問題を解決することを目的とする。 - 特許庁
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