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Wiktionary英語版での「scapple」の意味 |
Compare Old French eskaper, eschapler (“to cut, hew”), Late Latin scapello. Compare scabble.
scapple (三人称単数 現在形 scapples, 現在分詞 scappling, 過去形および過去分詞形 scappled)
- (transitive) To work roughly, or shape without finishing, as stone before leaving the quarry.
- 1849, Edward Dobson, A rudimentary treatise on Masonry and Stonecutting, page 33:
- 1876, Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons, Reports from Commissioners - Volume 37, page 355:
- A large quantity of stone was quarried, and scappled into blocks, for H.M. Dockyard at Portsmouth, and for other purposes, on the spot.
- (transitive) To dress (e.g. stone) in any way short of fine tooling or rubbing.
- 1835, John Claudius Loudon, An Encyclopædia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture, page 469:
- The door scuncheons and lintels of the cart-house and loose cattle sheds are to be neatly draughted and scappled (stones are said to scappled または scabbled, when they are dressed with the pick end of the hammer; they are called draughted かつ scappled when worked round the edges または joints with a chisel かつ hammer-dressed in the centre), and the corners canted with droved work.
- 1878, Second Session of the Forty-Fifth Congress, 1877-'78, United States Congressional Serial Set, page 16:
- Supposing that it is to be built of marble facing averaging two feet in depth and of stones of not less than one-half cubic yard, with a backing of large blocks of gneiss, well scappled, and laid in hydraulic mortar, with an iron stairway 5 feet wide, divided into sixty straight flights of 10 feet rise each, and an equal number of horizontal platforms, each 5 feet wide and 25 feet long; the apex or roof to be of wroght-iron beams, rafters and tie-rods, and cast-iron plates, all perflectly plain and substantial work, the approximate cost will be —
- 1930, Sir Christopher Wren, Sir John Vanbrugh, Arthur Thomas Bolton, The Royal Palaces of Winchester, Whitehall, Kensington, and St. James's Christopher Wren, Architect for Their Majesties King Charles II., page 33:
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