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Wiktionary英語版での「seatment」の意味 |
seatment (複数形 seatments)
- (obsolete) The location where a person, facility, or community is established; settlement.
- 1931, Lucius Israel Barber, A record and documentary history of Simsbury, page 362:
- 2002, William L. Byrd, Villainy Often Goes Unpunished:
- And forasmuch as the Chowan Indians having their hunting quarters upon some of your petitioners lands aforesaid therfore doe pretend the said lands to be theirs not withstanding the patents and grants aforesaid in making and threatening your Honrs petrs by destroying their Stocks burneing their houses and other hostilities under pretence they are under your Honrs protection and no Englishman ought to Seate within four miles of the towne, the which your Honrs petitionrs well knowing that by an order of the Honourable Councill no Seatment ought to be made within the space of four miles aforesaid any wise to the prejudice of the said Indians neither that your Honrs petitionrs taken up any Land witingly within that distance yet to continue peace and tranquility with the said Indians yor Honrs petitionrs hath offered to purchass their right if any to the land held as aforesd by yor Honrs petrs which they refuse and denyeth any Seatement to be made thereon for prevention whereof and that yor Honrs petitionrs May have a peaceable enjoyment in their and every of their aforesd lands humbly implores that the said ndians land may be laid out to them according to the aforesaid order of Councill.
- 2009, Harry Connelly Groome, Fauquier During the Proprietorship, →ISBN, page 21:
- The order stated that, 'the Sufferings of the Petitioner are most apparent and his resoluteness to abide his plantation ag't all attempts and consipiracies or our Indian enemies for many years hath (as may well be supposed) maintained us in the seatment of the upper parts of Rappahannock for many miles'.
- The act or manner in which something has been seated; placement.
- 1953, The Canadian Patent Office Record and Register of Copyrights and Trade Marks, volume 81, Issues 7-9:
- A force pump comprising a well casing having a bottom packing ring, a cylinder held in said ring and having a substantially closed upper and lower end, inlet ports in said cylinder below the ring and outlet ports in said cylinder above the ring, a pull rod extending into the cylinder, a lower piston in the cylinder fixed to the lower end of the rod, an upper piston slidably mounted on the rod, means in said cylinder for complementary engagement of means carried by the upper piston for retaining said upper piston above the inlet ports upon seatment of the lower piston on the lower end of the cylinder whereby fluid entering the cylinder is received between the pistons, said lower piston moving responsive to an upward pressure thrust relative to the upper piston upon engagement of the upper piston with the upper end of the cylinder to force the fluid retained between the pistons through the outlet ports into the casing.
- The location or facilities provided for someone or something to be seated in.
- 1972, Bulletin, The New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research - Volume 210, page 187:
- 1973, Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office: Patents:
- There is disclosed a combination flat top and game table assembly, the combination including a leg support for supporting the table arrangement, the first top secured to the leg support and forming a first type of game table surface a second top constructed for removable seatment upon the first top, the second top forming a second type of game table surface and a third top formed into a flat table surface which may be positioned on the first top for converting the assembly into a normal flat top table.
- The act of sitting.
- meantest, nestmate, statemen
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