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self-sufficiency economyとは 意味・読み方・使い方
「self-sufficiency economy」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 2件
We so far have focused on “spillovers” which are chain reactions of production activities on the inter-industry structure, and have compared the self-sufficiency structure of the Japanese economy with the U.S., long having a persistent trade deficit and Germany bearing similarities to Japan as an industrial country.例文帳に追加
以上、産業間の連関構造上で生じる生産活動の連鎖反応である「波及効果」に注目し、我が国経済の自給構造を、貿易収支赤字が長年続く米国と、工業国としての相似点を持つドイツと比較した。 - 経済産業省
As it is clearly apparent that the food problem is restricting the sustainable development of world economy, Japan has already experienced ahead of other Asian countries, the situation currently faced in the emerging Asian countries (which includes increase in calorie consumption and diversification of eating habits in the rapidly growing economy, construction of a food production system to address the above, and securing of stable procurement of food based on imports from overseas and other means). At present, Japan’s self-sufficiency rate in terms of food is the lowest among the major developed countries.例文帳に追加
食料問題が世界経済の持続的発展の制約として大きく顕在化している中で、我が国は、現在アジアの新興国が直面している状況(急速な経済成長の中での消費カロリーの増加と食の多様化、これに対応した食料の生産体制の構築と海外からの輸入も含めた安定調達の確保)を先んじて経験しており、現在、主要先進国中、最低の食料自給率となっている。 - 経済産業省
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