意義素(意味の分類) | 対応する類語・関連語 | |
法律大学院での学習を通じて習得し、裁判制度に対する責任を担う学問的職業 the learned profession that is mastered by graduate study in a law school and that is responsible for the judicial system |
law, practice of law |
人間が生来持っていて、人間社会の本質であり、拘束力を持つ原則、原則の主体 a rule or body of rules of conduct inherent in human nature and essential to or binding upon human society |
law, natural law |
自然における繰り返す事実あるいは出来事について述べる一般化 a generalization that describes recurring facts or events in nature |
law, law of nature |
法廷が行うことを法廷が決めるように導く、法律および原則に関連する哲学の部門 the branch of philosophy concerned with the law and the principles that lead courts to make the decisions they do |
jurisprudence, law, legal philosophy |
特定の種類の活動を決定している規則を述べている法的文書 legal document setting forth rules governing a particular kind of activity |
law |
警察官と警官の力 the force of policemen and officers |
constabulary, law, police force, police |
行政当局によって課された規則の集まり the collection of rules imposed by authority |
jurisprudence, law |
law, practice of law
弁護士業、 法律業
この場合の「law, practice of law」の意味
the learned profession that is mastered by graduate study in a law school and that is responsible for the judicial system
「法律大学院での学習を通じて習得し、裁判制度に対する責任を担う学問的職業」の意味で使われる「law, practice of law」の例文
he studied law at Yale
law, natural law
天則、 自然法、 理、 自然律、 法則
この場合の「law, natural law」の意味
a rule or body of rules of conduct inherent in human nature and essential to or binding upon human society
conception, concept, construct
law, law of nature
自然の法則、 自然律、 法則
この場合の「law, law of nature」の意味
a generalization that describes recurring facts or events in nature
「自然における繰り返す事実あるいは出来事について述べる一般化」の意味で使われる「law, law of nature」の例文
the laws of thermodynamics
conception, concept, construct
all-or-none law, rule, principle, archimedes' principle, law of archimedes, avogadro's law, avogadro's hypothesis, law of large numbers, bernoulli's law, benford's law, bose-einstein statistics, boyle's law, mariotte's law, coulomb's law, dalton's law, dalton's law of partial pressures, law of partial pressures, distribution law, law of chemical equilibrium, equilibrium law, weber-fechner law, fechner's law, fermi-dirac statistics, law of volumes, charles's law, gay-lussac's law, henry's law, hooke's law, hubble's law, hubble law, kepler's law of planetary motion, kepler's law, kirchhoff's laws, law of averages, law of constant proportion, law of definite proportions, law of diminishing returns, law of effect, law of equivalent proportions, law of reciprocal proportions, newton's law of gravitation, law of gravitation, law of multiple proportions, law of mass action, law of thermodynamics, mendel's law, law of motion, newton's law of motion, newton's law, ohm's law, pascal's law, pascal's law of fluid pressures, pauli exclusion principle, exclusion principle, mendeleev's law, periodic law, planck's law, planck's radiation law, principle of relativity, power law, stevens' law, stevens' power law, weber's law
jurisprudence, law, legal philosophy
法哲学、 法理学
この場合の「jurisprudence, law, legal philosophy」の意味
the branch of philosophy concerned with the law and the principles that lead courts to make the decisions they do
科条、 法規、 法律、 法令、 法条、 法度、 条例、 法
legal document setting forth rules governing a particular kind of activity
there is a law against kidnapping
legal document, official document, instrument, legal instrument
anti-drug law, anti-racketeering law, rico act, rico, racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations act, antitrust legislation, antitrust law, statute of limitations, constitution, fundamental law, organic law, public law, blue law, blue sky law, gag law, homestead law, poor law, riot act, prohibition
constabulary, law, police force, police
警官、 警察隊、 御回り、 其の筋、 お巡り、 刑事警察、 警察当局、 警察、 サツ、 ポリス、 御巡り、 御巡、 その筋、 其筋、 お回り、 警官隊、 官憲、 巡査、 御回、 察、 さつ
この場合の「constabulary, law, police force, police」の意味
the force of policemen and officers
「警察官と警官の力」の意味で使われる「constabulary, law, police force, police」の例文
the law came looking for him
force, personnel, law enforcement agency
european law enforcement organisation, europol, gendarmery, gendarmerie, mutawa'een, mutawa, royal canadian mounted police, rcmp, mounties, scotland yard, new scotland yard, secret police, ss, schutzstaffel, posse comitatus, posse
jurisprudence, law
科条、 律令、 ロー、 置き目、 法典、 置目、 国法、 法律、 法令、 法条、 法制、 王法、 法
この場合の「jurisprudence, law」の意味
the collection of rules imposed by authority
「行政当局によって課された規則の集まり」の意味で使われる「jurisprudence, law」の例文
civilization presupposes respect for the law
the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order
collection, aggregation, assemblage, accumulation
administrative law, canon law, ecclesiastical law, civil law, common law, case law, precedent, international law, law of nations, law of the land, martial law, commercial law, mercantile law, law merchant, military law, mosaic law, law of moses, sharia law, shariah, islamic law, shariah law, sharia, statutory law, securities law, tax law
adjective, procedural, essential, substantive, alienable, undue, alterable, unalterable, unqualified, incompetent, consensual, revertible, fungible, patrimonial, hereditary, ancestral, transmissible, intra vires, ultra vires, major, minor, underage, nonaged, covert, moot, testate, intestate, null, void, evidentiary, appellant, appellate, residuary, reversionary, therefor, scienter, impounding, internment, impoundment, poundage, awarding, award, appointment, remit, remission, remitment, novation, subrogation, disbarment, chance-medley, derogation, recission, rescission, abatement of a nuisance, nuisance abatement, production, law, practice of law, law practice, civil wrong, tort, juvenile delinquency, delinquency, comparative negligence, concurrent negligence, contributory negligence, criminal negligence, culpable negligence, neglect of duty, barratry, champerty, criminal maintenance, maintenance, false pretence, false pretense, resisting arrest, sedition, sex offense, sexual abuse, sexual assault, sex crime, snatch, kidnapping, actual possession, constructive possession, criminal possession, intervention, objection, recusation, filibuster, debarment, recusal, alienation, legislation, lawmaking, legislating, trust busting, enactment, passage, law enforcement, legal duty, false imprisonment, imprisonment, re-sentencing, commutation, contempt, contempt of congress, contempt of court, civil contempt, contumacy, criminal contempt, obstruction of justice, due process of law, due process, action at law, action, legal action, causa, lawsuit, cause, case, suit, civil suit, class action, class-action suit, countersuit, criminal suit, bastardy proceeding, paternity suit, antitrust case, counterclaim, custody case, lis pendens, legal proceeding, proceedings, proceeding, adoption, appeal, reversal, affirmation, bankruptcy, receivership, litigation, judicial proceeding, custody battle, vexatious litigation, notification, presentment, naturalisation, naturalization, judicial decision, judgment, judgement, confession of judgement, confession of judgment, cognovit judgment, cognovit judgement, default judgement, judgment by default, judgement by default, default judgment, non pros, non prosequitur, final judgment, final decision, personal judgment, judgement in personam, personal judgement, judgment in personam, judgment in rem, judgement in rem, judgement of dismissal, judgment of dismissal, dismissal, judgment on the merits, judgement on the merits, judgement on the pleadings, judgment on the pleadings, summary judgement, summary judgment, opinion, ruling, bakke decision, finding, finding of fact, verdict, conclusion of law, finding of law, compromise verdict, directed verdict, false verdict, general verdict, quotient verdict, special verdict, acquittal, murder conviction, rape conviction, robbery conviction, dispossession, legal ouster, eviction, ouster, actual eviction, constructive eviction, retaliatory eviction, legalisation, legitimation, legalization, trial, scopes trial, review, judicial review, plea, double jeopardy, criminal prosecution, prosecution, test case, test suit, defense, denial, defence, demurrer, entrapment, mistrial, retrial, hearing, administrative hearing, competence hearing, fair hearing, quo warranto, divorcement, divorce, legal separation, separation, condemnation, drug war, invalidation, annulment, dissolution of marriage, free pardon, pardon, amnesty, spoliation, waste, permissive waste, parole, probation, respite, reprieve, bar, bench, court, courtroom, courthouse, dock, messuage, colour of law, color of law, effect, force, infection, advowson, human right, easement, privilege, entitlement, civil right, civil liberty, habeas corpus, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom to bear arms, freedom from search and seizure, right to due process, freedom from self-incrimination, privilege against self incrimination, freedom from double jeopardy, right to speedy and public trial by jury, right to an attorney, right to confront accusors, freedom from cruel and unusual punishment, freedom from involuntary servitude, equal protection of the laws, right to vote, suffrage, vote, freedom from discrimination, equal opportunity, eminent domain, franchise, enfranchisement, patent right, right of election, right of entry, right of re-entry, right of offset, right of privacy, enjoyment, use, usufruct, visitation right, jurisdiction, legal power, venter, presumption, rationale, principle, mens rea, malice aforethought, premeditation, mitigating circumstance, probable cause, nuisance, legal system, bail, jury system, patent system, tax system, voting system, electoral system, judicial doctrine, judicial principle, legal principle, jus sanguinis, jus soli, preemption, pre-emption, relation, relation back, assumed name, doing business as, dba, fictitious name, summing up, summation, rundown, legal document, official document, instrument, legal instrument, derivative, derivative instrument, negotiable instrument, docket, passport, ship's papers, manifest, copy, transcript, joint resolution, debenture, power of attorney, letters of administration, letters testamentary, act, anti-drug law, anti-racketeering law, rico act, rico, racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations act, antitrust legislation, antitrust law, statute of limitations, constitution, fundamental law, organic law, united states constitution, u.s. constitution, constitution of the united states, us constitution, public law, statute law, enabling legislation, federal job safety law, occupational safety and health act, advice and consent, statute book, measure, bill, appropriation bill, bill of attainder, bottle bill, farm bill, trade bill, blue law, blue sky law, gag law, game law, homestead law, poor law, riot act, criminal law, court order, edict, decree, rescript, order, fiat, consent decree, curfew, decree nisi, divestiture, judicial separation, prohibition, stay, stay of execution, enjoinment, cease and desist order, injunction, enjoining, mandatory injunction, final injunction, permanent injunction, temporary injunction, interlocutory injunction, legal brief, brief, amicus curiae brief, testament, will, probate will, probate, codicil, living will, title, deed, deed of conveyance, assignment, bill of sale, deed poll, enfeoffment, mortgage deed, title deed, deed of trust, trust deed, conveyance, quitclaim, quitclaim deed, muniments, warrant, search warrant, bench warrant, arrest warrant, death warrant, lettre de cachet, cachet, license, permit, licence, letters patent, patent, legal opinion, concurring opinion, dissenting opinion, majority opinion, release, acquittance, judicial writ, writ, assize, certiorari, writ of certiorari, execution, writ of execution, execution of instrument, writ of habeas corpus, venire facias, writ of mandamus, mandamus, attachment, fieri facias, scire facias, sequestration, writ of detinue, writ of election, writ of error, writ of prohibition, writ of right, authorisation, mandate, authorization, process, summons, subpoena ad testificandum, subpoena, subpoena duces tecum, gag order, garnishment, interdiction, interdict, citation, process of monition, monition, ticket, bill of particulars, pleading, affirmative pleading, pleading in the alternative, alternative pleading, answer, evasive answer, counterplea, dilatory plea, libel, defective pleading, rebutter, rebuttal, replication, rejoinder, special pleading, surrebutter, surrebuttal, surrejoinder, plea bargaining, plea bargain, legislative act, statute, enabling clause, enabling act, ordinance, special act, rule of evidence, legal code, penal code, u. s. code, united states code, building code, fire code, sanitary code, health code, specification, tacit consent, secret approval, connivance, bill of rights, first amendment, fifth amendment, fourteenth amendment, eighteenth amendment, nineteenth amendment, cause of action, submission, evidence, testimony, corpus delicti, direct evidence, res gestae, indirect evidence, circumstantial evidence, corroborating evidence, hearsay evidence, state's evidence, declaration, attestation, affidavit, verification, subornation, alibi, caveat, jactitation, dictum, obiter dictum, written agreement, matter of law, question of law, sidebar, pretrial, pretrial conference, arbitration, deposition, cross-examination, direct examination, redirect examination, reexamination, disclaimer, demur, demurral, dissent, discovery, stipulation, judicial admission, allegation, subornation of perjury, combination in restraint of trade, law firm, conservative judaism, legal profession, legal community, doj, justice, department of justice, justice department, bja, bureau of justice assistance, fbi, federal bureau of investigation, circuit court of appeals, circuit, military court, moot court, night court, provost court, police court, probate court, quarter sessions, superior court, united states supreme court, supreme court of the united states, supreme court, state supreme court, high court, traffic court, trial court, judicial branch, panel, venire, grand jury, hung jury, petit jury, petty jury, special jury, blue ribbon jury, administrative law, civil law, common law, case law, precedent, international law, law of nations, admiralty law, marine law, maritime law, law of the land, martial law, commercial law, mercantile law, law merchant, military law, statutory law, securities law, tax law, legal residence, domicile, defendant, suspect, advocate, counselor, pleader, counselor-at-law, counsel, counsellor, friend of the court, amicus curiae, assignee, assignor, attorney general, barrister, chief justice, contractor, conveyancer, client, defense lawyer, defense attorney, divorce lawyer, filer, intervenor, jane doe, john doe, judge advocate general, jurist, legal expert, justice of the peace, lawmaker, lawgiver, lawyer, attorney, legal representative, legislator, receiver, liquidator, litigator, litigant, next friend, notary public, notary, ordinary, owner, proprietor, legal assistant, paralegal, party, complainant, plaintiff, prevailing party, promulgator, prosecuting attorney, prosecutor, public prosecutor, prosecuting officer, public defender, referee, reversioner, richard roe, solicitor, transferee, transferor, trial lawyer, trial attorney, trial judge, trier, legal guardian, trustee, ux., uxor, vouchee, attestor, attestator, witness, attestant, life estate, estate for life, grant, heritage, inheritance, accretion, legacy, bequest, devise, legal jointure, jointure, heirloom, interest, stake, vested interest, relief, compensatory damages, general damages, actual damages, nominal damages, smart money, exemplary damages, punitive damages, legal fee, reversion, escheat, satisfaction, recognisance, recognizance, record, legal relation, fiduciary relation, bank-depositor relation, confidential adviser-advisee relation, conservator-ward relation, director-stockholder relation, executor-heir relation, lawyer-client relation, attorney-client relation, partner relation, receiver-creditor relation, trustee-beneficiary relation, legal status, civil death, citizenship, marital status, union, spousal relationship, matrimony, wedlock, marriage, bigamy, civil union, common-law marriage, rule of law, legal representation, diplomatic immunity, limitation, republish, attorn, prove, recuse, filiate, charge, plead, plea-bargain, re-examine, take exception, challenge, get off, extenuate, mitigate, palliate, convict, reconvict, condemn, sentence, doom, capacitate, register, file, verify, testify, bear witness, attest, take the stand, show, give, stultify, convey, render, submit, prefer, bail out, remand, put away, jail, incarcerate, put behind bars, lag, immure, gaol, jug, imprison, bind over, aggrieve
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