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Cooperation with industry, government, schools  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Program for human resource training in cooperation with industry, government, and the local community  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

10 年 5 月から産官学共同研究を実施。例文帳に追加

Industrial-government-academia joint study was implemented from May 2010. - 経済産業省


Formation of local industry-government-academia - 厚生労働省



Doshisha University cooperates with the industry, government, and schools in various ways.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Arrangement of clinical research system, etc. by close collaboration of industry, government and academia - 厚生労働省

産官学による重点開発領域等の調整組織の設 置例文帳に追加

Setting of coordination institution for point development fields, etc. by industry, government and academia - 厚生労働省


The FTA between the three countries, Japan, China and South Korea, was initiated by FTA in research with Industry-Government-Academia collaboration as well. - 経済産業省

これを受け、第一回日中韓FTA産官学共同研究が2010 年5 月に開催された。例文帳に追加

Receiving direction at the 1st CJK, an FTA Industry-Government-Academia joint research meeting was held in May 2010. - 経済産業省



In November 2006, China also agreed to commence an industry-academia-government joint study program with the Republic of Korea. - 経済産業省



"Ryukoku Extension Center"(commonly called REC) was founded in 1991 and in Japan, it's the first incubation facilities in which the university teams up with authorities and industries.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the March 2002Japan- ROK Summit, leaders also agreed to establish a research group comprising government,academia and industry representatives to consider a Japan- ROK FTA. - 経済産業省

これを受け、2010 年5 月から日中韓FTA 産官学共同研究が開催されており、2011 年4 月までに4 回を数えている。例文帳に追加

The first joint study meeting on the FTA, involving the three countriesgovernment officials and experts from industrial and academic sectors, was held in May 2010. By April 2011 this meeting had been held four times in total. - 経済産業省


China has just completed the joint study on initiating FTA negotiations with India. The joint study with South Korea among representatives from industry, government, and academic sectors is under way. - 経済産業省


Further, a joint FTA study with China among industry, government, and academic representatives has also been initiated (in March 2007). South Korea is currently engaged in preliminary consultations with Russia and GCC (see Figure. 4-1-5). - 経済産業省


More specifically, joint considerations among government, academia and industry representatives were launched at the end of 1999 toward concluding an EPA with Singapore, while to strengthen economic ties with Mexico, where Japanese companies are being disadvantaged because of the lack of a bilateral FTA, joint research is being advanced among government,academia and industry representatives in response to agreement at the June 2001 bilateral Summit. - 経済産業省


Its objective is to collect information on computer games and to compile a database of computer games, which is a collaborative effort among industry, government and academia.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"Ryukoku Extension Center (REC)", the center of collaboration among enterprises, the government & municipal offices, research agencies, and others, engages in various activities, such as getting patents on the achievements of reseach and holding seminors for the general public.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Doshisha Rohm Plaza Project is an extracurricular project aimed at cultural creation and sharing, as well as human resources development for next-generation society through cooperation by industry, government, academia, and local community.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

東アジア地域における広域経済連携の動きとしては、まず、日中韓3 か国のFTA 構想があり、産官学共同研究が、2010 年5 月以来4 回開催(2011 年4 月時点)されている。例文帳に追加

As for the movements for broader regional economic partnerships in East Asia, there is an initiative to create a trilateral FTA among Japan, China and South Korea, and joint study meetings by these countriesrepresentatives of industry, the government and academia have been held four times since May 2010 (as of April 2011). - 経済産業省

東アジア地域では、日中韓 3 か国の FTA 構想もあり、2011 年 12 月に産官学の共同研究を完了し、2012年 5 月の日中韓サミットにて年内の交渉開始につき一致した。例文帳に追加

In the East Asia region, China, Japan and South Korea completed in December 2011 their industry-government-academia joint study on a FTA framework between the three countries, and they agreed at the China-Japan-South Korea summit held in May 2012 to initiate negotiation within the year. - 経済産業省

これを受け、2010年 5 月から日中韓 FTA 産官学共同研究が開催され、2011 年 12 月に共同研究を完了し、2012 年 5 月の日中韓サミットでは、日中韓 FTA の年内交渉開始につき一致した。例文帳に追加

In response to this decision, the China-Japan-South Korea industry-government-academia joint study toward an FTA was initiated from May 2010, and the joint study was completed in December 2011; the three countries agreed at the China-Japan-South Korea Summit in May 2012 that negotiation toward the FTA would be initiated within the same year. - 経済産業省


In Asia, the move toward the realization of wide-area economic integration has been active such as through FTA among Japan, China and Korea (Joint-study by public sector, industry and academic circle began in 2010.), “ASEAN+6” (Joint-study started in 2007) and “ASEAN+3” (Joint-study by specialists initiated in 2005). - 経済産業省


In order to study the possibility of a new FTA, the Republic of Korea planned to hold a one year industry-academia-government joint study program with China from the beginning of 2007. - 経済産業省

このように、創薬技術の創出のための研究開発に対して、産官学が協力し、また、様々な支援を行う制度づくりがこの 10年間で大きく進展してきた。例文帳に追加

As described above, arrangement of systems in which industry, government and academia cooperate for research and development for creating drug discovery technology and make various supports has been largely progressed in the past 10 years. - 厚生労働省

国民に重大な影響を与える疾患に対し、国立高度専門医療センターを中心に産官学が連携して臨床研究を進める「医療ク ラスター」の整備例文帳に追加

Arrangement ofmedical cluster” that progresses clinical researches on the diseases significantly affecting citizens mainly by the national high medical centers in collaboration of industry, government and academia - 厚生労働省


Furthermore, the support of the public is vital for popularizing self-medication and expanding the OTC drug options, and the collaborative industry-government-university infrastructure required for this should also be discussed. - 厚生労働省

日中韓 3 か国間では、2003 年から FTA に関する民間共同研究が実施されていたところ、2009 年 10 月の第 2 回日中韓サミットの議論を受けた第 6 回日中韓経済貿易大臣会合において、2010 年上半期に産官学共同研究を開始することを決定した。例文帳に追加

China-Japan-South Korea Economic and Trade Ministers Meeting, to initiate industry-government-academia joint study from the first half of 2010. - 経済産業省


To facilitate close industry-government-university collaboration, the 'Medical Clusters' shall be the basis for providing such items as clinical research beds and experimental medical devices, promoting co-researches through the intake of corporate and overseas researchers and other measures, and building up a pool of business organizations and university and other research institutions. - 厚生労働省


In order to develop non-government training curricula which increase the possibility of hiring, we will establish local industry government- academia consortia (joint work bodies) to develop, verify and disseminate diversified occupational training courses, and implement training at accessible venues based on the developed curricula. - 厚生労働省


Specifically, the "SME Regional Resources Utilization Program" will be established, providing human resources and organizers who are knowledgeable regarding marketing and brand strategies, and promoting collaboration among industry, academia and government, and among agriculture, trade and manufacturing across the traditional boundaries between sectors to consolidate regional power. In addition to these measures, support will be provided for measures with markets both overseas and in urban centers in mind. - 経済産業省

また広域的な取組として、日中韓3ヶ国では、2003年から日中韓3ヶ国でFTAに関する民間共同研究が実施されていたところ、2009 年10 月の第2 回日中韓サミットの議論を受けた第6 回日中韓経済貿易大臣会合において、2010 年上半期に産官学共同研究を開始することが決定された。例文帳に追加

Regarding regional efforts, in three countries: Japan, China, and South Korea have implemented public-private joint research of FTA among CJK countries since 2003. It was decided at the 6th CJK Economic Trading Ministries Meeting to start Industry-Government-Academia joint research in the first half of 2010, directed by the result of the 2nd CJK Summit held in October 2009. - 経済産業省

日中韓3 か国では、2003 年から日中韓3 か国でFTA に関する民間共同研究が実施されていたところ、2009 年10 月の第2 回日中韓サミットの議論を受けた第6 回日中韓経済貿易大臣会合において、2010 年上半期に産官学共同研究を開始することを決定した。例文帳に追加

Japan, China, and South Korea had conducted joint research at the private-sector level about an FTA among these three countries since 2003. It was decided at the 6th Japan-China-Republic of Korea Trilateral Economic & Trade MinistersMeeting to start joint research involving government, business, and academia in the first half of 2010. This decision was made based on the talks at the 2nd Japan-China-Republic of Korea Trilateral Summit Meeting held earlier in October 2009. - 経済産業省

「新健康フロンティア戦略」、「革新的医薬品・医療機器創出のための5か年戦略」を踏まえ、国民に重大な影響を与える疾患(重大疾病領域、希少疾病領域)に対し、先駆的な技術・モノ・システムの開発・実用化を図るため、国立高度専門医療センターを中心に、産官学が密接に連携して臨床研究・実用化研究を進める「医療クラスター」を整備する。なお、2010 年度に独立行政法人化されるにあたっては、国立高度医療専門センターが各分野において的確に機能を発揮できるようにする。(2008 年度~)例文帳に追加

Based on the 'New Health Frontier Strategy' and the 'Five-year Strategy for the Creation of Innovative Drugs and Medical Devices', 'Medical Clusters' shall be developed led by the National Centers for Advanced and Specialized Medical Care to promote clinical and applied research through close industry-government-university collaboration. The aim is to develop and commercialize pioneering technologies, goods and systems for disorders that have serious adverse effects on the public (major and rare diseases). Further, with the conversion of the National Centers for Advanced and Specialized Medical Care to independent administrative agencies in 2010, these centers shall be able to fulfil their respective roles more competently. (Fiscal 2008 ~ ) - 厚生労働省


As part of the efforts of the government, a “promotion councilconsisting of the government, industries, academia, and workers has been established to accelerate the acceptance of skilled workers from around the world, which determines numerical goals and necessary measures. The activities of this council include the development and implementation of action programs of relevant ministries and departments in 2008, an increase in the acceptance of highly skilled foreign researchers, engineers, business managers, etc. , facilitation of the use of foreign human resources in the companies in Japan, creation and announcement ofinternationalization indicatorsto measure the level of internationalization of companies to attract superior workers, and other discussions concerning human resource management. - 経済産業省



Through the initiative, Japan should promote the development and exchange of high-quality Asian human resources by expanding employment opportunities in Japan. Japan should also establish a "promotion panel" comprising people from the industrial, governmental, academic, and labor sectors to accelerate the acceptance of high-quality human resources from across the world. The panel should study numerical targets and necessary policies. The relevant government ministries should develop an action program by the end of 2008 to increase the acceptance of high-quality foreign human resources such as researchers, engineers, and corporate managers and to promote employment of foreign human resources in Japanese companies. In order to create an environment where it is easy to utilize highly skilled foreign human resources, we will promote global human resource management in Japanese companies by formulating and publicizing the internationalization indicators to measure the degree of responsiveness to global human resource management. We also aim to enhance English-language education in Japan. - 経済産業省


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