András L. Pap (JD, M.Phil., Ph.D., Habil., D.Sc.) is Research Chair and Head of Department for the Study of Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute Centre for Social Sciences Institute for Legal Studies, a Professor of Constitutional Law at the Law Enforcement Faculty of the National University of Public Service, as well as Recurrent Visiting (Adjunct) Professor at Central European University’s Nationalism Studies Program. Currently he is on leave from Eötvös University (ELTE) Institute of Business Economics. He is a member of several editorial boards, has given over 90 presentations at international academic conferences. He has taught over 60 different courses, 20 in English. He published six books and 6 textbooks and over 250 articles. His research interests include constitutional law, human rights, minority rights and law enforcement issues, surveillance, privacy and challenges brought by the new digital technology. Email: Address: Hungary
The argumentation in this paper is based on the proposition that constitutions play a key role in... more The argumentation in this paper is based on the proposition that constitutions play a key role in defining the approach to women’s social status, not just by determining ordinary legislation and public policy, but also through constitutional review. The focus is on Hungary, a country that is not famous in Europe for a high level of equality between men and women, surrounded by a (liberal) international political discourse which asserts a backlash and claims that women’s equal rights are being curtailed even more during the era of Orbán’s illiberal government. Against this discursive backdrop, the paper highlights a counterintuitive phenomenon: since the democratic transition (1989–1990) all the key constitutional disputes related to equality between the sexes have been initiated by men claiming instances of discrimination against men, as if women were too privileged in Hungary. A relevant contextual feature is that while equal legal standing for the sexes is guaranteed (due partly t...
A tanulmány témája egy több színtéren-az akadémiai világban és az emberi jogi aktiviz-mus terület... more A tanulmány témája egy több színtéren-az akadémiai világban és az emberi jogi aktiviz-mus területén-zajló, tágabb vitához kapcsolódik, amely a "szabadság kontra méltóság" címkével azonosítható. A szerző elsősorban az emberi méltóság és a médiaszabadság-mely utóbbi általában a véleményszabadság egy speciális válfajaként konceptualizálódik-közötti konfliktusra összpontosítva vizsgálja a problémát; a tágabb nemzetközi kontex-tus felől halad-az európai fejleményeknél részletesebben időzve-, végül a magyaror-szági helyzet tanulmányozására helyezi a fókuszt. Ez utóbbi mozzanat mögött az indíté-kot egy jelentős hazai társadalmi probléma jelenti: nevezetesen a legnagyobb lélekszámú etnika kisebbségi csoport, a roma közösség társadalmi kirekesztése, amiben a feltételezé-sek szerint nem elhanyagolható szerepet játszik a romák szembeszökően negatív média-reprezentációja. A szerző álláspontja szerint ez a probléma-tekintettel a kirekesztés magas társadalmi költségeire-kétségkívül orvo...
With special focus on free speech, as well as on classroom surveillance (proliferating in the Cov... more With special focus on free speech, as well as on classroom surveillance (proliferating in the Covid-pandemic digital learning environment), the paper aims to identify contextual dimensions for academic freedom as a matured legal concept – and one to be assessed via a business and human rights approach, due to its peculiar position between the public and private spheres. The project is triggered by the fact that despite its widespread usage in international documents and domestic constitutions, academic freedom remains underdeveloped in terms of conceptual tools, operationalizing mechanisms, monitoring methods and benchmarking schemes. There are also competing notions on how to best conceptualize it: as an individual right, a set of requirements for autonomous institutional design, a field to be regulated for market service providers or public commodities, a tool for international policy making, or academic ranking – not to mention the challenge of how to incorporate challenges brought by social justice movements. These considerations all require different policy tools and adjacent legal targeting.
The argumentation in this paper is based on the proposition that constitutions play a key role in... more The argumentation in this paper is based on the proposition that constitutions play a key role in defining the approach to women’s social status, not just by determining ordinary legislation and public policy, but also through constitutional review. The focus is on Hungary, a country that is not famous in Europe for a high level of equality between men and women, surrounded by a (liberal) international political discourse which asserts a backlash and claims that women’s equal rights are being curtailed even more during the era of Orbán’s illiberal government. Against this discursive backdrop, the paper highlights a counterintuitive phenomenon: since the democratic transition (1989–1990) all the key constitutional disputes related to equality between the sexes have been initiated by men claiming instances of discrimination against men, as if women were too privileged in Hungary. A relevant contextual feature is that while equal legal standing for the sexes is guaranteed (due partly t...
A tanulmány témája egy több színtéren-az akadémiai világban és az emberi jogi aktiviz-mus terület... more A tanulmány témája egy több színtéren-az akadémiai világban és az emberi jogi aktiviz-mus területén-zajló, tágabb vitához kapcsolódik, amely a "szabadság kontra méltóság" címkével azonosítható. A szerző elsősorban az emberi méltóság és a médiaszabadság-mely utóbbi általában a véleményszabadság egy speciális válfajaként konceptualizálódik-közötti konfliktusra összpontosítva vizsgálja a problémát; a tágabb nemzetközi kontex-tus felől halad-az európai fejleményeknél részletesebben időzve-, végül a magyaror-szági helyzet tanulmányozására helyezi a fókuszt. Ez utóbbi mozzanat mögött az indíté-kot egy jelentős hazai társadalmi probléma jelenti: nevezetesen a legnagyobb lélekszámú etnika kisebbségi csoport, a roma közösség társadalmi kirekesztése, amiben a feltételezé-sek szerint nem elhanyagolható szerepet játszik a romák szembeszökően negatív média-reprezentációja. A szerző álláspontja szerint ez a probléma-tekintettel a kirekesztés magas társadalmi költségeire-kétségkívül orvo...
With special focus on free speech, as well as on classroom surveillance (proliferating in the Cov... more With special focus on free speech, as well as on classroom surveillance (proliferating in the Covid-pandemic digital learning environment), the paper aims to identify contextual dimensions for academic freedom as a matured legal concept – and one to be assessed via a business and human rights approach, due to its peculiar position between the public and private spheres. The project is triggered by the fact that despite its widespread usage in international documents and domestic constitutions, academic freedom remains underdeveloped in terms of conceptual tools, operationalizing mechanisms, monitoring methods and benchmarking schemes. There are also competing notions on how to best conceptualize it: as an individual right, a set of requirements for autonomous institutional design, a field to be regulated for market service providers or public commodities, a tool for international policy making, or academic ranking – not to mention the challenge of how to incorporate challenges brought by social justice movements. These considerations all require different policy tools and adjacent legal targeting.
Papers by Andras Pap