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extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth
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Travel topics > Cultural attractions > Industrial tourism > Mining tourism

For the danger posed by landmines, see War zone safety.

This is a travel topic that deals with all man-made structures under and above ground whose primary purpose is or was the extraction of natural resources as well as their remains, associated culture and small scale resource gathering such as gold panning from rivers and creeks.

See also: Underground works, Gemstones, Rockhounds


Inside Falun copper mine

Humans have dug more or less elaborate holes in the ground in order to extract resources since time immemorial. The oldest things archaeologists interpret as mines were found in modern day Egypt and were used to extract flint-stone some 30,000 years ago. Since then both the need for resources and the technology with which to extract them have experienced tremendous development. Modern-day open pit mines have transformed whole landscapes and once they are done removing all the desirable resources, they often leave man made lakes and ponds that can become a source of economic activity and tourism in themselves. While some active mines can be visited, most mines are closed to the general public with only a small visitor center if anything. However, some former mines have been converted into tourist attractions and you can learn a lot about the history of the region or of mining in general by taking a guided tour.

Some towns owe their existence or at least their current size to mining, be it Kiruna and Falun in Sweden, Norilsk, Nikel and Kostomuksha in Russia or continued human presence on Svalbard. On the other hand, many former mining communities have been deserted once resources run out, and bustling cities can become ghost towns overnight. In some cases a mine itself is the reason for the abandonment of settlements, either to make room for open-pit mining or due to environmental damage through mining.

Mining has also added its own rich character to the cultural heritage of many regions, from the vocal imagery of the powerful folk ballad to the literary works recording old miners' myths.

Mining and the associated culture – especially in the context of coal and steel – have also influenced things as seemingly unrelated or trivial as the names or nicknames of sports teams. Many areas that used to depend on mining have since entered a decline, and despite efforts to diversify the economy, many of those areas have become "rust belts". That said, people are often immensely proud of the mining heritage of their region and some even continue to live those traditions after having moved elsewhere for a job.

Besides mining sites, some of today's major cities trace their growth and development to wealth generated by gold rushes. Perhaps the most famous examples of these are San Francisco and Melbourne.

Open pit versus shafts and tunnels


Modern mining often involves open pits created by huge machines. Older mines dug by hand often involve deep shafts and adits (long narrow corridors) underground. For instance the silver mines at Kongsberg have their deepest point 1,000 m below the surface (several hundred meters below sea level). The intensive 1600s mining at Falun eventually resulted in a collapse of the underground sections, leaving a 100 m deep and 1 km wide crater. A major problem in (almost) all mining operations is water. In open pit mines groundwater has to be lowered, sometimes hundreds of meters, leading to ground movements that are still not entirely understood and that have in the past damaged houses and other structures several kilometers away from the mine. Once the mining is concluded, the rising groundwater also results in ground movements, which may further endanger property. In underground mines, water has to be pumped out and of course this water has to go somewhere. In some cases it is simply pumped into abandoned shafts, but elsewhere ponds have been created just from surplus mine water.

Salt mining


Salt was a valuable commodity for most of history and scarce in almost all inland regions. The very word "salary" is derived from the Latin word for salt. While sea salt played a role in some areas, it was then as it is now vastly overshadowed by mined salt. While the people in the North Frisian Islands burned the ground beneath their feet to access the salt contained in the peat, other regions had access to vast underground salt domes, which gave rise to fabulous wealth and to names often relating to former or current salt production, such as Bad Reichenhall with "hall" being a frequent component in city names in Central Europe related to salt mining.

Mothballed rock salt mines are considered among the safest options to get rid of radioactive waste through deep geological disposal of such materials. The crystalline salt is an excellent thermal conductor to keep the waste cool, and naturally seals cavities to prevent leakage of active materials into ground water. It is expected that at least some mines that are open to the public will be converted for such waste disposal purposes in the near future, making them inaccessible to mankind for the next 50,000 years. If you have an interest in visiting decommissioned salt mines, do it as soon as you can.



Quarrying is open-pit extraction of bulk minerals such as granite, limestone and gravel. While toxic pollution is less of a concern, they can be enormous in size (even the pre-industrial ones) and cause landslides. As their products are expensive to transport, they tend to be near population centers. Historically stones were only transported long distances in exceptional circumstances or when a convenient water route was available. As such, the stones used in pre-industrial buildings often serve as a rough "geological map" of the area.



In many areas that have a long mining tradition a whole range of mining-related terms have been coined and in some cases entered the general vocabulary. They can be confusing even to native speakers of the respective languages.

Map of Mining tourism



Every state of Australia has a mining history, and in most states there are former mining sites that are considered vital heritage locations, and current active locations that have facilities for visitors and tourists to visit and view.

New South Wales

  • 1 Broken Hill. Founded as a silver mining town, there are numerous tourist attractions in the city connected to this history. It is visited as an excursion stop on the westbound Indian Pacific.    


  • 2 Chillagoe. A small zinc-mining rural town in the far north of Queensland and retains a heritage-registered smelter.

South Australia

  • 3 Coober Pedy. An opal-mining town in the South Australian Outback that is almost fully underground, as this is the only way to ensure human habitation in the harsh climate.



Western Australia

  • 5 Kalgoorlie Super Pit, Fimiston, West Australia. The Kalgoorlie Super Pit in Western Australia is a vast open pit that is visitable by guided tours. Travellers on the eastbound Indian Pacific can make an excursion stop here.


  • 6 Neft Daşları, off Baku. The first offshore oil platform in the world started operations in 1949, and has since grown to a full-scale town of about 2,000 people spread over an artificial atoll in the Caspian Sea.    


  • 7 Potosí. The big attraction in this high-altitude Bolivian city is its silver mines, which are still in operation and open for tours.


  • 8 Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais. Colonial era mining town with a storied past of gold rush boom growth. The town has an interesting mining museum and four historic mines offer tours.


Museum entrance, Springhill
  • 9 Springhill Miners' Museum. Springhill, Nova Scotia, was the site of a large coal mine active from the 19th century until 1958. It was shut down after an explosion in 1956 killed 39 and a 'bump' (underground earthquake) in 1958 killed 75. Today the museum offers underground tours.
  • 10 Cape Breton Miners Museum, Glace Bay, Cape Breton. Underground mine tour, mining history museum with modern exhibits. Miners Village Restaurant. Stroll through a historic village. "Men of the Deeps" miners' choir offers performances several times per season.
  • 11 Frank Slide Interpretive Centre, Frank, Crowsnest Pass region. This was Canada's deadliest rockslide ever, killing 90, but fortunately it missed much of the town.


  • 12 Humberstone and Santa Laura Saltpeter Works. Out in the Atacama Desert near Iquique, much of the world's production of saltpeter, a naturally-occurring, nitrate-containing mineral used to be extracted in these UNESCO-listed sites and the surrounding region. Prior to the early 20th century, when the synthetic production of nitrogen compounds became available, saltpeter was such a valuable agricultural resource that a long and bitter war over the area was staged between Chile, Bolivia, and Peru. Now the production is minuscule compared to its heyday and pertains mostly to the organic growing enthusiasts in North America.    


  • 13 Baotou Rare Earths Museum (包头稀土博物馆), Baotou, Inner Mongolia. China's first and only rare earths museum.
  • 14 China Coal Museum (中国煤炭博物馆 Zhōng​guó​ Méi​tàn​ Bó​wù​guǎn​), Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. Has exhibits on China's coal industry.
  • 15 Kailuan National Mine Park (开滦国家矿山公园), Tangshan, Hebei Province. One of China’s most important mining heritage parks. It includes the site of China’s first mechanized coal mine as well as the starting point of the Tangxu Railway, the first railway built by Chinese people. There are two museums here, including one on the mine and one on the railway. Visitors can also take a tour of the mine itself.


  • 16 East Estonia. The region lies at the heart of Estonia's century-old oil shale mining, which is commemorated by a number of local museums. Some of the highest hills in the otherwise flat region are man-made "ash mountains"—huge piles of oil shale industry waste—that have been forested and put to recreational use.


Mining museum of Outokumpu
  • 17 Tytyri Mining Museum (Lohja, Southern Finland). Limestone mine with a museum, 100 m underground.
  • 18 Lampivaara amethyst mine (Luosto, Lapland). The only amethyst mine in Europe. It is worked with little machinery, not to exhaust it too soon. The entrance fee includes a guided tour to the quarry and every visitor may dig his/her own amethyst and keep it.  
  • 19 Gold digging grounds (Lemmenjoki National Park and Hammastunturi Wilderness Area, Lapland). There was a gold rush in the 1870s to Ivalonjoki in the Hammastunturi Wilderness Area, and a new one to Lemmenjoki in the 1940s. There are still people digging and panning gold in both areas, although digging by machine ended in the national park in 2020. The gold areas by Lemmenjoki are easily reached by car and a boat tour, and some of the locals arrange gold related tours. Many different techniques, old and new, have left their marks and can be studied.
  • 20 Tankavaara (90 km north from Sodankylä centre, Lapland). Touristic gold village, with heritage from a 1930s gold rush. Exhibition with large mineral collection, possibility to try gold panning, yearly gold panning championship.




Winding tower of UNESCO World Heritage site Zeche Zollverein, Essen, Ruhr
  • 22 Precious Stone Mine Steinkaulenberg (Edelsteinminen Steinkaulenberg), Idar-Oberstein. Jewellery and precious stones used to be mined in these caves and tunnels. Visitors can take a tour of the mines and learn more about gem mining and the history of the region. There is also a gemstone cutting factory and a visitor centre where visitors can learn more.
  • 23 Himmelfahrt show mine (Himmelfahrt Fundgrube, Besucherbergwerk), Freiberg. 300-year-old silver mine, used to demonstrate the history of mining during different eras. The tours illustrate geology, history and technology of eight centuries.
  • 24 Salzbergwerk Berchtesgaden. The oldest active salt mine in Germany - since 13th century. The tour takes the visitors on a mini-rail and boat ride, as well as showcasing various techniques used for the mining.    
  • The whole Ruhr area was associated with coal mining and heavy industry for over a century. While most pits and cokeries are closed by now, you can still see impressive remains like the UNESCO world heritage Zeche Zollverein in Essen, as well as creatively re-used former mining and industrial sites that were transformed into parks, exhibition halls event locations or an amphitheatre. See also Industrial Heritage Trail.
  • Lüneburg owes much of its former wealth (still seen in old buildings) to its long history of salt mining; giving one of the resources needed for the Hanseatic cities to become major exporters of preserved fish.
  • The Central German Lake District is the result of open pit lignite mining and there are still a few operational mines in the area. Similar things can be said of the Lusatian Lake District


  • 25 Ombilin Coal Mine, Sawahlunto, West Sumatra. Part of UNESCO World Heritage Site. The coal was discovered in the mid-19th century by Willem Hendrik de Greve, and mining began in the area in 1876. The mine is the oldest coal mining site in Southeast Asia.  .    


  • 26 Land of the Red Rocks. A region filled to the brim with mining and industrial heritage. It is named after its soil rich in iron ore, which gives it a red tint.



The mining industry is very important in Mexico, which has been the world's top producer of silver for more than 400 years. The country has a number of operating mines as well as historic mines that are now open for tours.

  • 27 Mina El Eden, Zacatecas Centro. Visit this no-longer-active silver mine to see how the mountain under the city was hollowed out by hand over a period of three hundred years (most of the rock was carried up in baskets on the miners' backs, as they climbed out on ropes).
  • 28 Mina Pre-hispanica de Taxco, Taxco. A mine dug by the Chontal people, who had deliberately closed it in advance of the invading Spanish conquistadors. Veins of silver and gold can be seen in the tunnels as guides take you through them. Several tunnels remain to be explored. The tour ends in the hotel bar where you can have a margarita and admire the famous mural of Cuahtemoc by Juan O'Gorman.
  • 29 Mina Santa Rita (Ojuela Mine), Mapimi, Durango. The mine opened in 1598 and operated into the mid-20th century. It produced gold, silver, copper, lead, and magnesium. It has been the source for a wide range minerals valued by collectors. M.
  • 30 Mineral del Monte, Hidalgo. Traditional silver and gemstone mining town in the state of Hidalgo. Two separate mines offering tours and museums: Mina la Dificultad, and Mina de Acosta.
  • 31 Mineral del Chico, Hidalgo. Small colonial town with a history dominated by the mining industry. Five historic mines are open for tours.


  • 32 Nauru. Known as the "Topside" by the locals, the interior of the world's smallest republic is literally a dead wasteland left over from the decades-long extensive phosphate mining. Conveyor belts and other rusting mining equipment are dispersed throughout the rest of the South Pacific island.


Røros with the landmark church is a small mining town developed around 1645. The Pippi Longstocking TV-series was shot there in 1960s.
  • 33 White Caves (Kvite grotter), Gudvangen (Road E6). Abandoned mines open to public during summer. The white stone is anorthosite and exists in greater quantity at Gudvangen than anywhere else. Fee.
  • 34 Silvermines at Kongsberg (Sølvgruvene på Kongsberg), Kongsberg. A train brings the visitors 2300 m in. More than 300 years of silver mining has left a web of some 1000 km of tunnels, and 300 shafts of which the deepest is 1000 m. The mines cover an area of 30 km². More than 1 million kilograms of pure silver were extracted. Fee.    
  • 35 Røros mining town (Røros by og kopperverk), Røros, Trøndelag. The Røros copper mines were in operation for 333 years. Røros was one of two privileged mining towns (Kongsberg the other). Røros retain the style from the time when it was developed. The unusual church dominates the skyline. The town and mines are a UNESCO world heritage site.  .    
  • 36 Limestone mines at Eide, Eide near Molde (Road 64). Abandoned limestone/marble mines can be visited by groups. A wide hall with stage and seating. Access by boat across a small pond. The temperature is a constant 6°C.
  • 37 Cobalt color mines (Blaafarveverket i Modum), Drammen, Buskerud county. Blaafarveværke began operations in the 1770s. The works mined cobalt ore and manufactured blue cobalt glass (smalt) and cobalt blue (cobalt aluminate) pigment. In its heyday, it supplied 80 percent of the world market for cobalt pigments. Open for visitors. Buildings are also used for art exhibitions. Fee: Yes.    


  • 38 Khewra Salt Mine, Khewra. The discovery of the world's second largest salt mine dates back to the time of Alexander the Great's Indian Campaign of the 4th century BC, although the current tunnel was started in 1872 during the British rule of the subcontinent. The mine is a large tourist attraction, with several constructions made of colourfully illuminated salt bricks inside, and is the only source of the pinkish "Himalayan salt", which is almost fetishistically sought after by whole food enthusiasts.


  • 39 Wieliczka Salt Mine, Wieliczka. Continuously in production between the 13th century and 2007, which made it one of the oldest enterprises in the world at the time it closed. This mine is famous for its many statues and chapels carved out of rock salt by the miners.    


  • 40 Salina Turda. Terminated mine, nowadays used as amusement park    
  • 41 Salina Vech. Impressively large galleries of the old salt mines with a museum    

South Africa

  • 42 Kimberley Mine, Kimberley. A former open-pit and underground diamond mine, operating from 1871-1914. The open pit, also known as the Big Hole, is the largest hole in the ground excavated without machinery. There's a museum on site as well.


  • 43 Las Médulas, Castile and Leon. A World Heritage site, Las Médulas was the largest open-pit gold mine in the entire Roman Empire. The former pit floor, covered in dense vegetation after the mine was abandoned, now looks almost like a naturally formed canyon, with the sides dotted by eroded hills shaped by the extensive use of a Roman hydraulic mining technique known as ruina montium ("ruining the mountain"), whereby water was injected into man-made bores so it could pressure the rock walls surrounding it to crack open.    


Mining museum in Falun
  • Bergslagen, northern Svealand. This region north of Lake Mälaren is the historical heartland of Swedish mining, metallurgy and industry. It was once one of the most productive mining areas in Europe, but has now declined into a single mine. However, a lot of mining heritage remains open for visitors.
    • 44 Falu Gruva (Falun Mine), Falun, Dalarna. The Falun copper mine operated for around 1000 years until 1992. It was for centuries the largest copper mine in Europe and supplied about 70% of all copper need in Europe. Several thousand shafts were dug. The mining company is possibly the oldest business enterprise in the world. Now museum open to the public. The mines and the town are a UNESCO world heritage site.  
  • Norrbotten megasystem (Norrbotten County). An industrial cluster around the 500-km Iron Ore Line through Arctic Scandinavia.
  • 46 Ytterby (Resarö, Stockholm Archipelago). A mine on Resarö, with one unusual distinction: nine chemical elements of the periodic table were discovered here, four of them named by the settlement: yttrium, ytterbium, terbium and erbium.    
  • 47 Museum of Science and Technology (Tekniska Museet) (Stockholm). The museum's basement floor is furnished as a Swedish mine, with historical dioramas and exhibitions for the whole family.    
  • 48 Sala Silver Mine (Sala silvergruva), Drottning Christinas väg.    


  • 49 Gold Museum (黃金博物館), Jinguashi. An open air museum at the site of a former gold mine that was set up by the Japanese during Taiwan's colonial period, and was one of the most important ones in the Japanese colonial empire. During World War II, it was also used as a POW camp, and many of the POWs were used as forced labour in the mines. Today, the area is home to numerous abandoned mining facilities, and the ruins of a Shinto shrine.    


  • 50 Çankırı Salt Cave, near Çankırı. Turkey's largest, and probably the oldest, salt mine. The exhausted galleries are open to public as a show cave.
  • 51 Marble Museum, Saraylar, Marmara Island. A marble quarry abandoned during the Roman period, scattered by unfinished sculptures and monuments never made to their intended sites.
  • 52 Zonguldak. Turkey's main coal mining area is slowly degenerating into a brownfield landscape as its coalfield, worked since the 1820s, runs out. Nevertheless, it has various sites and attractions associated with its mining history.    

United Kingdom

See also: Industrial Britain
  • 53 Grime's Graves, Thetford, Norfolk. Prehistoric flint mine, extensive neolithic flint extraction.
  • 54 National Mining Museum for England, Wakefield, West Yorkshire. Few of us nowadays will ever go underground in a working coal mine, so this museum (the former Caphouse Colliery) is an essential experience of this great but departed industry.    
  • 55 Poldark Mine, Helston, Cornwall. Guided tour through ancient tin mine workings, museum of mining equipment and craft workshops. Located within the Wendron Mining District of the Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site.    
  • 56 Wheal Martyn Museum, St Austell, Cornwall. A Victorian clay works and an exhibition building.    
  • 57 Castleton. Home to the only Blue John mines in the world which tourists can visit, and to four major caves/caverns.    
  • is
  • 58 LLechwed Slate Caverns, Blaenau Ffestiniog , North Wales. Ancient rock quarry, a museum and underground tour gives a view of the North Wales slate industry. Workshops, history exhibits.
  • 59 Dolaucothi Gold Mines, Pumsaint, Llanwrda, Carmarthenshire, SA19 8US (on A482), . A wooded hillside, leading to the entrance of gold mines that were in use from the Roman period, up until the early 20th century. Guided tours. Phone before arrival to confirm opening times.
  • 60 Big Pit National Coal Museum, Blaenafon, Torfaen. A former colliery site with extensive surface buildings; a 90-min guided tour goes underground to what was a literal 'coalface' of an entire energy industry,
  • 61 Silver Mountain Experience, Ponterwyd, Ceredigion. Mining museum in restored Victorian-era silver mine buildings, 45-minute guided tours of the mine and trail. Café and souvenir shop; special events seasonally.

United States

  • 62 Butte, Montana. Butte owes its existence to mining. Its most notable feature is the Berkeley Pit, a former copper-mining operation, now a water-filled chasm laden with so many heavy metals that it can kill birds who land in it. The exhibits and gift shop present its history with an odd mix of defensiveness about the past and pride in current remediation efforts. Butte also contains the World Museum of Mining with a reconstructed mining town and underground mine tours, as well as the Mineral Museum on the Montana Tech campus.
  • The Industrialization of the United States was built on coal and steel. Most of what is now the "rust belt" was active in mining coal and the various ores needed to transform an agrarian backwater into the leading industrial power of the world. Some mines and related industries are on the American Industry Tour.
  • Similarly, many of the ghost towns of the American West were boomtowns that sprung up around gold and silver strikes, only to dwindle away once the mines were worked out. One of the best-preserved is near Yosemite National Park: 63 Bodie, California.
  • 64 West Virginia Mine Wars Museum, Matewan, West Virginia. Tucked in the remote mountains along the West Virginia/Kentucky border, this museum tells the little-known story of the huge wars fought between striking coal miners and law enforcement trying to break their strike. The Battle of Blair Mountain was the largest insurrection in the USA since the American Civil War, and the US Army was brought in to crush it.
  • 65 Soudan Mine, Ely, Minnesota. Iron ore mine with tours. Descend half a mile below the surface on an elevator to the 27th level of the mine. See how ore was produced and how the miners worked.
  • 66 Eagle Mountain (Riverside County, California, United States). An abandoned mining town. Due to the proximity to Hollywood, it has been the set for several films, including Tenet.    

One of the more obvious things often offered to tourists is gold panning, especially in areas where it has a tradition, like those invoking the Old West of the U.S.

The gold is by no means gone from the rivers and creeks of this world. While people believe it is possible to make a living by gold panning, chances are that the gold you find (if any) while panning in any river is not enough to pay for a first world lifestyle. However, gold panning is still practised especially in low income countries as an additional or only source of income.

At some destinations, a private company will maintain an active claim on a river where there's a little gold left so that visitors may try their hand at gold panning.

  • 1 Chicken, Alaska, USA. This tiny village mined 55,000 ounces (1710 kg) of gold from 1959 to 1971; it is now an off-the-grid partial ghost town with three operating businesses, a small post office and an airstrip. There is a seasonal gravel road. The old Pedro Gold Dredge #4 is open for daily tours and a couple of vendors offer recreational gold panning.

Rockhounds (amateur geologists) search for gemstones or fossils.

Stay safe


Before modern times, miners commonly died in accidents, if not from unhealthy conditions. Even today, mining is a hazardous industry.

If you are on a guided tour at a mining site, stay with the tour. Don't drift away or get diverted. If the tour is accredited and official, miners have specific guidelines of what not to do. Take careful note, and follow the rules.

Old, abandoned and unmaintained mine workings inherently pose more risk than those that are in active use. Exploring these as a lone traveller is inadvisable: consider joining an appropriate specialist group, instead. The small number of enthusiast and research groups that exist have built up appropriate procedures, expertise and trust with site owners over many years. Even when precautions are taken, those expeditions inherently pose some danger and thus people get stuck or injured in far reaches of underground structures, making it all the more imperative to have others know about your precise plans and whereabouts (see Caves#Stay safe).

Bad air is also a serious hazard in many abandoned mine workings, as exposed strata continue to oxidise. This creates lethal pockets of carbon dioxide or monoxide, amongst other toxic gases. It is not without reason that mining folklore talks about various forms of damp (such as blackdamp), or about the proverbial 'canary in a coal mine'. Weather and sub surface conditions may shift various damps into pools at the surface, which you'll notice when your dog (the modern canary) drops dead. Cave canem!



As mining can be both a vital part of a local economy, and a hazard for the environment and traditional lifestyle, it tends to be a sensitive political topic. Be aware that locals can have strong opinions on the issue.

See also

  • Ghost towns#Gold rush towns and abandoned mining communities. Many ghost towns used to be mining communities; a few were abandoned due to environmental disaster or after losing a road or rail line; many more were deserted after too little ore remained to be profitable.
  • Industrial tourism — many mining regions are also places to see former or modern day industrial plants processing the extracted resources.
  • Paleontology — fossils which can be found in quarries and mines
  • Rockhounds — people who search for interesting rocks
  • Gemstones — some of the most interesting rocks
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