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Paper 2020/1264

Humanly Computable Passwords as Lattice based OTP generator with LWE

Slawomir Matelski


For safe resource management - an effective mechanism/system is necessary that identifies a person and his rights to these resources, using an appropriate key, and its degree of security determines not only the property, but sometimes even the life of its owner. For several decades, it has been based on the security of (bio)material keys, which only guarantee their own authenticity, but not their owner, due to weak of static password protection. In the article will be presented the i-Chip an innovative challenge-response protocol, implements the Learning with Rounding (LWR) method as LWE variant, the known NP-hard problem, and based on post quantum lattice cryptography. The i-Chip scheme requires only single (albeit detailed) picture, illustrating the grid of a virtual microchip along with a brief set of rules, describing the way in which such chip operates, thanks to which reverse engineering of such virtual structure is as difficult as similarly operation on a physical microchip, and their diversity is limited only by the fantasy of the users and collaborating researchers, inspired by the analogous features of the physical elements. It will be shown how the i-Chip generates the one-time password (OTP) or whole digital signature, also offline on paper documents.

Available format(s)
-- withdrawn --
Secret-key cryptography
Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
identification protocols
Contact author(s)
s matelski @ intelco pl
2021-06-18: withdrawn
2020-10-14: received
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Creative Commons Attribution
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