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Paper 2022/101

Lattice-Based Linkable Ring Signature in the Standard Model

Mingxing Hu
Zhen Liu

Ring signatures enable a user to sign messages on behalf of an arbitrary set of users, called the ring. The anonymity property guarantees that the signature does not reveal which member of the ring signed the message. The notion of linkable ring signatures (LRS) is an extension of the concept of ring signatures such that there is a public way of determining whether two signatures have been produced by the same signer. Lattice-based LRS is an important and active research line since lattice-based cryptography has attracted more attention due to its distinctive features, especially the quantum-resistant. However, all the existing lattice-based LRS relied on random oracle heuristics, i.e., no lattice-based LRS in the standard model has been introduced so far. In this paper, we present a lattice-based LRS scheme in the standard model. Toward our goal, we present a lattice basis extending algorithm which is the key ingredient in our construction, that may be of indepen- dent interest

Available format(s)
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
Lattice-basedLinkable ring signatureStandard model
Contact author(s)
mxhu2018 @ sjtu edu cn
liuzhen @ sjtu edu cn
2023-01-24: last of 5 revisions
2022-01-31: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Mingxing Hu and Zhen Liu},
      title = {Lattice-Based Linkable Ring Signature in the Standard Model},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2022/101},
      year = {2022},
      url = {https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/101}
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