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Paper 2023/746

Homomorphic Signatures for Subset and Superset Mixed Predicates and Its Applications

Masahito Ishizaka, KDDI Research (Japan)
Kazuhide Fukushima, KDDI Research (Japan)

In homomorphic signatures for subset predicates (HSSB), each message (to be signed) is a set. Any signature on a set $M$ allows us to derive a signature on any subset $M'\subseteq M$. Its superset version, which should be called homomorphic signatures for superset predicates (HSSP), allows us to derive a signature on any superset $M'\supseteq M$. In this paper, we propose homomorphic signatures for subset and superset mixed predicates (HSSM) as a simple combination of HSSB and HSSP. In HSSM, any signature on a message of a set-pair $(M, W)$ allows us to derive a signature on any $(M', W')$ such that $M'\subseteq M$ and $W'\supseteq W$. We propose an original HSSM scheme which is unforgeable under the decisional linear assumption and completely context-hiding. We show that HSSM has various applications, which include disclosure-controllable HSSB, disclosure-controllable redactable signatures, (key-delegatable) superset/subset predicate signatures, and wildcarded identity-based signatures.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Published elsewhere. ACISP 2023
Homomorphic signaturesUnforgeablityComplete context-hidingDecisional linear assumption.
Contact author(s)
xma-ishizaka @ kddi com
2023-05-25: approved
2023-05-24: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Masahito Ishizaka and Kazuhide Fukushima},
      title = {Homomorphic Signatures for Subset and Superset Mixed Predicates and Its Applications},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2023/746},
      year = {2023},
      url = {https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/746}
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