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Paper 2024/1636

Quantum State Group Actions

Saachi Mutreja, Columbia University
Mark Zhandry, NTT research

Cryptographic group actions are a leading contender for post-quantum cryptography, and have also been used in the development of quantum cryptographic protocols. In this work, we explore quantum group actions, which consist of a group acting on a set of quantum states. We show the following results: 1. In certain settings, statistical (even query bounded) security is impossible, analogously to post-quantum classical group actions. 2. We construct quantum state group actions and prove that many computational problems that have been proposed by cryptographers hold it. Depending on the construction, our proofs are either unconditional, rely on LWE, or rely on the quantum random oracle model. While our analysis does not directly apply to classical group actions, we argue it gives at least a sanity check that there are no obvious flaws in the post-quantum assumptions made by cryptographers. 3. Our quantum state group action allows for unifying two existing quantum money schemes: those based on group actions, and those based on non-collapsing hashes. We also explain how they can unify classical and quantum key distribution.

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Publication info
Quantum group actionsgroup actionsquantum moneyDecisional Diffie Hellmankey exchange
Contact author(s)
saachi @ berkeley edu
mzhandry @ gmail com
2024-10-14: approved
2024-10-11: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Saachi Mutreja and Mark Zhandry},
      title = {Quantum State Group Actions},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1636},
      year = {2024},
      url = {https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1636}
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