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Paper 2024/1830

A Tight Analysis of GHOST Consistency

Peter Gaži, IOG
Zahra Motaqy, University of Connecticut
Alexander Russell, University of Connecticut, IOG

The GHOST protocol has been proposed as an improvement to the Nakamoto consensus mechanism that underlies Bitcoin. In contrast to the Nakamoto fork-choice rule, the GHOST rule justifies selection of a chain with weights computed over subtrees rather than individual paths. This mechanism has been adopted by a variety of consensus protocols, and is a part of the currently deployed protocol supporting Ethereum. We establish an exact characterization of the security region of the GHOST protocol, identifying the relationship between the rate of honest block production, the rate of adversarial block production, and network delays that guarantee that the protocol reaches consensus. In contrast to the closely related Nakamoto consensus protocol, we find that the region depends on the convention used by the protocol for tiebreaking; we establish tight results for both adversarial tiebreaking, in which ties are broken adversarially in order to frustrate consensus, and deterministic tiebreaking, in which ties between pairs of blocks are broken consistently throughout an execution. We provide explicit attacks for both conventions which stall consensus outside of the security region. Our results conclude that the security region of GHOST can be strictly improved by incorporating a tiebreaking mechanism; in either case, however, the final region of security is inferior to the region of Nakamoto consensus.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
blockchainproof of workGHOST protocol
Contact author(s)
peter gazi @ iohk io
raha @ uconn edu
acr @ uconn edu
2024-11-08: approved
2024-11-07: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Peter Gaži and Zahra Motaqy and Alexander Russell},
      title = {A Tight Analysis of {GHOST} Consistency},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1830},
      year = {2024},
      url = {https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1830}
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