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2024/1372 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-02
Coral: Maliciously Secure Computation Framework for Packed and Mixed Circuits
Zhicong Huang, Wen-jie Lu, Yuchen Wang, Cheng Hong, Tao Wei, WenGuang Chen
Cryptographic protocols

Achieving malicious security with high efficiency in dishonest-majority secure multiparty computation is a formidable challenge. The milestone works SPDZ and TinyOT have spawn a large family of protocols in this direction. For boolean circuits, state-of-the-art works (Cascudo et. al, TCC 2020 and Escudero et. al, CRYPTO 2022) have proposed schemes based on reverse multiplication-friendly embedding (RMFE) to reduce the amortized cost. However, these protocols are theoretically described and...

2024/370 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-16
Perfectly-Secure Multiparty Computation with Linear Communication Complexity over Any Modulus
Daniel Escudero, Yifan Song, Wenhao Wang
Cryptographic protocols

Consider the task of secure multiparty computation (MPC) among $n$ parties with perfect security and guaranteed output delivery, supporting $t<n/3$ active corruptions. Suppose the arithmetic circuit $C$ to be computed is defined over a finite ring $\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z}$, for an arbitrary $q\in\mathbb{Z}$. It is known that this type of MPC over such ring is possible, with communication that scales as $O(n|C|)$, assuming that $q$ scales as $\Omega(n)$. However, for constant-size rings...

2023/1363 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-12
Amortized NISC over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ from RMFE
Fuchun Lin, Chaoping Xing, Yizhou Yao, Chen Yuan
Cryptographic protocols

Reversed multiplication friendly embedding (RMFE) amortization has been playing an active role in the state-of-the-art constructions of MPC protocols over rings (in particular, the ring $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$). As far as we know, this powerful technique has NOT been able to find applications in the crown jewel of two-party computation, the non-interactive secure computation (NISC), where the requirement of the protocol being non-interactive constitutes a formidable technical bottle-neck. We...

2023/173 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-11-22
Degree-$D$ Reverse Multiplication-Friendly Embeddings: Constructions and Applications
Daniel Escudero, Cheng Hong, Hongqing Liu, Chaoping Xing, Chen Yuan
Cryptographic protocols

In the recent work of (Cheon & Lee, Eurocrypt'22), the concept of a degree-$D$ packing method was formally introduced, which captures the idea of embedding multiple elements of a smaller ring into a larger ring, so that element-wise multiplication in the former is somewhat "compatible" with the product in the latter. Then, several optimal bounds and results are presented, and furthermore, the concept is generalized from one multiplication to degrees larger than two. These packing...

2022/815 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-06-23
More Efficient Dishonest Majority Secure Computation over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ via Galois Rings
Daniel Escudero, Chaoping Xing, Chen Yuan
Cryptographic protocols

In this work we present a novel actively secure multiparty computation protocol in the dishonest majority setting, where the computation domain is a ring of the type $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$. Instead of considering an "extension ring" of the form $\mathbb{Z}_{2^{k+\kappa}}$ as in SPD$\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ (Cramer et al, CRYPTO 2018) and its derivatives, we make use of an actual ring extension, or more precisely, a Galois ring extension $\mathbb{Z}_{p^k}[\mathtt{X}]/(h(\mathtt{X}))$ of large enough...

2022/771 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-06-15
Field Instruction Multiple Data
Khin Mi Mi Aung, Enhui Lim, Jun Jie Sim, Benjamin Hong Meng Tan, Huaxiong Wang, Sze Ling Yeo

Fully homomorphic encryption~(FHE) has flourished since it was first constructed by Gentry~(STOC 2009). Single instruction multiple data~(SIMD) gave rise to efficient homomorphic operations on vectors in \((\mathbb{F}_{t^d})^\ell\), for prime \(t\). RLWE instantiated with cyclotomic polynomials of the form \(X^{2^N}+1\) dominate implementations of FHE due to highly efficient fast Fourier transformations. However, this choice yields very short SIMD plaintext vectors and high degree extension...

2021/1033 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-03-01
Limits of Polynomial Packings for $\mathbb{Z}_{p^k}$ and $\mathbb{F}_{p^k}$
Jung Hee Cheon, Keewoo Lee
Public-key cryptography

We formally define polynomial packing methods and initiate a unified study of related concepts in various contexts of cryptography. This includes homomorphic encryption (HE) packing and reverse multiplication-friendly embedding (RMFE) in information-theoretically secure multi-party computation (MPC). We prove several upper bounds and impossibility results on packing methods for $\mathbb{Z}_{p^k}$ or $\mathbb{F}_{p^k}$-messages into $\mathbb{Z}_{p^t}[x]/f(x)$ in terms of (i) packing density,...

2019/1137 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-09-23
On the Complexity of Arithmetic Secret Sharing
Ronald Cramer, Chaoping Xing, Chen Yuan

Since the mid 2000s, asymptotically-good strongly-multiplicative linear (ramp) secret sharing schemes over a fixed finite field have turned out as a central theoretical primitive in numerous constant-communication-rate results in multi-party cryptographic scenarios, and, surprisingly, in two-party cryptography as well. Known constructions of this most powerful class of arithmetic secret sharing schemes all rely heavily on algebraic geometry (AG), i.e., on dedicated AG codes based on...

2019/832 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-02-07
Asymptotically-Good Arithmetic Secret Sharing over Z/(p^\ell Z) with Strong Multiplication and Its Applications to Efficient MPC
Ronald Cramer, Matthieu Rambaud, Chaoping Xing

This paper studies information-theoretically secure multiparty computation (MPC) over rings $\Z/p^{\ell}\Z$. In the work of [ACD+, TCC'19], a protocol based on the Shamir secret sharing over $\Z/p^{\ell}\Z$ was presented. As in the field case, its limitation is that the share size grows as the number of players increases. Then several MPC protocols were developed in [ACD+, Asiacrypt'20] to overcome this limitation. However, (i) their offline multiplication gate has super-linear communication...

2018/429 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-06-06
Amortized Complexity of Information-Theoretically Secure MPC Revisited
Ignacio Cascudo, Ronald Cramer, Chaoping Xing, Chen Yuan
Cryptographic protocols

A fundamental and widely-applied paradigm due to Franklin and Yung (STOC 1992) on Shamir-secret-sharing based general $n$-player MPC shows how one may trade the adversary threshold $t$ against amortized communication complexity, by using a so-called packed version of Shamir's scheme. For e.g.~the BGW-protocol (with active security), this trade-off means that if $t + 2k -2 < n/3$, then $k$ parallel evaluations of the same arithmetic circuit on different inputs can be performed at the...

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