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2024/1203 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-25
Preservation of Speculative Constant-time by Compilation
Santiago Arranz Olmos, Gilles Barthe, Lionel Blatter, Benjamin Grégoire, Vincent Laporte

Compilers often weaken or even discard software-based countermeasures commonly used to protect programs against side-channel attacks; worse, they may also introduce vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit. The solution to this problem is to develop compilers that preserve these countermeasures. Prior work establishes that (a mildly modified version of) the CompCert and Jasmin formally verified compilers preserve constant-time, an information flow policy that ensures that programs are...

2024/1070 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-01
Protecting cryptographic code against Spectre-RSB
Santiago Arranz Olmos, Gilles Barthe, Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup, Benjamin Grégoire, Vincent Laporte, Tiago Oliveira, Peter Schwabe, Yuval Yarom, Zhiyuan Zhang

It is fundamental that executing cryptographic software must not leak secrets through side-channels. For software-visible side-channels, it was long believed that "constant-time" programming would be sufficient as a systematic countermeasure. However, this belief was shattered in 2018 by attacks exploiting speculative execution—so called Spectre attacks. Recent work shows that language support suffices to protect cryptographic code with minimal overhead against one class of such attacks,...

2024/267 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-16
zkPi: Proving Lean Theorems in Zero-Knowledge
Evan Laufer, Alex Ozdemir, Dan Boneh

Interactive theorem provers (ITPs), such as Lean and Coq, can express formal proofs for a large category of theorems, from abstract math to software correctness. Consider Alice who has a Lean proof for some public statement $T$. Alice wants to convince the world that she has such a proof, without revealing the actual proof. Perhaps the proof shows that a secret program is correct or safe, but the proof itself might leak information about the program's source code. A natural way for...

2023/547 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-30
Certifying Zero-Knowledge Circuits with Refinement Types
Junrui Liu, Ian Kretz, Hanzhi Liu, Bryan Tan, Jonathan Wang, Yi Sun, Luke Pearson, Anders Miltner, Işıl Dillig, Yu Feng

Zero-knowledge (ZK) proof systems have emerged as a promising solution for building security-sensitive applications. However, bugs in ZK applications are extremely difficult to detect and can allow a malicious party to silently exploit the system without leaving any observable trace. This paper presents Coda, a novel statically-typed language for building zero-knowledge applications. Critically, Coda makes it possible to formally specify and statically check properties of a ZK application...

2023/185 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-06
The Last Yard: Foundational End-to-End Verification of High-Speed Cryptography
Philipp G. Haselwarter, Benjamin Salling Hvass, Lasse Letager Hansen, Théo Winterhalter, Catalin Hritcu, Bas Spitters

The field of high-assurance cryptography is quickly maturing, yet a unified foundational framework for end-to-end formal verification of efficient cryptographic implementations is still missing. To address this gap, we use the Coq proof assistant to formally connect three existing tools: (1) the Hacspec emergent cryptographic specification language; (2) the Jasmin language for efficient, high-assurance cryptographic implementations; and (3) the SSProve foundational verification framework for...

2022/1116 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-08-29
Automatic Certified Verification of Cryptographic Programs with COQCRYPTOLINE
Ming-Hsien Tsai, Yu-Fu Fu, Xiaomu Shi, Jiaxiang Liu, Bow-Yaw Wang, Bo-Yin Yang

COQCRYPTOLINE is an automatic certified verification tool for cryptographic programs. It is built on OCAML programs extracted from algorithms fully certified in COQ with SS- REFLECT. Similar to other automatic tools, COQCRYPTO- LINE calls external decision procedures during verification. To ensure correctness, all answers from external decision procedures are validated by certified certificate checkers in COQCRYPTOLINE. We evaluate COQCRYPTOLINE on cryp- tographic programs from BITCOIN,...

2022/1003 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-08-10
Orbis Specification Language: a type theory for zk-SNARK programming
Morgan Thomas

Orbis Specification Language (OSL) is a language for writing statements to be proven by zk-SNARKs. zk-SNARK theories allow for proving wide classes of statements. They usually require the statement to be proven to be expressed as a constraint system, called an arithmetic circuit, which can take various forms depending on the theory. It is difficult to express complex statements in the form of arithmetic circuits. OSL is a language of statements which is similar to type theories used in proof...

2021/588 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-05-10
A Novel Proof of Shuffle: Exponentially Secure Cut-and-Choose
Thomas Haines, Johannes Mueller
Cryptographic protocols

Shuffling is one of the most important techniques for privacy-preserving protocols. Its applications are manifold, including, for example, e-voting, anonymous broadcast, or privacy-preserving machine-learning. For many applications, such as secure e-voting, it is crucial that the correctness of the shuffling operation be (publicly) verifiable. To this end, numerous proofs of shuffle have been proposed in the literature. Several of these proofs are actually employed in the real world. In...

2021/428 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-04-06
A Coq proof of the correctness of X25519 in TweetNaCl
Peter Schwabe, Benoît Viguier, Timmy Weerwag, Freek Wiedijk
Public-key cryptography

We formally prove that the C implementation of the X25519 key-exchange protocol in the TweetNaCl library is correct. We prove both that it correctly implements the protocol from Bernstein's 2006 paper, as standardized in RFC 7748, as well as the absence of undefined behavior like arithmetic overflows and array out-of-bounds errors. We also formally prove, based on the work of Bartzia and Strub, that X25519 is mathematically correct, i.e., that it correctly computes scalar multiplication on...

2021/397 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-11-08
SSProve: A Foundational Framework for Modular Cryptographic Proofs in Coq
Philipp G. Haselwarter, Exequiel Rivas, Antoine Van Muylder, Théo Winterhalter, Carmine Abate, Nikolaj Sidorenco, Catalin Hritcu, Kenji Maillard, Bas Spitters

State-separating proofs (SSP) is a recent methodology for structuring game-based cryptographic proofs in a modular way, by using algebraic laws to exploit the modular structure of composed protocols. While promising, this methodology was previously not fully formalized and came with little tool support. We address this by introducing SSProve, the first general verification framework for machine-checked state-separating proofs. SSProve combines high-level modular proofs about composed...

2021/147 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-03-08
IPDL: A Simple Framework for Formally Verifying Distributed Cryptographic Protocols
Greg Morrisett, Elaine Shi, Kristina Sojakova, Xiong Fan, Joshua Gancher

Although there have been many successes in verifying proofs of non-interactive cryptographic primitives such as encryption and signatures, formal verification of interactive cryptographic protocols is still a nascent area. While in principle, it seems possible to extend general frameworks such as Easycrypt to encode proofs for more complex, interactive protocols, a big challenge is whether the human effort would be scalable enough for proof mechanization to eventually acquire mainstream...

2020/917 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-11-29
Formalizing Nakamoto-Style Proof of Stake
Søren Eller Thomsen, Bas Spitters

Fault-tolerant distributed systems move the trust in a single party to a majority of parties participating in the protocol. This makes blockchain based crypto-currencies possible: they allow parties to agree on a total order of transactions without a trusted third party. To trust a distributed system, the security of the protocol and the correctness of the implementation must be indisputable. We present the first machine checked proof that guarantees both safety and liveness for a...

2019/1422 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-02-12
IPDL: A Probabilistic Dataflow Logic for Cryptography
Xiong Fan, Joshua Gancher, Greg Morrisett, Elaine Shi, Kristina Sojakova
Cryptographic protocols

While there have been many successes in verifying cryptographic security proofs of noninter- active primitives such as encryption and signatures, less attention has been paid to interactive cryptographic protocols. Interactive protocols introduce the additional verification challenge of concurrency, which is notoriously hard to reason about in a cryptographically sound manner. When proving the (approximate) observational equivalance of protocols, as is required by simulation based security...

2019/971 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-10-26
Verifpal: Cryptographic Protocol Analysis for the Real World
Nadim Kobeissi, Georgio Nicolas, Mukesh Tiwari
Cryptographic protocols

Verifpal is a new automated modeling framework and verifier for cryptographic protocols, optimized with heuristics for common-case protocol specifications, that aims to work better for real-world practitioners, students and engineers without sacrificing comprehensive formal verification features. In order to achieve this, Verifpal introduces a new, intuitive language for modeling protocols that is easier to write and understand than the languages employed by existing tools. Its formal...

2017/1233 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-12-22
Provably secure compilation of side-channel countermeasures
Gilles Barthe, Benjamin Grégoire, Vincent Laporte

Software-based countermeasures provide effective mitigation against side-channel attacks, often with minimal efficiency and deployment overheads. Their effectiveness is often amenable to rigorous analysis: specifically, several popular countermeasures can be formalized as information flow policies, and correct implementation of the countermeasures can be verified with state-of-the-art analysis and verification techniques. However, in absence of further justification, the guarantees only hold...

2014/1006 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-12-25
Simple composition theorems of one-way functions -- proofs and presentations
Jaime Gaspar, Eerke Boiten

One-way functions are both central to cryptographic theory and a clear example of its complexity as a theory. From the aim to understand theories, proofs, and communicability of proofs in the area better, we study some small theorems on one-way functions, namely: composition theorems of one-way functions of the form "if $f$ (or $h$) is well-behaved in some sense and $g$ is a one-way function, then $f \circ g$ (respectively, $g \circ h$) is a one-way function". We present two basic...

2014/422 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-06-06
System-level non-interference for constant-time cryptography
Gilles Barthe, Gustavo Betarte, Juan Diego Campo, Carlos Luna, David Pichardie

Cache-based attacks are a class of side-channel attacks that are particularly effective in virtualized or cloud-based environments, where they have been used to recover secret keys from cryptographic implementations. One common approach to thwart cache-based attacks is to use \emph{constant-time} implementations, i.e.\, which do not branch on secrets and do not perform memory accesses that depend on secrets. However, there is no rigorous proof that constant-time implementations are...

2012/430 (PDF) Last updated: 2013-04-03
A formal study of two physical countermeasures against side channel attacks
Sébastien Briais, Sylvain Guilley, Jean-Luc Danger

Secure electronic circuits must implement countermeasures against a wide range of attacks. Often, the protection against side channel attacks requires to be tightly integrated within the functionality to be protected. It is now part of the designer's job to implement them. But this task is known to be error-prone, and with current development processes, countermeasures are evaluated often very late (at circuit fabrication). In order to improve the confidence of the designer in the...

2009/322 (PDF) Last updated: 2010-05-13
Certifying Assembly with Formal Cryptographic Proofs: the Case of BBS
Reynald Affeldt, David Nowak, Kiyoshi Yamada

With today's dissemination of embedded systems manipulating sensitive data, it has become important to equip low-level programs with strong security guarantees. Unfortunately, security proofs as done by cryptographers are about algorithms, not about concrete implementations running on hardware. In this paper, we show how to extend security proofs to guarantee the security of assembly implementations of cryptographic primitives. Our approach is based on a framework in the Coq proof-assistant...

2007/314 Last updated: 2007-10-01
Formal Certification of Code-Based Cryptographic Proofs
G. Barthe, B. Grëgoire, R. Janvier, S. Zanella Bëguelin

As cryptographic proofs have become essentially unverifiable, cryptographers have argued in favor of systematically structuring proofs as sequences of games. Code-based techniques form an instance of this approach that takes a code-centric view of games, and that relies on programming language theory to justify steps in the proof-transitions between games. While these techniques contribute to increase confidence in the security of cryptographic systems, code-based proofs involve such a large...

2007/199 (PDF) Last updated: 2007-11-07
A Framework for Game-Based Security Proofs
David Nowak

Information security is nowadays an important issue. Its essential ingredient is cryptography. A common way to present security proofs is to structure them as sequences of games. The main contribution of this paper is a framework which refines this approach. We make explicit important theorems used implicitly by cryptographers but never explicitly stated. Our aim is to have a framework in which proofs are precise enough to be mechanically checked, and readable enough to be humanly checked....

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