Papers by Asuman Karabulut
Ege Üniversitesi Yayınları Kadın Sorunları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Yayın No: 9, 2021
Erzincan üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2023
Epidemic diseases are factors that affect the political, social, economic and cultural lives of h... more Epidemic diseases are factors that affect the political, social, economic and cultural lives of humanity. The story of epidemics is determined by the activities of people. The Ottoman Empire, which served as a transition region, was also exposed to epidemics in almost every period of history. One of these epidemics is cholera. The disease covered almost the entire Ottoman geography in 1832. When the eastern provinces are examined, it is seen that the disease coming from Iran and Russia has shaken the region. When looked at within the scope of the subject, it is noticeable that Erzincan Sanjak, located within Erzurum Province, is located on important trade routes and is adjacent to Erzurum and Sivas provinces. For this reason, in the sanjak, which is located in an area prone to epidemics; Epidemics such as plague, smallpox, syphilis, measles, typhoid and cholera were felt throughout the 19th century. Cholera, one of the most effective of these diseases, has occasionally caused deaths in its mild and severe periods. In this study, using archive documents, the date on which cholera came to Erzincan Sanjak, the ways in which it spread, the appointment of doctors, the number of incidents and deaths in the sanjak, quarantine practices and other measures were emphasized. While discussing the subject, the situation of other sanjaks and districts of the province was also mentioned in order to understand more clearly where and how the disease reached Erzincan. Therefore, in this study, the impact of the cholera epidemic in the east of Anatolia was tried to be revealed in terms of military, administrative, medical and social aspects, centered on Erzincan.
In addition to the Bukhara and Khiva Khanates, which had been living independently in the Turkest... more In addition to the Bukhara and Khiva Khanates, which had been living independently in the Turkestan geography since the mid-16th century, the Kokand Khanate had declared its independence from the beginning of the 18th century. In other words, three separate states independent of each other were established in this geography. The Turkestan Turks living here were fragmented between three separate khanates and a strong unity was absent in the region. In East Turkestan, on the other hand, there was the Kashgar State, which emerged in the 19th century under the leadership of Yakub Bey and fought against China.
Since these independent khanates could not qualify as a pioneer state in Asia, they needed a strong state that they would want to be led by. Therefore, from time to time, they sought help from the Ottoman Empire, which was in control of the caliphate, against Russia, which was advancing in the direction of Turkestan, and against Britain trying to increase its power in the region.
The frequency of correspondence between the Ottoman Empire and khanates of Turkestan increased in the 19th century. In this study, the political, scientific, commercial, and religious relations between the Ottoman Empire and the khanates of Turkestan were analyzed in light of the transcriptions of the documents of the 19th-century Ottoman archive, as well as the sources on the geography of Turkestan and the caliphate. While conducting the research, the role and influence of the caliphate authority in this relationship were taken into consideration. It is argued that the caliphate’s influence on the khanates in this period was not at the desired level.
Batı Anadolu bölgesinde uygarlık tarihinin en eski ve en önemli yerleşim birimlerinden biri olara... more Batı Anadolu bölgesinde uygarlık tarihinin en eski ve en önemli yerleşim birimlerinden biri olarak ortaya çıkan Pergamon'un arkeolojik değeri, XIX. yüzyılın ortalarına doğru Almanların bu bölgede yaptığı bir takım çalışmalarla keşfedilmiştir. Yapılan incelemeler sonucunda, bu büyük kentin gerek izinli gerekse izinsiz yollarla Berlin'de kurulan Pergamon Müzesi'ne aktarılmasına karar verilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, 1866 yılında Bergama'da başlayan kazı çalışmalarının Cumhuriyet dönemine kadarki sürecine değinilmektedir.
Atatürk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi , 2018
In this study, agricultural and livestock activities in the middle of the 19th century of Bergama... more In this study, agricultural and livestock activities in the middle of the 19th century of Bergama district, established on fertile lands of the Bakırçay Basin, were discussed. The study was carried out in consideration of twelve financial records (Temettuat) belonging to the district center, the township sands the villagers. In this research, the total amount of the land in the district center, the township and the villages was calculated. It also focuses on how much of this land is in the field, how much of this land is in the vineyard, and the size of these agricultural enterprises. It is aimed to reveal what are the animals used for cattle and sheep/goat farming,
transporting and field riding and bee keeping activities and how many people have got of these.
MUTAD, 2017
1785-1786 tarihleri arasında Avrupa'nın pek çok ülkesinin yanı sıra Kırım ve Osmanlı topraklarınd... more 1785-1786 tarihleri arasında Avrupa'nın pek çok ülkesinin yanı sıra Kırım ve Osmanlı topraklarında da seyahat eden Lady Elizabeth Craven, bu bir yıllık seyahati boyunca Prusya Dükü ve Sayn Kontu olan Christian Frederick Charles Alexander'a toplamda altmış sekiz mektup yazmıştır. Craven, Fransa'da yazmaya başladığı mektuplarını Viyana'da sonlandırmış, buradan da Prusya Dükü Charles Alexander'ın yanına dönmüştür. Yazdığı bu mektuplarda gezip gördüğü yerlerin doğası, insan ilişkileri, ticari hayatı, kadınlar, erkekler, giyim-kuşam, yapılar, sokaklar, köyler, hayvanlar, mezarlıklar, inançlar ve gelenekler üzerine pek çok konuya değinmiştir. Gezisi esnasında seyahat ettiği memleketlerin geçmişini anlatan notlar çıkarmayı ihmal etmeyen Craven, Kırım'a gelmeden önce de Moskova'da yazdığı bir mektupta öncelikle bu coğrafyanın tarihine değinmiştir. 12 Mart-20 Nisan 1786 tarihleri arasında Kırım'da kalan seyyah, buradaki Kherson,
Journal Of History School, 2017
Journal of Turkish Research Institute
Osmanli Devleti’nde Tanzimat sonrasi gerceklesen reformlardan biri de mulki sistemin tasra idares... more Osmanli Devleti’nde Tanzimat sonrasi gerceklesen reformlardan biri de mulki sistemin tasra idaresinde yeniden yapilanmasidir. Ozellikle 1871 Vilayet Nizamnamesi ile vilayet, sancak ve kaza idaresinde koklu degisiklikler gerceklesmistir. Nizamnamelere gore kurulan meclisler, mahkemeler, kalemler ve kurullarin gayesi devlet merkezine uzak bolgelerin Tanzimat’a uygun bir sekilde islerligini olcmeye yonelik olmustur. 1871 Vilayet Nizamnamesi’nin Osmanli tasrasina getirmis oldugu duzenin yansimalarinin gorulebilecegi en iyi kaynaklari ise vilayet salnameleri olusturmaktadir. Bu salnamelerin hazirlanmasi ve yayimlanmasi noktasinda bazi vilayetlerin nizamnamelerde belirtildigi sekilde titizlik gosterdigi bilinmektedir. Kimi vilayet idaresi hemen her yil salname yayimlarken, bazilari birkac salname ile yetinmistir. Calisma konusunu ilgilendiren Erzurum Vilayet Salnameleri de ilk kez 1870 tarihinde yayimlanmaya baslamis ve belli araliklarla 1900 tarihine kadar 15 defa yayimlanmistir. Tasra idaresi uzerine detayli bilgiler sunan bu salnamelerden yakin donem Erzurum bolgesi tarihinin sosyal, iktisadi, idari, ekonomik ve askeri yapisina iliskin bilgiler edinmek mumkundur. Lokal calismalar noktasinda ihtiyaca cevap veren vilayet salnameleri, calismanin ana kaynagini olusturmaktadir. Bu calismada, Erzincan Sancagi idaresi yillara gore Erzurum Vilayet Salnameleri isiginda incelenmistir. Ayrica sancagin idari taksimatinda gorulen degisim ve gelismeler degerlendirilerek 19. yuzyil Osmanli tasra idaresi alanindaki calismalara katki saglanmaya calisilmistir.
Book Reviews by Asuman Karabulut
Balkan Tarihi Araştırmaları II, 2022
Papers by Asuman Karabulut
Since these independent khanates could not qualify as a pioneer state in Asia, they needed a strong state that they would want to be led by. Therefore, from time to time, they sought help from the Ottoman Empire, which was in control of the caliphate, against Russia, which was advancing in the direction of Turkestan, and against Britain trying to increase its power in the region.
The frequency of correspondence between the Ottoman Empire and khanates of Turkestan increased in the 19th century. In this study, the political, scientific, commercial, and religious relations between the Ottoman Empire and the khanates of Turkestan were analyzed in light of the transcriptions of the documents of the 19th-century Ottoman archive, as well as the sources on the geography of Turkestan and the caliphate. While conducting the research, the role and influence of the caliphate authority in this relationship were taken into consideration. It is argued that the caliphate’s influence on the khanates in this period was not at the desired level.
transporting and field riding and bee keeping activities and how many people have got of these.
Book Reviews by Asuman Karabulut
Since these independent khanates could not qualify as a pioneer state in Asia, they needed a strong state that they would want to be led by. Therefore, from time to time, they sought help from the Ottoman Empire, which was in control of the caliphate, against Russia, which was advancing in the direction of Turkestan, and against Britain trying to increase its power in the region.
The frequency of correspondence between the Ottoman Empire and khanates of Turkestan increased in the 19th century. In this study, the political, scientific, commercial, and religious relations between the Ottoman Empire and the khanates of Turkestan were analyzed in light of the transcriptions of the documents of the 19th-century Ottoman archive, as well as the sources on the geography of Turkestan and the caliphate. While conducting the research, the role and influence of the caliphate authority in this relationship were taken into consideration. It is argued that the caliphate’s influence on the khanates in this period was not at the desired level.
transporting and field riding and bee keeping activities and how many people have got of these.